Sci-Fi Novel: The Ultimate Debate - Presention (English/Turkish)

in #fiction6 years ago


The dizzying developments in the field of artificial intelligence lead to more and more decisions being made by algorithms. Artificial intelligence has already taken an important place in our lives. Today artificial intelligence determines whether an e-mail is spam, whether a credit application is acceptable, which advertisement will be shown to us, whether and when a stock should be bought or sold, which web page is valuable, and which post should be shown to whom in social media. I think we are at the starting point, and it's going to be a lot more dramatic. The sci-fi movies are full of artificial intelligence agents that is out of control and we are increasingly convinced that these nightmare scenarios would be possible in real life.

I believe that the most important political debate of the 21th century will be about the rights of beings with artificial intelligence. It seems strange to us that a machine might have rights. However, studies have already begun on the legal status of artificial intelligence in the world. The legal status of artificial intelligence is tried to be understood by comparing with animals.

Personally observing more and more business decisions were taken by artificial intelligence over the years led me to worry about artificial intelligence. I wanted to express and evaluate the questions about artificial intelligence in my mind through a novel. The Ultimate Debate was born this way and was published in July 2016 in Turkish with the name of Ogox. The novel takes place in the second half of the 21th century. It is about the ultimate debate whatever a machine have rights. I'd like to introduce the characters.

Sun Moi: The father of the optical-quantum computers, also known as the great master that led to the birth of elite andriods. He is also the creator of the world's first elite andriod Ogox.

Ogox: An elite android, the leader of the movement that advocates andriods should have equal rights with humans.

Plato: The self-supervised host produced by Sun Moi that supports Ogox's activities

Jin Kai: A respected robot historian

Albatros: The man from the streets who is able to fly with the strength of his muscles, android rights supporter

Omega: A hacker who is a member of the first generation that have augmented intelligence

Avima: Owner of the Iron Tiger company, which produces artificial intelligence weapons

Kordo: Owner of a huge media group, Avima's lover and fan

Cobol: Central federation chief officer of security

The novel consists of 47 parts, I plan to translate 2 parts into English each day and publish them in separate posts. When the entire publishing process is finished, I intend to load the entire novel into the Dboks application.

It's gonna be a tough translation marathon. If you specify errors in the text please state as a comment, so that the book will be moved to the Dbook environment in a more mature condition.

Thanks for reading.

page break.PNG

Bilimkurgu Romanı: Nihai Tartışma - Sunuş

Teknoloji alanında yaşanan baş döndürücü gelişmeler dünya üzerinde kararların gittikçe artan bir biçimde algoritmalar tarafından alınmasına yol açıyor. Yapay zeka şimdiden hayatlarımızın içinde önemli bir yer tutmaya başladı. Bugün yapay zeka bir e-postanın spam olup olmadığını, bir kredi başvurusunun kabul edilebilir olup olmadığını, bize hangi ürünün reklamının gösterileceğini, bir hisse senedinin alınıp alınmaması gerektiğini, hangi web sayfasının değerli olduğunu, sosyal mecralarda hangi iletinin kime gösterilmesi gerektiğini belirler duruma geldi. Bunun daha başlangıç olduğunu, işin çok daha dramatik noktalara geleceğini düşünüyorum. Bilimkurgu filmleri kontrolden çıkan yapay zekalarla dolu ve her geçen gün bu kabus senaryolarının olabilirliğine daha çok ikna oluyoruz.

  1. yüzyılın en önemli siyasi tartışmasının yapay zekalı varlıkların hakları konusunda olacağına inanıyorum. Henüz yolun başında olduğumuz için bir makinenin hakları olabileceği fikri hepimize tuhaf geliyor. Oysa dünyada yapay zekalı varlıkların hukuksal statüsü konusunda çalışmalar çoktan başladı. Yapay zekanın hukuksal durumu hayvanlarla benzeşim kurularak anlaşılmaya çalışılıyor.

Çalışma hayatımda iş kararlarının yıllar geçtikçe daha büyük kısmının yapay zeka tarafından alındığını bizzat gözlemlemem, yapay zeka meselesine kafamı takmama yol açtı. Zihnimde yapay zeka konusunda oluşan soruları bir roman aracılığı ile dışa vurmak istedim. Nihai Tartışma romanı bu şekilde doğdu ve 2016 yılının Temmuz ayında yayınlandı. Roman 21. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında geçiyor, yapay zekalı varlıkların hak arayışını konu alıyor. Karakterleri kısaca tanıtmak istiyorum.

