Sharing a Little something of Mine Part 2

in #fiction6 years ago


Hello all of Steemit once more it is I the one and only Naglfar94. I do not know if any of you remember quite a while back I had made a blog sharing the magic spells and attacks of one of many of my characters from a short story series I write sometimes named Lagios that very blog which the link for I`ll leave right here if you missed it

So todays share I wanna share with you guys is the various attacks and spells used by a character at which I call Yume, and you see that image in this blog of the girl with black hair? That would be Yume a good friend of mine did the drawing of her for me 2 years ago. So Yume here I have quite an attachment to this character to say the least me and this one go back quite a ways because she was the first one I ever thought up While Mina over in the previous blog was my 2nd.

So I guess I shall share a bit about this gal here Yume is the protagonist of her own set of short story chapters and sometimes appears in others as either a bit of an antagonist or neutral ally as of now she is a neutral and in the wake of current events in the story from where I last stopped has gone about solving a set of events herself as she is not that type to want to work with anyone. She is feared throughout the world of Lagios and is known by the nickname by many as the ''Angel of Death'' Because she kills without remorse and quickly next to no one lives to tell of surviving a run in with her. However she was not always like this, she was once a happy person and lead a peaceful life over 300 years before the start of the main timeline! Yep ya heard right over 300 years as of now Yume has been around for 310 years but still retains her youthful look due to not being fully human.

She is actually half human half darkling and it is this very thing that turned her life terrible, at the time she was younger humans and the other species and races of the land did not quite get along and darklings like herself were feared and and looked down upon by humans it did not help any that she was also born with a unique ability that only she as of now possesses which is the manipulation of Glass I will get down more on her glass ability soon. The only other person to have this peculiar skill was her mother a human named Sara, Sara was a young human girl but had already became notorious due to being unusually strong for her age and being a full blooded human. Sara unlike many people in her time did not look on darklings or other species with hate and dreamed of a day they could all live side by side, At some point she met and fell in love with a Darkling man by the name of Zeke who was from a now extinct race of Darkling besides Yume herself and one other person. Due to the fact at the time a human and a darkling together was unthinkable Sara decided to move with Zeke out of her small town and onto the outskirts of town away from all where they married, and at the age of 14 Sara gave birth to Yume in the year 1306, her, Zeke and their new daughter lived happily together for 5 years after that.

At the age of 5 Yumes life completely changed the town people eventually found out about Zeke and Sara thanks to a strange man who had who had been following Yume around and watching the young child for a long time a man she knows as the ''cloaked man'' due to his face always being covered by a hood and cloak. It was then both Sara and Zeke were taken and publicly executed right in front of Yumes eyes for being together and she was tossed out of town to be left to die due to being a ''cursed child'' of bad blood ever since she was 5 she has lived alone and wandered the land alone it was then she quickly learned and honed her abilities and has killed since then. She would later return back to the very town and slaughter everyone there when she turned 15 and it was there she earned her nickname as not a soul was left alive, the cloaked man would continue to watch this girl and follow her around for years to come interested in her development just as he wanted but who was he? his true identity is a darkling man named Aries.

Aries is actually the uncle of Yume and the younger brother of Zeke Aries hated humans with a passion so when he saw his brother in love with one he became greatly angered, covered his identity and set out to bring them down setting the entire execution in motion while at the same time keeping an eye on his niece whom he saw had a unique powerful ability that would be useful to him once she grew and honed her skills more, And her soul became darker and bitter the more the world around her seemed to go bad. Aries would continue to follow Yume from the shadows and on occasion he shows himself to her but little does she know he is her very uncle.

Now off to the point of this and that is to share some magical spells and such I thought up for her as of now she has these and there will be more in the future added to her arsenal as time goes on.

Yume relies mainly on the use of her unique and rare ability which is full control over glass. She can create and craft it into any form or shape she pleases with use of her aura. She mainly likes to form her glass into various weapons such as swords or spears, but she has also devised many other ways of using her glass be it shooting many shards of it at an opponent or pinning them down with huge pillars made of glass the possibilities of what she can make is limitless. Each piece of glass due to each piece made by her and having traces of her aura in it is as hard as steel.

Glass Shard:Yume`s most used ability and preferred way to start a battle. She makes a bunch of pieces of glass appear around her and launches them at the opponent. Since the glass is in the shape of broken pieces of glass the sharp and jagged pieces can cause much damage if they all manage to hit. The size of the shards varies and she can make them either large or small depending on how much she puts into the attack. She has also recently devised a new way of using it by showing she can stop the pieces mid flight around the opponent and cause the pieces to shatter apart affectively creating a shrapnel trap based attack.

Dread Sphere:Yume`s more higher leveled attack she causes glass pieces of all different shapes and sizes to surround the victim creating a sphere shape around them giving them virtually no way to get out of it she then makes all the glass pieces slash and pierce the opponent all at once from all directions.

Warp Mirror:Yume uses a single piece of glass which she can then use to transport her entire body into and use it to instantly get to another location. Where ever she places the piece of glass she can go to that spot. However this ability does not come without it`s limits. Yume cannot transport herself in any of her other glass she must create a piece specifically for this technique.

Five Sinking Stakes:Yume creates five stakes made of glass around her which she then launches down on her opponent piercing and pinning them down.

Triple Supremacy:This attack is only usable when Yume uses a spear. She first stabs the opponent,then with the end of her spear knocks them slightly into the air and finally twirls her spear and stabs them one final time with greater force than the first usually enough to send them flying a good distance away.

Glass Arrow Barrage:Yume creates several arrows of glass and launches them at the opponent. This attack is executed in a similar manner to her Glass Shard ability however this one is a bit stronger.

Magnificent Halo:Yume has a giant rotating ring appear around the opponent making it look like a giant halo hence the name and after some moments the large spinning halo begins to shrink in size around the victim as it closes in still rotating several spikes made of glass begin to sprout from it causing any caught in the middle of it`s rotation to be badly maimed.

And that is it for now for this share I hope you all enjoyed my sharing this little bit I`ll do more sometime and share here.


One question bro, is this a custom character you made for a story you did or something like that? I love the drawing you did of Yume. Pretty cute.^^

Yep Yume is my character and indeed she is part of a little story I do a series of short story chapters called Lagios which is also the name f the very land they live in. And a good friend of mine did the drawing for me as I cannot draw to save my life haha.

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