A Place You Stay Forever : Chapter 2 Quarter Moon At The Dance Club

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

" Too soon for a tourist."

The blue haired girl in the tight red dress grabbed her Aunt' s hand on the railing overlooking dance floor.

She was staring slyly at the muscular middle aged man as he trust his hips confidentiality to the bass drums steady groove while moving amongst the college aged crowd.

"He must be just passing through like the others Aunt Giaan."

" Could we do the testicle spell again this time " she asked while pushing her leather red dress against the women's bent hip.

" He's not like the other buffoons you've been squeezing for your brew oils."

She answered in a sagacious tone.

" His eyes are green. "

The elder enchantress pushed against the young conjurer in unison to the rhythmic pump from the clubs sound system.

"Even better. We can add his ejaculation to the communal cauldron and keep Mistress Redwind rejuvenating. "

The middle aged women gave the young blue hair vixen a playful evil eye then lead her by hand down the circuital staircase toward the dance floor.

           Salvador Seimors decide many moons ago to always let
         loose during  any social dance floor situation.It was an 
         old self imposed rule he  always upheld and obeyed
         regardless, even if his enthusiastic dancing 
         was inappropriate for the occasion.
         In University he was affectionately know as   
         Dance'n Sal to his fraternity.
            A dance floor was  the one place in life he    
         wouldn't give a shit what people thought.
         His blatant inhibition at clubs somehow actually
         magnetised women towards him. They usually
         assumed the demurely  dressed tall athletic male
         with well groomed hair parted to the left
         was homosexual.  

All the Witches in the room watched Salvador dance like a man possessed.

When he dressed for his first night out in the small city , he made sure to wear an Indian cotton white shirt. This light fresh feeling fabric would help evaporate the perspiration he knew would eventually expel from his flesh shell over the course of evening while his happy feet crooned into a smooth groove inside an untrodded boogie room.

Salvador was impressed with the only dance club in town. It was a nice medium sized venue with a booming room tuned sound system. There were multiple levels to watch fellow clubbers become convoluted with each other as well as private spaces where multifarious secluded booths imply discrete shadowy interactions.

He had transferred an entire Bitcoin to his debit card earlier that day with the intention of getting whiskey drunk and dancing his face off. Salvador planned to stay at the best hotel in town for one month . It would be a silent reward to himself for holding on tight to his bitcoins while other early adopters cashed out too early .

It was important to Salvador that he didn't flaunt his new wealth. It was his intention to fly under the radar upon his arrival to Penticton. That was the flexible plan he envisioned while riding the greyhound west for days deliberating the first few maneuvers he'd make during this new life he could chisel uninhibitedly with patience .

He knew not having to worry about money ever again was about to change his entire earthly reality.

If he had stayed in a big city environment Salvador deep down knew he'd fuck it all up.

Becoming an accidental bitcoin millionaire later in life after living the majority of his non-mortal time in an continual unlucky rut gave Salvador unexpected anxiety.

This was his moment in time to create something enduring . Become a predominant contributing citizen in a community.

Fall in love again.

Getting whiskey drunk and dancing like a self absorbed raver was the typical introduction Salvador usually made when he felt insecure in an unfamiliar environment .

His height didn't blend well into a club backdrop very inconspicuous. Standing around dominantly gazing down among the crowd always caused Salvador to have an awkward fidget in his pose.

He decide very early in the day he'd make a liquid courage appearance that evening to the Mule Nightclub.

10 minutes after his arrival he looked up with a clenched fist and whisper "yes"

Salvador immediately was engulf with an overwhelming feeling that his life unlucky rut had just magically come to an instant ended. He literally threw a dart at a map of North America and let aerodynamics decide his destination.

Now towering again above a crowd , Salvador saw exactly the probabilities and was thankful he had drank some real Irish Whiskey . That ancestral liquor always stirred some bottle courage into his blood stream.

The entire club was packed with beautiful women. There were so many beautiful women of various ages that Salvador looked around to gauge the cock competition and was astonished to note that there was manly only males who became of age recently.

Considering there was a 4 to 1 ratio of men to women, Salvador decided he'd just let the women approach him. With mathematics on his side and a fat wad of fiat in his pocket he figured eventually after a few of the hotties saw him leave large tips at the bar , he'd have no problem getting some curious youthful boobs bouncing close to him when he unleashed Dance'n Sal .

                    The Mule Nightclub hides the entrance to 
                    Penticton Witches coven . Every quarter
                    moon they convene underneath the club in
                    the buried chambers to strengthen 
                    the entire covens magic powers using ancient
                    rituals that include blood magic and 
                    demonic resurrections conjuring .

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