
I love the way you describe the gruesome battle!

Thank you @marcoriccardi. This story just kinda flowed through me, a lot like Ulfric's berserk rage ;-)

That's an epic ending. Enjoyed how you added mythology to it.

Thanks @cyemela. Yeah, the Norse mythology is something I have loved since I was a child. I really like the series 'vikings' as well so this story felt very natural in the writing :-)

I loved the different views of both sides, as well as that the battle happened despite the arrival of the gods :)
Great story!!

Yeah, I felt like that was the thing I was going for from the moment I started writing it. I wanted to show both sides using this inexplicable UFO as a divine inspiration for the charge to war. Lol, I feel like this is one of religions biggest failings. always, to end up as an excuse for division and persecution. Anyway, beyond all that stuff that's honestly what I think leaders at that time would have done in the context they saw things, interpret the space ship as a divine being etc

I liked Ulfric drinking from the fountain of blood, very berserker. Also good to see the gods honor both sides, I never thought superior beings would pick and choose between religions

I never thought superior beings would pick and choose between religions

Spot on @flyyingkiwi. I must admit their was a little bit of the stargate style idea in this one as well. Like the aliens using the image of gods to interact with ancient people. Not sure how ell that came across though.

I can tell that you have a deep knowledge of the Norse mythology, which gave solidity to the whole story from the beginning. I think that the comparison between the two different perspectives, the Norse and the Christian one, about the spaceship sighting was also very interesting.
But the part I loved the most was where the action begins. I admired your mastery in creating dynamism like in this passage:

Ulfric swung his axe while singing to the gods, tongue lolling in the crack of bone and rip of sinew, forging a path of meat to meet the prince.

"Forging a path of meat"..that's great, Rowan! I think it's not easy to be original in describing a battle scene, but your rhetoricals and lexicon succeeded in the task!

Thanks @f3nix

I think that the comparison between the two different perspectives, the Norse and the Christian one, about the spaceship sighting was also very interesting.

I did really want to get that across and it's great to hear it worked. I loved writing the battle scene. It was like an episode of 'vikings' in my head as I wrote it ;-)

My what a fabulous ending. Great job.

Week #18 slowly stepped out from the shadows.. Godspeed, brave storyteller!

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