
That poor hellbeast indeed! Talk about all bark and no bite! I'm afraid this is where the action falls off :( Now you see that thing I told you about the forked path to the finale. Would it be disappointing? Tune in next week to find out.

I was so nervous when I put this out, because I knew it wouldn't be able to measure up to the previous two chapters. But, this was the necessary chapter to solidify all the theories for the ending.

I'm just so happy that you were one of the people who stuck around, mate! I truly appreciate the continued support and all the entertaining commentary you provide. Always a pleasure spotting them in the comments section :D

What are you talking about? Stories would get pretty tiring if it was nonstop action. Has to slow down and eventually stop somewhere and it's obviously time to wind down here XD

I'm sure you'll come home strong :)

Haha yeah... People have to note the time the story is happening. Heck, Ledd shouldn't even have been up in this chapter! Haha! This has been a great journey, and I'm just so happy to have been fortunate enough to stumble upon awesome people such as yourself during the course of this story :D

Well perhaps not but sometimes you just have trouble sleeping don't you XD

Likewise, I'm glad I tripped over that early chapter (I can't even remember how I found it).

Haha! You have a point, my friend! :D I think you stumbled upon it because of the fiction trail? You know I remember feeling bad about you commenting that you would keep up with the story then didn't comment for the next 3 or so chapters hahaha I thought you just flaked or something. I'm glad things turned out differently :D

Despite what it may look like I'm actually almost cripplingly shy XP so especially at the outset I have a hard time saying anything to anyone for any reason (and also makes this social networking shenanigans...uh..."interesting"). Sometimes I don't have much to say despite my best efforts and would rather just leave an upvote (I've been doing that a bit much lately, been sitting around 90% for the last couple of weeks) than do the "good post" thing :)

AHAHA! You know what, I'm actually the same way IRL. The level of anonymity that Steemit provides helps me to kind of venture out from my comfort zone and unleash my full potential. The way I act here on Steemit, even to strangers here, is the same way I act around close friends. So yeah, the platform kind of serves as a buffer that keeps my shyness in check :D

I'm...pretty much the same online and offline XD I do a good impression of being conversational and witty online purely because I have more time to consider responses that I would never have afforded in real time XD This is also why I'm generally a lurker in the Discord chats (I'm there and sometimes I even read them but can count on one hand the number of times I've ever actually participated in anything) and anyone will be extremely hard pressed to get me into a voice chat XD

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