Regnad Kcin- Private Eye... The Case of the Erstwhile Accountant- Part V

in #fiction6 years ago

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It seemed like a matter of seconds before Elnora was back, tossing me her keys saying: "We'll take mine."

I had no problem with that, the ZX was parked on the street outside the gate and anyone would have had plenty of time to sabotage it again. I love that car, it was the first new car I ever owned and I pampered it... I had a sneaking suspicion, however, our time together was drawing to a close- especially if things continued down the road they were.

We jumped into Elnora's Bentley and headed toward Floras. The traffic was light so we made good time, but not good enough... as we approached Flora's apartment complex there were cops and firetrucks everywhere. The building was engulfed in flames. I jumped from the car leaving Elnora behind and began racing toward the scene. On the way I spotted Frank Murphy, a uniform I'd known for years...

"What happened Frank?" I asked feeling like I'd been kicked in the gut.

"Some kind of bomb, Reg," he said, "I'm not sure of the details... the bomb guys are up there now, along with the firemen."

"Any fatalities?" I asked not sure if I really wanted the answer.

"I'm not sure," Frank replied holding his hands out to the side. "They took a girl away in an ambulance a few minutes ago. Why, is there somebody here you know?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Who's in charge, do you know?"

"Captain Salinas," Frank told me. "This must be important to have a captain involved."

I thanked him and headed closer, Elnora had caught up and took my arm. Manny Salinas was a good guy, a straight arrow- I was grateful for that. As we got closer you could smell that pungent aroma that pervades all house fires. Elnora clutched my arm harder.

"Is it her?" She asked, a look of real concern in her eyes.

"I'm not sure," I replied patting her hand. For some reason I can't explain I really needed her at the moment. "They took a girl away in an ambulance, but I don't..."

I caught sight of Manny Salinas and strode toward him dragging Elnora behind. "Manny," I called out. "What's going on?"

"Hey Reg," he called back. "Long time no see. What brings you this way?"

"A friend," I began, "The girl that works for me... she lives here."

"What's her name?" Manny asked.

"Flora Sullivan," I shot back.

"They took her to Grossman, in West Hills," Manny informed me. "She's going to be ok," he said. "What does all of this have to do with you?"

"I'll call you, Manny," I told him. "We really need to talk."

"You know I can hold you as a material witness," he said.

"You can shoot me too. I'll call you soon," I said turning on my heel dragging Elnora toward the car. I scanned the crowd that had gathered, looking for familiar faces, but saw none. We jumped in the Bentley and headed west toward the burn center. Elnora, sensing my concern, kept quiet along the way. She had taken the opportunity to snuggle up close and hold my arm, laying her head on my shoulder... for some reason I didn't mind.

When we got there, we walked inside, my guts were churning despite Manny's assurances... I wouldn't be satisfied until I saw Flora. I walked to the nurses station and asked: "Flora Sullivan?"

"Are you family?" an officious acting nursed asked.

"Yeah, I'm her uncle," I said, "Where is she?"

"The doctor's with her now," she informed me. "You'll have to wait. She hasn't been taken to a room, so you can sit out here."

"I'm also a police officer," I lied, pulling out my gold shield. It said retired on it but I didn't intend to let her scrutinize it for any length of time. "Where is she?"

"Down that hall to the right," the nurse replied pointing toward a set of double doors. "I suppose you're with the police too," she said looking toward Elnora.

"No," she smiled sweetly, "I'm his aunt." The doors buzzed as we approached and we made our way toward where Flora was. The doctor was just exiting a bed cordoned off by a curtain.

"How is she, Doctor?" I asked.

"She's shaken up pretty badly," he replied, "but she'll make a full recovery. She was saved by the refrigerator door... it took the bulk of the blast. Otherwise..." his voice trailed off.

"Was she burned?" I asked. "Was she hurt?" my head was full of a thousand questions but I couldn't get them to come out.

"A few minor burns, some lacerations, a couple of bumps and bruises, but nothing significant," he reassured me. "We'll keep her overnight for observation, of course, it's standard procedure... but she should be able to go home in the morning if nothing comes up."

