Goodbye Dear Friend

in #fiction7 years ago

The Photograph for this story comes from a photo recommendation so thank you to @slankslim for this story. Any photo recommendations feel free to comment, along with any ideas, feelings, or general compliments. Enjoy, PEACE.

Goodbye Dear Friend a short story

March 3, 1963

Dear Rosalind,
My dear friend I haven’t written you for so long. I apologize for not writing to you sooner. Byron has fallen ill and I’ve been tending to the chores around the house. It’s kept me busy, but I miss talking to my old friend. Anywho enough about me how have you been Rosalind? How’s George and the Grandchildren. They must be all grown up now. I do apologize for not sending them a card this past Christmas I misplaced to paper with their address. There’s so much clutter around this place you wouldn’t believe. The other evening for supper I made a nice coconut cake, it reminded me of the cake your mother used to make. Anywho I do hope you write back. Goodbye dear friend
Love, Christie

March 19, 1963

Dear Christie,
Thank you Christie for writing me, I was beginning to worry you caught you death. I’m so sorry about Byron though he’ll be in our prayer I do hope he gets better. I remember the time I fell ill and every morning Byron would chop wood for my fire to keep me warm, he has a kindred heart. Oh I’ve seen better days for sure but my back feels better now, I use that old mink oil we used to buy at the general store and I feel alot better after. Jack and Annie are in college now it’s sad to see them all grown up. But I remember when we were their age, youthful. I even remember the time we sewed buttons into the Reverends socks before church and giggling when he gave his sermon sitting down. Well I better made upper you know george he’s all thumbs in the kitchen. Goodbye dear friend
Love, Rosalind

April 1 1963

Dear Rosalind,
Byrons up and walking now, I guess the lord hasn’t taken him from us yet. I remember when you fell ill I never knew Byron cut wood for you, he smiled when I told him. I remember being in Fredericton when I got the news. Anywho I found an old photograph of us in a box in the attic, of the time we got the blue ribbon at the county fair. I don't remember what it was for but i remember that pink dress I wore. And your new shoes you wore to school every day until Joseph pushed you into the mud and they got dirty. The ones with the red ribbons. I miss that old church the children would always stay after to clean up but we’d always play hide and seek. Anywho It sounds like Byron is getting up I’d better go for now. Goodbye dear friend.
Love, Christie

April 10 1963

Dear Christie,
Christie be careful in that attic of yours you’ll fall down and bust your head wide open. But I do remember that blue ribbon we grew the biggest cabbage in our school and we got a blue ribbon in the county fair, though I’m not sure what became of that darn thing. I was so excited to run home and tell papa we’d won that I forgot he was standing there with us. I felt so silly after. And you joke about Joseph all you want I remember when you asked him to dance at the apple festival. You were smiling ear to hear the whole time! I’m so glad Byron is doing better I hope he can get to his toolhouse again and ticker away at all hours of the night. We’ve lived a good life haven't we? Goodbye dear friend.
Love Rosalind

April 17 1963
Dear Rosalind,
Oh Rosalind don’t mother me I’ve done a lot worse then fall in an attic I remember falling off father's horse and breaking my arm once. I swore I’d never ride again until one day father took me out into the pasture picked me up and set me on top of my horse, I do wish I could remember her name. Diamond, I named her Diamond I loved Diamond. I remember sneaking into the barn at night and feeding her carrots from the pantry. Father would’ve skinned my hide if he knew. Oh Rosalind you’ve got a hard head I remember when you and George first started courting and George took you out to Crooks pond on his row boat and you fell in. We were all watching you from behind some bushes and we laughed so hard, and then George fell in pulling you out of the water. And don’t be so sentimental about our lives yet Rosalind we’ve still got many year ahead of us. Goodbye dear friend.
Love Christie P.S. I knitted a nice scarf for you I know how cold your house can be, it should be coming soon.

April 20 1963

Dear Rosalind,
Here's that scarf I promised. I remember you teaching me how to knit. I hope it’s not to big

April 25 1963,

Dear Christie,
The scarf fits wonderfully. I love how it’s white it reminds me of that beautiful dress you wore at your wedding you and Byron looked so handsome standing at the alter. George and I had to sell our house. Were moving into a home a block from our house. It was too hard for us to keep the house tidy. I don’t know what to think about this new home it’s nice but it’s nothing like home. They do have a pecan tree closeby, perhaps they’ll let me make my mother old pecan pie recipe. Do you remember that pie? Please write me though they told us to use this new address The Garden 378 Robbin st. Woodland PA. Goodbye dear friend.
Love Rosalind.

May 1 1963

Dear Rosalind,
I am so sorry to hear about your house. I hope you and George adjust well to this home. And that they let you make all the pecan pie you want. But most of all I wish I could see you in person again. Byron is doing much better now and James said he could drive us down to see you. I would be so pleased to talk about all the mischief of our youth. Anywho I hope you and George are getting along well in your new home. Goodbye dear friend.
Love Christie

May 20 1963
Dear Rosalind,
Byrons tinkering away in his toolhouse again lord only knows what he’s making. James is coming down soon to pick us up. Byron says he’s got a uprize puzzle for George and he won’t figure it out this time. I can’t wait to see you again. Goodbye dear friend.
Love Christie

May 25 1963

Dear Rosalind,
Goodbye Dear friend. I’m gonna miss you.
picture (2).PNG


Thank you very much! stay tuned for more!

That was a good story. I like how you used their letters in a creative way to tell the history of there friendship, leading up to them meeting up and taking the photo together

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