On to Phase Two of the Writers' Block Sci-Fi Contest!

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

The deadline just passed for the Writers’ Block Sci-Fi Contest! And I could not be more pleased. We have a field of twelve entries, and some of them are magnificent! We’re now headed into the second phase of the contest, which is further editing by our crackerjack team, with the goal of “polishing these stories until you can see your face in them.” (Hat tip to @tinypaleokitchen for that lovely turn of phrase.)

None of the entries should appear on Steemit until the five finalists are chosen. The remaining participants are free to post at that time. We hope to see Curie curations for some, if not all, of them. We also expect to see curation and other nice upvotes for the winners. These folks have worked very hard on this. Our goal is to reward them well. The top five entries will also be circulated on various social media platforms by Writers’ Block accounts, as well as appear on the Writers’ Block website on our “Stories from the Block” page.

The Writers’ Block will award prizes for the following categories of excellence:

  1. Best Overall
  2. Most Improved
  3. Best Character Development
  4. Best Original Plot
  5. Best Line

Other categories may be added. Also, entrants may win multiple categories. None of the top five finalists will go away empty-handed.

The following people and entities have donated to the prize pool:


@v4vapid, one of my favorite fiction supporters on the entire platform, has offered a 100% upvote for the overall winner, 50% for the runner-up, and 25% for the next runner-up. As I said, we all want to reward the effort that has gone into producing publishable-quality fiction for this contest.

Below is a list of everyone with an active submission. If you have entered the contest and don’t see your name on this list, please DM me on Discord and I’ll add you.


Happy New Year, Steemit family!


Thank you @v4vapid for your support! It means a lot to the rest of us, not just Rhonda!

I am really looking forward to working with these authors. I've already seen several of them make big steps in their pieces and I'm eager to work with those I haven't seen yet as well.

I know that the critique on the Block can seem quite intense at times. Remember that we're here to help you and that helping you also helps us become better writers and editors. I love it when an author pushes me to improve my skills as an editor.

This is perhaps the most exciting contest I've seen. Can't wait to see the finished works!

Having submitted something & gotten feedback has already taught me several things. Very valuable, even though my story is actually more of an experimental/social-critique/present-dystopian nature, which may or may not be accessible for a general audience. A great insight (among other things) which a long and nice discussion with @bex-dk has shown me. Very grateful.
And now, back to writing!

I couldn't agree more. The experience has been a reward in and of itself.

I am really glad I was able to help, even though my comments weren't all easy to hear. But it never is. The stuff that hurts without being cruel is what we need to hear, so we can make wise choices on what we keep and what we change before it's too late.

I look forward to seeing all these wonderful stories (and their writers) get the recognition and care they deserve! So psyched!!

@v4vapid's support has always been awesome!

Good luck everyone taking part.

so good to share,lovely contest to join @rhondak

Looking forward to phase two!

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