The liver (An original short story)

in #fiction4 years ago


Doesn't matter? I beg you a pardon! It matters…very much matters! You should understand subtleties, because often on in family life they could mean the difference between peace 'nd harmony and noise 'nd ass-kicking.

Do you remember Kostya? He lived on the second floor. He was a good man, solid, sober, everything to the family. Too bad, he was too temperamental and opinionated. Everything had to be his way. So, through this shortcoming of his, the incident with the liver came about.

At that time, there was some holiday in Moscow. Of course, the holiday was not only in the capital but everywhere in the vastness of our homeland. Still, all the people, ran around searching for food supplies for a holiday table. Back then, there was a joke where people thanked Brezhnev for taxi and herring named "Ivasi."

So I say, … Kostya was a practical man. He walked past the grocery store, well, you know, the one on the corner of the building that is across. In those years, it had a liquor department there as well, and by eleven o'clock all the local winos were going to discuss the politics: American aggression, the Israeli military intervention, and so on. This shop.

So on this day, in the meat department, the one on the left, the liver was brought. Not to deceive you ... the pork liver. And so, Kostya was passing by and noticed it. He had a sharp eye on this kind of thing. He got there right tin time - only stood in line half an hour max, not longer.

And so, he brings this liver home, puts it in the fridge, and it lies quietly on the top shelf. Waiting. At this time, Valya comes home from work, Kostya's wife. She is also a good woman, but is too discrete; she worked as an accountant ... Everywhere in her mind order needed. When it came to cleaning, and ironing, and cooking, and especially with the groceries. Everything should be like in the Gosplan.

And so, here she comes, I mean, home. A Kostya near the TV is fallen asleep. His work was much too tiring for the brains - he took integrals, you know, in the institution where he worked and then gave them back, to whoever needed them. I don't even know. So, she comes home. The husband is irresponsibly snoring near the TV, and in the refrigerator, on the top shelf, lies an unplanned liver. How so? Where did it come from? Why didn't you know? Just like a general.

And so, she takes this poor liver and throws it into a garbage disposal. Saying like, I won't tolerate the disorderly conduct! In the meantime, Kostya wakes up and has plans for the liver either to fry it or make a pâte.

At this time, Valya realized that she had made a mistake and was trying to distract him from the liver. She offers him a salad, and herring, and cold meat jelly, and a pie with meat and eggs stuffing. But it was too late. Kostya stood his ground rigidly. Do the liver and that's that! You see, he really felt for it while he was standing in line.

At first, Valya wanted to try to defend her significance as in "the best defense is an offense." Let me try, she's thinking, hit him with an untimely purchase. "Why are you're wasting money and doing women's business? There is no place in the kitchen for two housewives!"

But the unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Kostya gets really offended that she rejected his practicality and family values. He refused to eat her meet jelly and stuffed pie and insisted on the liver pâte.

And so, Valya sees that shit really hit the fan. She wasn't able to go around her husband and at that moment regretted that she has thrown out the liver. " All right," she thinks. " The hell with you. You want your liver, you'll get it."

No sooner said than done. Elbowing her way through several crowded stores, she eventually found this damn liver. In truth, it wasn't pork, but a beef liver. " But,"- she thought, - " in the smoke of battle he won't pick that up." So, she brings it home, puts it in the refrigerator, on the same shelf. Here for you, honey, how is my obedience?

However, Kostya didn't want to smoke with her a peace pipe on this issue. He started yelling at her that it was the wrong liver and that she should have returned him that liver that he bought! He yelled so long and loud that all his face got red. He even felt so bad from the stress that Valya had to heart drops gave him in a glass.

That's how bad it has gotten. And you say "It Doesn't matter." No. From equilibrium to chaos is only one-step, one, so to speak, peace of liver.

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