"The Fall" - Original Sci-Fi Novel (Adult Content) / Chapter 1 (Part I) - "Freeze"

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

The Fall


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Chapter Zero

Chapter One


Part I

Nathan pulled his smartphone from the inside pocket of his sharkskin suit-jacket and opened up the bar's menu. After ordering another triple serving of dark rum, he watched his bitcoin balance drop a fraction. Interesting, he thought, calculating near-instantly the remainder's worth in drinks. Three hundred and thirty three million and three hundred and thirty three drinks. That's how many more his fortune could afford, and as his third drink of the night came sliding across the bar into his hand, he realised this was night number three on this particular bar stool.

The word three began to echo throughout his mind like a mantra. Unexpected and highly improbable number sequences had been haunting him for some time now - and an uncanny array of coincidences too. He knew they must mean something, but Eldridge's great gift of intelligence seemed an inadequate resource to solve the puzzle. If only he could stomach the man's company for a mere moment to seek answers. There was no mystery in this world his father had ever seemed ignorant towards.

A vivid image of Eldridge, cloaked in a black hooded-robe and holding a blooded dagger, forced its away upon the theatre of Nathan's mind. The encouraging smile across his father's gaunt face invited his drink to his mouth. "No." He grumbled - just as he had on that day. Harrowed with guilt and anger, his arm came crashing back down onto the bar, shattering the empty glass in his hand on the counter.

"Oi!" A threatening voice called out from behind the bar, complimented by the congratulatory cheering of idiots somewhere behind.

Nathan looked up and towards the forty-something barkeep, the anger directed at Eldrgide still decorating his face.

The burly bar tender ran his tattooed hand across his balding head and altered his tone. "Careful please, mate?"

It was difficult to discern what forced the barman to change his tune. The look of unalloyed rage upon Nathan's face could have been what convinced him. Perhaps it was Eldridge's secondary gift - that of great height - that dissuaded him. It might yet have been as simple as Nathan's hefty bank balance, and a reluctance to deter a customer who tips so well.

It mattered not, Nathan realised. "An accident." He confessed. "I will pay for it."

The bar tender nodded his head in gratitude, and eagerly turned his eyes away from Nathan's.

Part II coming soon.

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