The Kingdom of Ralteith 🏰 Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

The following is a brief historical record, about the Kingdoms surrounding Valcanne and has been written by King Raughn's first Master of knowledge Rickharton.

This historical record has been edited by King Raughn's current Master of Knowledge Eligeah, it has only been adjusted to correct any errors found and to add new information discovered.

Location and Land:

The Kingdom of Ralteith lays to the West of Valcanne, it southern lands are located on the western border of Imporo. Ralteith is accessible by land via Imporo or by boat on the Four Tides, this is the only way to gain access to North Ralteith.

The lands of Ralteith vary in their quality and use, in the North Island of Ralteith they have mostly farming lands, with some fishing in the river. In the South Ralteith they have access to the Emerald Forest for lumber and the Varin Range for minning.

Basic History:

Prior the establishment of the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, Ralteith was known for their cold war tactics usually used against Imporo and the Varinese. They waged wars in order to gain access to more lands and through that gain dominance of the region.

Ralteith would always use the excuse that the land was stolen from their forefathers generations ago far beyond record, in order to redeem their acts of aggression. (A rather convenient defence, that over years of repetition have solidified the statement into a truthful belief amongst their people.)

Ralteith suffered minor losses during the early stages of the Great War, but when the fighting with the Blue Banners commenced in full the people and soldiers fled to their Northern island.

It was only after the Battle of Four Tides that Ralteith truly joined the war, this was for two main reasons -

Firstly Valcanne had just inflicted the most significant damage, to the Blue Banners forces since the beginning of the war - and the end was finally in sight - this was they would be easily able to reclaim their lands lost during the Great War.

Secondly Ralteith's strong desire to be included in the alliance - now known as the Five Kingdoms of Balamy - they were additionally incentivised to retain their control over the Kingdom of Imporo, another member of the Five.

Since joining the Five Kingdoms, Ralteith has only attacked Imporo through political methods - though these have remained highly effective.

To date Ralteith has honoured all the trade terms set out by the Five Kingdoms, and has remained allied with us - so far.

Social Structure:

Like all of those included in the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, Ralteith is run by a royal family with a King and Queen and Princes and Princesses - the extended royal family are known by the titles Lord or Lady.

Ralteith's royalty has an extremely large number of extended family members, and more than one ruling King and his close family have died under suspicious circumstances - suddenly raising another to the throne.

The royal family is in constant war with itself, resulting in little much in the way of growth in industry - Ralteith is not poor but could earn more if their efforts were focussed on the Kingdom not the throne.

Amongst the large population, there are great differences in the quality of life and general wealth and power.

There are a large number of poor that are still able to survive, but there is an even larger number of homeless and impoverished people - who are ignored by all, especially by those of extreme wealth.

Their wealthy citizens are consumed by greed and power, always seeking new riches and means to raise their station further.

Relationships and Trade:

Ralteith is allied with the Five Kingdoms of Balamy and since that treaty began, Ralteith has honoured the terms set out in it - though they constantly manipulate the terms, relating to the Kingdom of Imporo in order maintain wealth, land and control.

The members of the Five Kingdoms are their main partners in trade, they mainly supply the Five Kingdoms with ships of all sizes and uses.

They use lumber harvested from the Emerald Forest land they stole from the Kingdom of Imporo, and as a result of massive logging efforts they have had several violent encounters with the people of the Emerald City.

By overharvesting the Emerald Forest they encroached on their cities borders and when confronted Raltheithians would attack, until realising their foes were superior and then they would retreat - due to these incursions they consider each other enemies.

Given Ralteiths past dealings with Imporo it is safe to say they are considered allies, but only due to the Five Kingdoms treaty - if that alliance is ever broken the two kingdoms would surely return to all out war.

The People and their Skills:

Raltheithians are known mostly for their cold business and war tactics, they are considered callus as a people, only after their own success and wealth with little to no regard for the damage or lives lost - as long as their goals are met.

As a people they seem to even hold little regard for their own extended family, and in truth even their immediate family can hold little value if they are in your way on the line of succession.

Many family leaders seem to die in unusual circumstances, there is little shown in the way of mourning and then the next in line takes the place at the head of the family - for a time at least.

Generally the soldiers of Ralteith are considered cowards, they are the first to flee at the sign of true resistance or better fighters.

The main redeeming talent of the people of Ralteith is their shipwrights, they are the best known in the Five Kingdoms of Balamy and their main source of trade.

Ralteiths relationship with the Gods:

We have learned that the people and the leaders in Ralteith worship the gods, but it should be noted it seems some are regarded with more favour than others.

The god they most favour appears to be Rincore the god of corruption and control, they have a temple of great splendor in his honour - control seems to be their main motivation.

They also have temples for Glim god of envy and greed, Meloth god of deceit and darkness and Freeten goddess of Lies and Manipulation - these temples are all kept in immaculate condition and frequently visited by Ralteithians.

It appears like in all things in life the people and leaders of Ralteith, worship in hopes they will be rewarded with aiding their ultimate goals - wealth and power.

The temples dedicated to the other gods often find themselves in a state of constant disrepair and are rarely, if ever frequented by the population - some don't even have priests or priestesses present.


Ralteith is part of the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, but only because it valued the security and control they garnered from the alliance.

Whilst they make the best ships, they have no men with enough vision or courage to see them used to their full potential.

Ralteithians value their own lives above all others, even their family. They will do anything to gain more control, power and wealth.

All images are either created by myself or available in the public domain and are linked to my steemimg gallery with all source information

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