Regnad Kcin- Private Eye... The Case of the Erstwhile Accountant- Part VI

in #fiction6 years ago

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I debated stopping off at my apartment along the way for a shower and a quick change of clothes but thought better of it... time was of the essence and whoever was behind these attacks wasn't about to give me a time-out. I lit a Lucky, my first of the day, and let a trail of satisfying smoke out through my nose. I leaned my head back against the headrest and thought...

Someone behind me started blowing their horn, a not-so-subtle reminder the light had changed. When I pulled into the parking lot at Pimpledick Accounting I noticed that it was almost empty- there were only three of four cars in the lot. The double glass doors were locked so I knocked loudly with my fist... a mousy looking woman in her late forties let me in.

The place was in shambled- desks overturned, papers strewn everywhere... "Someone broke in last night," she informed me, "the police are on their way- they said not to touch anything."

"I'm looking for Philip," I told her. "Is he here?"

"Mr. Philip didn't come in this morning," she said. "It's most unusual, he's usually the first one here."

"Do you have his address?" I asked.

"Yes, but..." she began.

"He may be in danger," I interrupted her. "I need to go and make sure he's safe>"

That did the trick- she wrote his address on a slip of paper. I thanked her and headed off in the direction of his place in the West Hollywood Hills, but not until after I stopped by my apartment for a 30 second shower, a quick shave, a change of clothes and my old 1911 .45. I didn't usually carry a pistol, it just wasn't necessary, but things had changed. Whoever was out to stop me had apparently missed my apartment, it hadn't been touched. I packed a few days worth of clothes and my shaving kit... I had a feeling I wouldn't be back for at least a few days.

When I got to Philip's place I let out a low whistle... if you could afford a place like this on a personal assistant's salary I was definitely in the wrong business. I pulled into the sloped drive that led up to the house, one of those modern places all concrete and glass. The double wooden front doors were in a recessed alcove... one of them was ajar. I pushed it open enough to stick my head in and yell: "Anybody home?"

I heard what sounded like a muffled moan. Taking my pistol out, I slowly walked in... the place was a mess, it looked like it had been remodeled with a wood-chipper. As I ventured into the large living room, I saw Philip lying in the debris. He was completely naked, trussed up with both hands tied to his feet behind his back- he was gagged. Somebody had given him a really good going over, he was bruised from head to foot and his head was bleeding. I knelt beside him and removed the gag...

He mumbled something, but I couldn't make it out. I took out my pocket knife to cut his bonds, but he shook his head. He was trying to tell me something... I leaned closer so I could hear.

"The code," he whispered. "They're after the code."

"What's the code?" I asked.

He shook his head slowly, his eyes rolled up and he was dead. I took out my cell phone and called Manny Salinas before heading outside for a smoke- I wished I'd have brewed a thermos of coffee... it was going to be a long day. After giving Manny a brief rundown of what I had found, he informed me to stay put, saying that we were going to have a little chat about the shitstorm that seems to be following me around these days. I hung up and not ten seconds later...

My phone rang, it was Elnora. Flora was about to be released from the burn center. I asked her to pick her up and take her to Thousand Oaks. I figured she'd be safe there- at least until I could get there. I debated asking about the code, but that was a question I wanted answered face to face. I was beginning to like her, but I didn't quite trust her yet- not all the way at least.

Manny showed up with the coroner and a couple of guys from the Homicide Squad, one of them I knew, the other one a stranger, a powerfully built black guy that kept eyeing me suspiciously.

"Who's the new guy?" I asked Manny.

"He's new, just made detective," Manny replied. "A real social climber if you know what I mean... I don't like him. Let's go somewhere where we can talk."

"I'll take his statement," he called to the detectives. "Better get the crime lab guys here- this is one helluva mess."

I started giving Manny the play by play, how Elnora had come to the office concerned that she couldn't find her brother. I figured it for a routine missing persons case- I'd poke around his usual haunts while Flora got on her computer looking for credit card transactions and other financial data, hotel receipts, etc..

"Find anything?" Manny asked.

"Didn't get much of a chance," I told him. "All of this other shit started happening and I've been on the run ever since."

"What do you think about the brother?" He asked.

"I figure he's either dead, or living on a beach in Thailand with a 14 year-old boy," I said. "Look Manny, there's something else."

At some point I was going to have to trust somebody- there was no way I could keep Flora and Elnora alive, not to mention myself without help. Manny was as straight as they come, so I figured I might as well unload this on him... what's the worst that could happen? Somebody on the inside already knew something, otherwise my phone wouldn't have been tapped, Flora's apartment wouldn't have been blown up and Philip with one l would likely still be alive. He listened patiently until I was finished before speaking...

"Holy fucking shit," he gasped. "Is this on the level... you're implicating the police commissioner?"

"I'm just telling you what I know," I replied. "You're the most honest cop I know Manny and at this point I have to trust someone... I didn't know who else to turn to."

"Thanks a lot pal," he shot back with a grin, "I owe you one. Where is this box of evidence?"

"The originals I have put away for safekeeping," I said, "just in case anything happens to me. I made a few copies."

"You know I'm going to want to look at them," he said. "Maybe together we can piece some of this together."

"You're not going to tell anybody?" I asked.

"Naw," he replied with a smile. "I never liked that prick anyway. You go and see to your ladies and I'll be in touch later. Where will you be."

I gave him the address of Elnora's mansion in Thousand Oaks and thanked him. Either I could trust him, or I'd likely be a line or two in the obituary before long. I headed that way.

When I got there Elnora and Flora were waiting. Flora had some bumps and bruises and her hair had been singed, but all in all she was none the worse for the wear. She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed. "I'm glad you're safe," she said.

"I tried to get you out of town," I scolded her, "but you wouldn't listen."

"And I'm still not going anywhere," she pouted. "Elnora said I'm welcome to stay with her until this all gets settled. She even gave me some of her clothes until you buy me more."

I looked over at Elnora who rolled her eyes: "I figure we'll all be safer if we stay together."

I informed them about me meeting with Manny Salinas. "Sooner or later we're going to have to bring the police in on this and there's nobody I trust more than Manny."

We all sat down for a cup of joe and I figured it was a good time to question Elnora about the mysterious code. I told her about what I found at Philip's place.

"He said 'they were after the code' do you know what that means?" I asked, eyes engaging hers.

"I know that what's in that box in in some kind of code," she said. "It all has to do with trafficking kids, but they're not going to say that, so there's code words for different kinds of kids and where they go. There's a key somewhere to break the code."

I sat back and closed my eyes. This just gets better and better I thought to myself.


What a busy life he is leading.
"She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed. "I'm glad you're safe," she said." Daughterly?

Yes Len, yes! Wait until you get caught up in a day or two... you'll see.

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