Shopping Get Motor/ Belanja Dapat Motor</h

in #fiction6 years ago


Shopping Get Motor/ Belanja Dapat Motor

Rina comes home from work. Herbody feels very tired. Her eyes are very sleepy. After entering the house she wanted to immediately lie down. In. so tired, her eyes saw a message posted on the door of the room.
Message from her mother.
"Don't forget to buy the needs for the program tomorrow. Mother is going to Grandma's house to borrow a large pan. The money is on the table.
She tried to defeat her sleepy. She took the shopping basket and money on the table. Then she sat while looking at the shopping list. Her eyes really can't be opened. She leaned back in the chair. Not long ago her eyes were dim and closed.
Suddenly she felt her hand being held by her sister.
"Come on, Sis, leave immediately."
Rina immediately carried a shopping basket and left for the shop.
After choosing items according to the shopping list she also bought her sister ice cream.
After paying the groceries, the cashier gives a shopping receipt and change.
Miss, because of spending more than two hundred thousand, this is a prize draw that can be chosen. Please select the coupon. Gifts can be slim brought home. "
Rina nodded to take the coupon and rub the coupon with coins. Then dhe noticed the rubbing on the coupon.
Rina almost shouted.
I got a motorbike. Thank God.
So much so that he jumped and her head hit the shelf near the cashier.
Ouch ... sick.
She held her head and woke up from a dream. She realized after hearing the voice of her mother who woke her up from falling from a chair

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.

Bahasa Indonesia

Belanja Dapat Motor

Rina pulang dari kerja. Tubuhnya terasa sangat lelah. Matanya sangat mengantuk. Setelah masuk rumah ia ingin segera membaringkan tubuhnya. Dalam. keadaan yang begitu capek, matanya melihat pesan yang ditempel di pintu kamar.
Pesan dari ibunya.
"Jangan lupa beli kebutuhan untuj acara besok. ibu sedang ke rumah nenek untuk meminjam wajan besar. uangnya ada di atas meja.
Rasa kantuknya coba ia kuasai. Diambilnya keranjang belanja dsn uang di atas meja. Lalu ia duduk sambil melihat daftar belanjaan. Matanya benar-benar tak bisa dibuka. Ia menyandarkan badannya di kursi. Tak seberapa lama matanya redup dan terkatup.
Tiba-tiba ia merasa tangannya digandeng adiknya.
"Ayo kak segera berangkat"
Rina segera menenteng keranjang belanja dan berangkat ke toko.
Setelah memilih barang sesuai daftar belanjaan ia juga membelikan adiknya es krim.
Setelah membayar belanjaan kasirnya memberikan struk belanja dan uang kembalian.
Nona, karena belanja lebih dari dua ratus ribu, ini ada hadiah undian yang bisa dipilih. Silakan pilih kuponnya. Hadiah bisa langsing dibawa pulang. "
Rina mengangguk mengambil kupon dan menggosok kupon dengan koin. Lalu ia perhatikan bekar gosokan pada kupon.
Rina hampir berteriak.
Aku dapat motor. Terima kasih Tuhan.
Saking grmbiranya ia meloncat dan kepalanya terbentur rak di dekat kasir.
Ia pegang kepalanya dan terjaga dari mimpi. Ia baru sadar setelah mendengar suara ibunya yang membangunkannya karena jatuh dari kursi

Terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya. Saya berharap anda menikmatinya

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