Sun Moi: Büyük usta olarak da anılan Sun Moi elit andriodlerin doğmasına yol açan optik-kuantum bilgisayarların babası. Aynı zamanda dünyanın ilk elit andriodi Ogox'un yaratıcısı.

Ogox: Andriodlerin insanlarla eşit haklara sahip olmasını savunan varlık hakları hareketinin lideri olan bir elit android.

Plato: Ogox'un faaliyetlerini destekleyen özdenetimli ana bilgisayar

Jin Kai: Saygın bir robot tarihçisi

Albatros: Kaslarının gücüyle uçabilen ilk insanlardan biri, varlık hakları destekçisi

Ajan Omega: Zekası artırılmış ilk kuşağın üyelerinden biri olan bir hacker

Avima Warren: Yapay zekalı silahlar üreten Iron Tiger şirketinin sahibi

Kordo: Medya patronu, Avima Warren'ın sevgilisi ve hayranı

Cobol: Merkezi federasyon güvenlik koordinatörü

Roman 47 bölümden oluşuyor, her gün 2 bölümünü İngilizce'ye çevirip ayrı postlar halinde yayınlamayı planlıyorum. Tüm yayınlama işlemi bittiğinde romanın İngilizcesini Dbooks uygulamasına da yüklemek niyetindeyim.

Nihai Tartışma romanımın Türkçe versiyonu Ogox adıyla 2016 yılında yayınlanmış durumda. Romanı bu link üzerinden satın alıp dijital ortamda okuyabilirsiniz. Ayrıca romanın basılı versiyonunu internet üzerinden sipariş etmeniz mümkündür.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.


Your English is really solid, so I don't expect many mistakes except the odd orthographical slip here and there :) Moreover it's great that you publish your posts in English and Turkish, that helps me to practice and reinforce what I have learned from your mother tongue (very very basic still though).

I am happy to hear that 😃

I think you are right bro, this can become biggest debate of 21 century.
But at the same time we need to have AI in our daily life and there is a level where we are required to stop AI use.
According to me there are 3 different level of AI:-
1 Wear AI
2 Smart AI
3 Strong AI

So, we have to stop the use of AI at smart AI. But beyond that or at 3rd level AI we can ask humanity does not exist in world according to #elon-musk.

Well done .. beautiful
Hard question Haha, I think it's just important to wake up
Thanks for sharing..

AI became a part of our day today life. Future seems more dependent on this. Its all about the application of this powerful tool. Company like Google, Facebook and Apple had already shown that how AI can makes easy our lifestyle. But we should remember that too, an application of any thing gives there impact in positive or negative way based upon the use of it. We should be careful while we see the application of AI for any political advantage or election.
Would like to thanks for this wonderful eyeopening article.

Every day you learn something new, did not know that artificial intelligence had legal rights. although I do not completely agree that they are compared with animals. Animals are living beings, something that was not created by us and that is already there, artificial intelligence is a human tool, lifeless, without feelings, more than those that have been programmed previously I do not understand the fact that they have rights. .. i remember the film "I robot" whith Will Smith - we will be distroyed hahaha

How to make perfect. this is very rear

There is great opportunities around the business environment, this is due to challenges, the speed with which it is exponentially moved and the desirableness to solve the current problem associated with it. Of course, technology is at the fore front and the process of automatizing the whole processes is what will open up for the most desired outcome that will run our world. This is why BLOCKCHAIN is very important and will be the sort after catalyst and will make the data speed to move from human consuming data to machine consuming data. No wonder Scientist predict that in 100 years to come, life will be so unbearable on the surface of the earth due to the global warming. This basically due the shifting from human to machines. When that is done, machines which generates a lot of heats will be everywhere and hence, global warming. The demand is high and we are all looking at solutions and who will be able to bring it to existence. BITCOIN, may be the channel for accomplishing this. I will say again that BITCOIN will bridge the link between technology and crptocurrencies of that will fast produce anything, anywhere in the world.BITCOIN.jpg

This post has received a 14.57 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @muratkbesiroglu.

Yes..Human developed their own artificial intelligence.and i also thought in 21 century human can successfully live in on Mars for their artificial intelligence.

There has always been a debate on will AI control human being in future. What's your opinion?

It is hard to control an inteligent being smarter than humans. Intelligence is a key that opens all the doors.

Yeah that's true.

Intelligent people are always exploring new and they made something intelligent

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