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RE: A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 20) - The Hours Between 0000 and 0100

in #fiction7 years ago

Hours eh. HOURS XD

Ahh that poor having a midlife/existential crisis already. And goodness empathising with the GIANTS D: they really have gotten under his skin! Maybe he needs to learn the ways of the ninja and to move without thinking. That'll get them.

I absolutely adored his perspective on those devices the giants handed him. If you heard insane giggling from somewhere far away it may have well been me XD


Shoot! That reminds me, I forgot to put a complementary image! Haha I was so used to plaintext that I forgot I edited images for the chapters. Maybe I should be the one who moves with thinking.

That's awesome that you pointed out the existential crisis, my friend. I feel this is the chapter that dictated the turn for the ending. I could've easily went balls out fantasy with this one. Here I am hoping that it's the right one. The anxiety of the ending is slowly increasing for me. Only a month more of this! :O

So that was you! For a second there, I thought there was a ghost child where I was. Glad to know I haven't gone off the rails completely. Thanks for this entertaining insight, my friend! Your support is always a welcome sight :D

Well balls out fantasy would have also been fun. You wrote the angst so well though, following Ledd's thoughts here was kind of like a watching a tumble drier in action, hot, thoroughly confusing and rapid XD

And hey if this one felt like the one that you should go with then it's obviously the right one :)

Well balls out fantasy would have also been fun.

Please don't.. I have been really second guessing my decisions lately hahahaha!! I was really trying to go with the mood for every hour. I couldn't have him bouncing off the walls when it's bedtime now, could I? Could I?! Hmmm...

A tumble drier action--now that's a marvelous blurb for the book! haha!

Before we got a weighted blanket and melatonin pills, bouncing off walls was pretty much what my youngest did all night every night until he passed out from sheer exhaustion. Between 11:30pm and 1am after getting put to bed at 8-8:30pm -_-

I did not enjoy that very much. There's only so much going to bed late and getting up early I can manage XD

So yeh anyway it's not outside the realm of impossible :)

Oh shoot >.< Based on my research of his sleep cycle, it's less probable. Let's not emphasize what's possible :/

What's less probable, him sleeping or him bouncing off walls?

I would hope the latter for the sake of his poor parents!

Bouncing of walls!! :/ Hahaha! I don't want to say too much, lest I give away what remains of the story haha!

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