The Night Gods III- The Triumph of Evil: Chap XIV. A Man of Peace & Hassan's Prophesy

in #fiction6 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With Many thanks!

While the New Hollywood was busy fawning over the new presidential candidate, Dick and his intrepid patriots were doing some checking of their own. They learned that a movie was in the planning stages showcasing U'Bamah's early life and his meteoric rise to prominence on the political stage. David and Uwe were hard at work scouring the darknet for leads to help unravel the mystery of why a virtually unknown Palestinian would rise suddenly to global prominence. Perhaps some of the answers might also lie in the message Przybysz and Ann were bringing from Vanessa's cousin Gwendolyn.

"This is odd," Uwe mused a perplexed look on his face.

"What, did you find something?" David asked."

"It's more what I didn't find," Uwe said. "Everything I've found is mostly from Israeli Intelligence- it shows that this guy is a terroist... then he just falls off their radar."

"What's the last thing you've got on him?" David asked. "That will at least give us a point of reference- something to go on."

"The best I can tell," Uwe began, "is that he went from Iraq- working for Al Queda- to Syria. Then, just before the war starts, he just disappears. Then he shows up again in Geneva."

"He probably went to Europe with fake papers," Dick, who had just come in, mused.

"That's what I figured too," Uwe added. "What I can't figure out is how did a terrorist suddenly become the man of peace. Also the blank spaces in his history look a little too coincidental."

"He's right," David put in, "it just doesn't make any sense... It's as though it's been done on purpose. Israeli Intel is too good just to lose track of a potential threat."

"There's more that doesn't make any sense too," Dick mused. "Nobody runs for president without the Councils' backing... How did some nobody from Palestine get the attention of the Councils- that's what doesn't make sense to me."

"Unless it's been done on purpose and Israeli Intel is in on it," Uwe broke in.

"When are Prz and Ann due?" David asked. "Maybe they have something."

"Later this afternoon," Dick replied.

In Geneva, Baraq awoke soaked in sweat from a vivid and terrifying dream- this one profoundly different from any of the others... In this one he was a participant rather than a spectator. The previous dreams had featured only the blurred face of his father and his victims. On this night, the victim was Lord Penrose's daughter Gwendolyn, and Baraq himself the killer. He arose at once, disoriented and stumbled to the bathroom to towel off. When he glanced into the mirror, the reflection was not his own... It was that of his father, Eddie Phillips. He quickly looked away and then back, relieved that the image that looked back was his own.

Baraq laid back down, but sleep eluded him- the dream kept replaying itself in his minds eye. He was apalled by it, sickened... However, there was something else in it, scintillating and repellant at the same time- something that attracted him. The image of Gwendolyn, her beautiful eyes full of terror, mesmerized him. Her skin so soft and pliant beneath his knife. He had begun to doze off again, the image of Gwendolyn in his thoughts when he shook himself awake. What if the dream was a prophesy... an image of events to come... He went immediately to Hassan's room to wake him.

Przybysz and Ann arrived in late afternoon as promised, with Anica in tow. Accompanied by Ann she went off to find Barbara to tell of her great adventure. Przybysz went to find Dick with the message from Gwendolyn.

"How's life in the jet set?" Dick asked with a grin.

"Interesting," Przybysz replied, "that's for sure. I met with our counterparts in Italy... wonderful people, dedicated. There's one you'd particularly like, a priest- formerly 82nd Airborne- a Special Ops guy if you can believe it."

"Now he's a priest?" Dick asked surprised.

"When he isn't busy killing people," Przybysz grinned.

"I like this guy already, "Dick said. "So, what's the important message?"

"It's about this U'Bamah guy," Przybysz told him.

"We've been doing a little checking on our own," Dick told his friend. "He was a terrorist... the last thing we had he was in Syria- then he turns up in Geneva."

"He left Syria as a refugee," Przybysz said. "He went first to Germany, then Paris and from there to Geneva with a guy called St. Simone... Council. St. Simone acts as a liason, kind of a recruiter I guess."

"So what's the message?" Dick asked.

"This guy is bad news," Przybysz began, "he hasn't changed a bit- he's still a radical. I'm not positive what they're up to, but I'm pretty sure peace isn't it... not any kind of peace we'd want any part of. Gwendolyn, Vanessa's cousin says he scares the shit out of her."

"What are we supposed to do?" Dick wanted to know.

"Good question," Przybysz replied. "I'm not sure there's anything we can do at this point. If we start broadcasting anything to sway the election, he'll come after us big time... this guy is no Oliveira. Oliveira was stupid, a thug- this guy is evil... and cunning. Plus there's something else, something really dark, like the Council has big plans for him. I don't know- it's something I just can't put my finger on yet."

"What do we do?" Dick asked.

"Keep gathering information," Przybysz told him. "After the election, we'll see. I don't know what else to do."

