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RE: Repost:The Night Gods (Original):Forms Without Forms & Donna And Me...

in #fiction7 years ago

I have a theory here that sort of encompasses both the demons and Donna. I was born in 1945 and came here with a boat load of demons surrounding me. I was lucky because I had a master when I was just a toddler who helped me unload the first few of them. I began to learn as I came into my teens that my very DNA structure allowed me to receive energy from I don't know where, whenever the universe had more available. Think of it as an upgrade to a computer program as an analogy. An upgrade to an inside-outside energy field, my brain, my aura, my very DNA structure. Two things often happen when that occurs, some demons drop away because they can't stand the energy that I am, and that is a big relief, but others become would be executioners, often living people who want to destroy some valuable part of me, my life, even to my very last breath.

What if Donna attracted an executioner because of the very energy that she was? And what if you had been receiving the energy upgrades (downloads) too, whether you knew you were or not, and a demon knowing Donna was dying enters your night with a sexual dream, presented you with "guilt" (even if only experienced subconsciously) to go along with the upcoming loss of something valuable in your life, to your life's energetic being, namely, Donna. See, loss of something valuable, add in the guilt, and the demons were dancing with glee. Might take you until you're 72 to figure it out.

I am pretty new to this platform and have thought all day that I have made a mistake in choosing to being here. But the good guys around me that I call my Council of Foreign Relations enjoined me to take a deep breath and chill out. Not one person read my chapter one, the scream dance. It's pretty much why I am here, I've not ever participated in any other social media. And hey, you might be a "one" to read my chapter. I leave you with this one last thought, it's good that you scream.
As ever, M


Well, Donna and I were also born in 1945... much of this is a true story (not the serial killer part) This is a horror story about a serial killer and HIS demons (as well as the demons that run this planet)... Tell me your thoughts when you've read more.

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