Day 36: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge - A short story

in #fiction7 years ago

I set the timer for 5 minutes, using the prompt for the day - Junk, I set out to write a story for the next 5 minutes.
Everything below is as is. Written just in 5 minutes, No editing, no overthinking, just words blurting out and onto the post directly.

So here it goes:


It was in the basement amongst the junk left by the previous owner of the house that he found a strange package. A book and a what looked like a glass container put inside a big blue tinted glass bowl.

He was curious. If only remembered what curiosity did to the cat, none of what happened later, would have.

He walked closer to the bowl.

On top of the lid for the bowl, a scribbled sketch mark read "Never open". Nevertheless, he opened the lid and took out the book and then the glass container.

The book seemed very old and yet at the same time looked intact. The cover read "All of them spells". He put the book aside and lifted the container to inspect it. It was with much shock that his brain registered the fact that inside the container was a human shaped figure. Almost 2.5 inches in height. And it was ALIVE!!

I did not name this story. Could not find anything suitable to name this. Leave a comment if you have any ideas.

Thanks once again to @ mariannewest for this challenge.

Hope you liked it. Do let me know your thoughts.

Photo by Ryan Hafey on Unsplash


"The Mischief Maker" :) ... You have a nice lyrical flow in your writing :)

nice friend

Thank you:)

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