"What about taking him out?" Dick suggested.

"He's too well guarded, you'd never get close enough," Przybysz replied. "Gwendolyn says there's something different about this guy... something almost supernatural."

"Are you going all spooky on me pal?" Dick laughed.

"I'll give it to you the way she told me," Przybysz began, "you know in the Bible- the antichrist that comes to power promising peace... she thinks this is the guy."

"You don't believe that stuff do you?" Dick asked incredulously.

"I'm not discounting it and neither should you," Przybysz responded. "I haven't met this guy yet, but I have spoken to Gwen and she's scared shitless of him... and she's not the type to scare easily."

"Now that you mention it, it does kinda make sense," Dick said. "I just always thought it was something way in the future."

"Looks like the future might be now," Przybysz told his friend. "Or maybe they're just pushing it... making it happen."

"On a less supernatural note," Dick said, "how's married life?"

"Better than I ever imagined," Przybysz replied, "she's an incredible person, Dick, an amazing lady... I had no idea..."

"Hey," Dick slapped his forehead, "this makes sense to me now."

"What?" Przybysz inquired.

"I didn't think of this when you mentioned the supernatural thing," Dick said, "the Council- you said they serve some Ancient Ones, or something like that..."

"Yeah, but I didn't have anything to do with that aspect," Przybysz told him. "The Doctor and his friends were mostly businessmen. From what I understand it was like a trade-off... The Night Gods are supposed to be the gods of this world. They let the Council prosper in exchange for an occasional war- something like that."

"Yeah, but Penrose, Beck and those guys," Dick began, "you said they were different- sick evil guys... and this U'Bamah, if your Gwen is right, fits right in... I see it now- it's a perfect fit."

"I'm glad that you do," Przybysz said confused, "because I don't get it at all."

"It's all in the Bible," Dick told him, "Revelations- something like seven years of peace, or something like that, I'm not an expert- maybe your priest friend..."

"Father Tony," Przybysz said.

"Yeah," Dick said, "ask him. If I'm not wrong, after seven years or so of peace all hell breaks loose- literally. Wars, pestilence, disease, stuff like that. Something like two-thirds or three quarters of the world's population wiped out... that kind of stuff."

"Holy shit," Przybysz interjected.

"Yeah, exactly," Dick returned with a grim smile. "Or unholy shit!"

"If you're right," Przybysz said, "this is it."

Przybysz sank into a chair covering his face with his hands. Thoughts of Ann and Anica darted through his mind. "We gotta stop this guy- but how?"

"I could be wrong..." Dick replied.

"You really think so?" Przybysz looked up at his friend.

"No," Dick shook his head mournfully... The magnitude of what was happening was sinking in.

Hassan's Prophesy
Hassan listened thoughtfully as Baraq recounted the details of his dream, black eyes glistening as his friend told of the grizzly despoilment. To Hassan the prophesy- and that's exactly what he was convinced it was- was clear. Baraq must follow through- it was ordained. He must seduce and kill Lord Penrose's only child... she would prove the ultimate sacrifice... a final blow against the Infidel- Baraq was to first marry, then murder Gwendolyn Penrose... Baraq shook his head in disbelief at his friend's suggestion.

"But Hassan," he said eyes wide, "it's Lord Penrose's daughter. If I kill her..."

"It's part of Allah's plan," Hassan replied firmly. "Don't you see, this is how you show your supremacy over the white devils... but you must not kill her right away."

"I don't understand," Baraq said.

"It's so very simple, my friend," Hassan replied. "They call you the Chosen One... the embodiment of their gods. When you take Lord Penrose's daughter it will make you their god. First you take her in marriage- seduce her... then you will call for the ultimate sacrifice- your own wife."

"Penrose will never..." Baraq began.

Hassan cut him off: "It will be the true test of their fealty... if they believe you are who they say, they will do it willingly."

"I must think on this," Baraq told his friend. "This is most unsettling." He had no qulams about killing- he had done so many times... but not like this- this was murder, not war.

"But Baraq," Hassan said passionately, "it's all very clear. Allah has spoken to you."

"I think Allah has spoken to you my friend," Baraq laughed. "Let me think about this."

Baraq was still a devout Muslim, having difficulty reconciling what Penrose and his people had told him. He would use them to gain power, but if what Penrose had said was true, he would have to forsake his lifelong beliefs... this would take much more proof. He despised the bizarre rituals Penrose and his friends indulged themselves in. If the newly accumulated power he was accruing could be used to glorify Allah, then so be it. Otherwise...

He returned to bed, the dream all but forgotten. It was all too confusing. Until now, his life had been simple. Now he tried desperately to reconcile his devotion to Allah with his new found prominence. He enjoyed the oppulent lifestyle he and Hassan now lived... What if Penrose was right?

