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RE: Regnad Kcin- Private Eye... The Case of the Erstwhile Accountant- Part XIV

in #fiction5 years ago

That is ok then, I was concerned about your health.
Apart from "double dipping" getting paid twice for the same post, is there any advantage to weku?


WeKu hasn't launched their coin yet- it will come soon, there's still a couple of bugs to iron out. I don't consider it double dipping- if you wrote a book would you only let one store sell it... this is my intellectual property- the result of my hard work and imagination- to do with as I see fit.

I think Steemit is on its way out (I really hope not) a lot of the people on Weku are people who are disgusted with the bad decisions made by Ned, the whales and the devs who only look to benefit themselves and control content with downvote bots. People like berniesanders won't be tolerated on Weku, neither are bots. I see a bright future there.

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