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RE: Winner: Concoct-A-Verb Contest

in #fiction6 years ago


Block, it is unusual that a Contest Winner's Post manages to, itself, become a post worthy of acclaim. You pulled it off. I laughed all the way through.

Drunkcellence ... @Stever82 ... may I have your permission to use that word (with attribution) at some time in the not distant future? Although I'm not yet sure how I'd use it, I have an instinct that there is genius wrapped up in that word ... and if not genius, then at least a damn funny post.

Block, thanks for running this crazy-and-yet-somehow-brilliant contest. And kudos to all the other Participants (@shadowmask @manoldonchev, @ifoundnoel & @stever82) ... well done, all.

BTW, great video on close.



Thanks, Quill. Greatness begets greatness. I couldn't have done it without you, though I'll never be the same now that I have. :-)


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm keeping you young. :-)


ha ha yep, that's true!

Feel free to use it just tag me so I can see what you do with it.

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