Przybysz was also having difficulty reconciling what he and Dick had discussed. The more he thought, the more troubled he became- images of Ann and Anica flashed through his mind. It was time to call Father Tony... perhaps he could provide some insight. Without thinking about the difference in time, he dialed the priest's secure number and awoke him from a sound sleep.

"Give me a minute Prz," Father Tony said groggy from his slumber. "Let me put some coffee on and call you right back."

"Sorry Father," Przybysz apologized, "this has me so worried I didn't think about the time."

Fifteen minutes later Przybysz' phone rang. Przybysz explained everything he and Dick had discussed, beginning with Fawkes warning about U'Bamah and the Biblical implications. Father Tony listened patiently without interrupting, making mental notes as he went. When Przybysz finished, he began...

"If it makes you feel any better," he said, "the Bible also says we win in the end."

"I don't get you." Przybysz replied.

"Before St. John of Patmos wrote Revelations, the Lord said of St. Peter, 'Upon this rock I build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.'"

"I'm still not following you Father," Przybysz said dubiously. "I'm not a very religious guy."

"It means that Jesus' Church wins in the end." Father Tony told him

"You mean the Catholic Church?" Przybysz asked.

"No, not exactly. The Vatican was taken over by evil forces many years ago... it's a long story for another time," Father Tony explained. "Jesus' Church means the body of believers... those that actually follow Biblical precepts."

"But you're a Catholic," Przybysz replied. "Do you mean..."

"This is kind of complicated Prz," the Father told him, "let's just say for now that there's the real Church and the false Church... Jesus himself warned about false prophets, saying 'they come disguised as lambs but inside are ravening wolves.'"

"So how are we supposed to know the difference?" Przybysz wanted to know.

"If what you say about this U'Bamah is true it will be easy- many will follow the false prophet."

"But the Bible says that much of the world's population will be wiped out." Przybysz said.

"Look at how many already died in the war," Father Tony said sadly, "They're well on their way."

"What can we do to stop it?" Przybysz asked. "We have to stop it."

"How Prz?" Father Tony asked.

"We have to get to him," Przybysz said. "What does the Bible say, surely you must..."

"I'm just a priest Prz, not a prophet," the priest laughed. "You can't change prophesy... it's not a hint or a suggestion- it's what's going to happen."

"We can't change it?" Przybysz was grasping at straws.

"It wouldn't be prophesy then," Father Tony told him.

"Then what do we do?" Przybysz was getting a hopeless feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Keep fighting the good fight," Father Tony replied.

"That's it?" Przybysz asked.

"You're a good man, Prz, and you've been accomplishing many great things. Keep it up," Father Tony said emphatically. "If it makes you feel any better, he only wins for a short time- the good guys win in the end."

"Thanks Father," Przybysz responded. "I'll let you get back to sleep."

Father Tony laughed again: "You think I can sleep after what you just told me?"

"So you really think this is it?" Przybysz asked the priest. "What are you going to do?"

"Someone needs to begin uniting people of faith," the priest replied solemnly.

"But Christainity has been banished- it's illegal," Przybysz said.

"So is what we've been doing- killing people," Father Tony laughed. "Christianity started out illegal, remember. They can outlaw Christianity, but they can't stop it... maybe this will be the new beginning."

"You'll be putting yourself in a whole lot of danger," Przybysz informed him. "Drawing attention to yourself."

"Like blowing up bridges and shooting UN troops is safe," Father Tony laughed. "It's a dangerous world now Prz. All I can say is our Lord died for us and I'm perfectly willing to return the favor."

"I admire your faith Father," Przybysz said sincerely.

"Look Prz," the priest replied, "I don't have all the answers, I'm not certain I have any. Let's wait until after the election and see which way the winds blow."

"Do you think Oliveira has a chance?" Przybysz asked.

"Not a prayer," Father Tony laughed. "I sincerely believe that you and Dick's suspicions are true... looks like this is it."

"So what do I do?" Przybysz asked a worried tone in his voice.

"Keep Ann and Anica safe," Father Tony advised him. "Keep doing what you've been doing. Keep the faith Prz... we'll find a way."

"I've never had any faith Father," Przybysz replied, "I've never even been baptized."

"That we can fix," Father Tony said, "that is, if it's what you want."

"At this point, it couldn't hurt," Przybysz said. "Say a prayer for us."

"Always," was the priests reply.




I think Father Tony is right. It wouldn't be prophesy if we could change it.

Yup... Father Tony is going to be a very important character s we go forward!

How long your story was. But very horror and awesome story.
When the evil comes on earth then a hero born to remove that evil.
Obviously the hollywood movies are always full of mystery romance and action.
I like most the character of devid.

Posted using Partiko Android

Amazing beautiful story.
But I am scared this story is very horror

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