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RE: Forbidden Love: Alexander & Alissia

in #fiction5 years ago

Hmmmm.. this seems an interesting read but I am about to go to sleep, my eyes are quite complaining already. But I had tagged it in my favorites so I could go back and read this leisurely at my free time. Cant wait!!

Its great to know you love writing so much.. ❤


Sleep well and sweet dreams. Thank for such a kind and well thought out comment.

Thanks and goor morning to you or is it morning?!

Im already excited to read it on Wednesday especially that Motheer Monkee has read the first one.. 😊🤗

It is morning here. Mother Monkee is a real Gem! @dreemsteem

Tis Capt'n Monkee to ye!!!!

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Nyahahahahahaha aye aye 🤣😂🤣🐵🐵🐵

Tis Capt'n O Monkee to @maquemali but baby sis to me!

Acceptable lolol

Ohhh... hmmmmm wait if she is my Capn Motheer Monkee and your baby sis then you'd be my Uncle Tangled Monkee??!!!!!

I have been meaning to tslk with you about it. Yes I am your Uncle

What about???... It's so nice to know that our family seems to be growing each time. I have lots of sisters monkees and it wouldnt harm to have an uncle! 😁🐵

Darn cat wondered in here (cat I don't own) and was typing away...shoo. Doesn't know how to spell Capt'n

Bad bad kitty

Yeeeeesss she is!!!! Amazingly beautiful inside and out. 😊

Wrong spelling.

My hat is so much better than his

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Mein hut, der hat drei Ecken,
Drei Ecken hat mein Hut.
Und hätt’ er nicht drei Ecken,
So wär’ er nicht mein Hut!

My hat, it has three corners,
Three corners has my hat.
And had it not three corners,
It would not be my hat!

Hehhehee me beauuuuutiful tricorn!

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I know the difference in the Cap'n of crunch and the Capt'n of the Monkees

Both are sweet. But one is saltier.😂😂😂

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This is the second part.... Read the first part from two or three days ago too . It SOOOOOO good!!!!

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Oohh second part already?!! Darn I missed the first.. hahaha okay gotta tag the 1st one too! Somethings gonna keep me busy for the holiday on Wednesday... thanks ate dreem! 😗😚😗😚😗

It's so so so so good!!!!

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I caaaaaaant wait already!! But coming from you I knooooow its that good!

I'm now begging him for a third part....maybe fourth too 😂😂😂

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Hahahahaha oh my @naltedtirt, you really have to go fast in writing the sequels!! Motheer Monkee is super excited..

Yeah yeah yeah Capn Motheer Monkee hahahaha

I will have to turn out 10,000 words every few hours. I hope she doesn't lock me away somewhere with only a typewriter. lol

In a tower 😉

Don't worry. It's for your own good

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