My gut was finally beginning to unknot and I could think clearly again. I needed to call Manny, but I was unsure of how much to tell him. He was a straight guy, and I was sure he wasn't involved in any of the seedy business in those boxes, but if I told him anything it would have to be a little at a time. But on the other hand I needed some security for Flora. I pulled out my cell and rang Manny's number...

"Manny," I began. "I stumbled into something in the middle of a missing persons case and apparently I stepped on some of the wrong toes."

"Anybody I know?" Manny queried.

"Not anybody I even know yet," I lied, "at least not for sure. I've only just started this thing and I had to call Mike Patterson- you remember him, he's on the bomb squad. Somebody tried to blow up the ZX."

"Go on," Manny said.

"I don't know what else I can tell you," I said. "I was concerned after Mike found the bomb in my car so I thought I should come round and check on Flora. Manny, I'm afraid somebody might try something while she's in the hospital overnight... can you put a man on her- someone you trust?"

"Do you think it's a cop behind it?" Manny asked.

"I don't know anything for sure," I replied, "but somebody had my phones tapped... at this point I don't know who to trust. You've always been a straight shooter Manny, I was relieved to find you in charge of the case."

"Ok," he said, "I'll have somebody right over there. Good thing it's you asking Reg, if it had been somebody else..."

"Thanks Manny," I said, relieved. "I'll wait here until he gets here.

"By the way, who's your girlfriend?" Manny asked, I could almost see him smiling on the other end of the phone.

"A client," I replied casually, "It's her brother I'm looking for."

"I'm doing you a favor, Reg," Salinas said. "I want you to keep me in the loop on this."

"I will Manny," I promised. "Thanks again for the help."

The security Manny sent was a woman officer named Kraus. I knew her, she was a dedicated cop who had better than 10 years of experience and a sterling reputation. I gave her a brief rundown of what was going on, being careful not to tell her too much. Then I left to drive Elnora home. When we got there she was insistent again that I stay. By this time I was too exhausted to argue and I gave in. Against my better judgement I decided to leave my precious ZX on the street- at least until after sunup when I could inspect it for explosives.

In the morning, I decided, it was time to reinterview Philip with one l. I didn't trust him, not necessarily because of what Elnora had told me, but there was something about him- something creepy... and it wasn't because he was gay. Elnora wanted to stay up and look through the box of material, bit I told her to leave where she had hidden it before we left... I was exhausted and desperately wanted sleep. Elnora covered me with a blanket and curled up next to me and we went to sleep.

After coffee and a croissant in the morning I decided to head for Wiltshire Blvd.. Elnora wanted to accompany me, but I told her I might need her to pick Flora up at the burn center- she reluctantly agreed. Having her there when I tried to get answers out of Philip would only have made things worse. I walked down the drive toward my ZX... I had placed a wet piece of thread across the doorway- it was still there. I looked underneath and found nothing, the door was still locked so I decided to give it a try. It started without a hitch... or an explosion. I headed for Wiltshire Blvd.


What make's this so right Rich is I can envision the theme really well from your writing.

I think (hope) I may finally be becoming a writer! Thanks my old friend!

good to see you are looking after the help, loosing an office girl would be difficult in the middle of a case like this.

She's more like family... Reg has a fatherly attachment toward her.

That's what they always say.
Mind you, if you are going to have an additional daughter, she might as well be pretty, it might bring in the customers.

Superb writing.

Thank you Brother! Writing is finally fun again... most of what I write about is so hard on the soul. I started out to write a short spoof on the old 40's film noir genre... but this is so much fun I think it will turn into another book. I find the best way to tell the truth is through fiction.

Writing is finally fun again... most of what I write about is so hard on the soul.

It shows.
I will be the first to buy the book. Autographed as the first two.

Much love in Jesus, Rich! You are blessed. Stay blessed!

Thank you my Brother in Christ! As always it will be my honor for you to have the first copy! I have a feeling this will be the best!

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