The Unexpected Ghost | Part 1 of 2 [a nightbb story]

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Whisper, the establishment that I ran, was easily one of the most popular readies in the city. Like other readies, it served light refreshments along with providing a variety of zines and publications for customers to read. Unlike others, it was themed heavily around the supernatural. There weren’t a lot of shop owners who wanted to tempt fate by focusing so heavily on the ghosts that plagued the city but I was ambitious and from my arrival in the city I’d followed an intricate plan t success that hinged heavily on the ghosts.

Legends, lore, and information regarding sightings of the restless dead that walked the streets was the spark that drew patrons to the space. A few visitations had even happened on the premises over the years, though I preferred to keep that to a minimum. Many patrons were drawn to the allure of mystery and macabre, but few truly wanted to get up close and personal with it. Whisper carried with it both the thrill of being close to such things and the safety of being removed from them.

The building itself say comfortably close to the border between the Second and Third Quarters of the city. I had long ago purchased it from the Blackmoon Family, paying well above asking price to endear myself to them and start cultivating a bond of loyalty. Though the city officially ran through public services administered by the city’s AI and computer grid, protocols that had been issued by the heads of the Four Moon Families themselves, in truth it was the rise and fall of alliances, betrayals, and politics between the families and one’s allegiance to them that truly dictated one’s quality of life. I had chosen my allegiance early and held fast to it. And Whisper had flourished for my steadfastness. I was ambitious but thoughtful in all things.

This afternoon was quiet but with a steady string of regular customers to fill their favourite sears. I set down a cup of brew for the customer at the counter before making the rounds of the shop. Sickle and Precious, two famous mediums, had staked out the large plush armchairs in the far corner. A wealth of reading materials were spread out on the table before them as they argued companionably about the latest rumours of ghost sightings. I spied the empty plate tucked to the side and made a note to have one of the servers prepare a fresh plate of their favourite delicacies. The two were an invaluable source of information to me, though they didn’t know it. I had made plenty of allies and good trades with the information they had let pass through their lips during their discussions. I was grateful for, if quiet, their patronage and made sure they received the best treatment. It helped that they enjoyed the atmosphere of Whisper and how being seen here added to their own allure and fans.

Fortunately for me, there was another advantage to having them here today. They were key to my current goal falling into place. I walked over to them and with my customary grace, waiting until Sickle made eye contact before entering their space and sitting down.

“How is everything?” I asked politely.

“Delicious, as always,” Precious replied, smiling warmly.

“It’s a pleasure as always to have you here,” I said. I glanced towards the large wooden table. “I enjoyed your last broadcast quite a bit. We’ve long heard stories about The Bell House here. Maybe if there’s interest, you would consider a discussion?”

Precious followed my gaze and nodded, grinning.

“That’s a great idea,” she said. “Could create some interest or content for a follow up show. It’s a truly terrifying subject.”

Despite her ominous words, her eyes sparkled and she nodded to Sickle who packed up some things to move to the large wooden table.

“Honestly, Winter, you are an excellent host. I appreciate how much you do to encourage our success,” Precious purred. I smiled humbly and gave the slightest bow.

“Your success is my success,” I responded smoothly.

After ensuring they were settled with a fresh tray of delicacies and drinks, I checked the shelves to ensure the publications were all stocked, including our best-selling house zine which had been flying off the shelves since Miette and I published it a few weeks ago. Miette herself was present this afternoon as well in her favourite corner, sketching and scribbling, no doubt researching the information we’d gleaned from the ghost we had met at Evony Goldmoon’s auction party weeks ago.

It had been a curious encounter that had enlightened us regarding some facts of the city’s history. The ghost, whose name was Forest, had shared with us what he remembered from his life before he had succumbed to the plague we called The Ruin that ravaged the city during his time and lingered still.

Miette’s lover Yurome was curled up beside her, quietly flipping through a stack of books I didn’t recognize. Despite her silence, Yurome had an aura of authority and charisma that invited the desire to serve. Even I was not immune it, no matter how familiar we’d become, and I headed in their direction to see if there was anything they needed after bringing the customer at the counter a cup of brew. I was headed there anyway but I definitely felt myself perk up as she noticed me and smiled, beckoning. I sat in a chair near them and smiled.

“How are you today, darlings?” I asked. “Hard at work?”

Miette glanced at me and smiled before turning back to her work.

“She’s obsessed,” Yurome said in a light, teasing tone. “For months, I’d been trying to find something to pull her out of a grey turn and you offering her this job was a gift.”

“It is advantageous for me as well,” I replied. “The first issue that Miette created with our sponsorship is easily the best-selling house produced zine we’ve ever sold. We had to order several more print runs of ‘The Auction Party’ to fulfill demand.”

“That was a stroke of luck,” Yurome mused. “Toget get up close and personal which such a coherent spirit as Forest. It’s a tantalizing story. We know very little about the individual spirits that haunt the city. What we mostly have is rumours so it was very compelling.”

“Forest was very informative,” Miette said. My ears perked up but I maintained my composure. Yurome was very perceptive and I wanted my motivations kept obscured for now.

“Oh?” I responded. Miette nodded.

“He was strong because he was anchored in Evony Goldmoon’s home. It had been his home when the Ruin took him. Unanchored spirits drifting around seem to lose their sense of self quicker.”

“I’m very glad my tip worked out for both of us,” I said. “It can be hard to tease out fact from rumour, like you said. Especially since not everyone can see spirits or communicate with them, particularly if they’re not very strong.”

“I actually have another rumour that I wanted you to follow up on for the next issue, if you’re interested.”

Miette’s head shot up and she held my gaze intently and nodded. I bowed my head and rose, making my way to the office to fetch the file I’d prepared. On my way back out to them, I fetched the customer who had been waiting at the counter a brew…

Hey! My name is Ciel Sainte-Marie (aka So Nefarious). I'm a writer and artist hanging out on Steem, writing stories, and studying games. My dream is to be a game designer so follow @renegadegaming to watch that develop. You can read the first story I posted on Steem here: The Ghost at the Auction Party

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