The Kingdom of Imporo 🏰 Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

The following is a brief historical record, about the Kingdoms surrounding Valcanne and has been written by King Raughn's first Master of knowledge Rickharton.

This historical record has been edited by King Raughn's current Master of Knowledge Eligeah, it has only been adjusted to correct any errors found and to add new information discovered.

Location and Land:

The Kingdom of Imporo is located to the West of South Valcanne, the two kingdoms share a border and a long peace.

Imporo has great farming lands with rich soil and plenty of fresh water, their beasts are cared for well with fields covered in lush grass.

Basic History:

For generations beyond remembering, the kingdom of Imporo has had countless and bloody battles with the Kingdom of Ralteith.

As a result Imporo lost a great portion of their western lands which are now occupied by Ralteith and backed by their soldiers.

Imporo has had a troubled past, suffering extreme damage and a massive loss of life over the many years of war.

The most significant and devastating effects of which, occurred during the Great War with the Blue Banners invasion.

In more recent years the war torn region, has mainly been plagued by violent raids from tribes travelling through the Emerald Forest from Melatah.

Since the establishment of the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, Imporo has not encountered any further direct aggression from Ralteith - another member of the Five Kingdoms.

Though Ralteith maintains a strict control over Imporo's trading options, with threats of terminating the alliance if their demands are not met.

Social Structure:

Like all of those included in the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, Imporo is run by a royal family with a King and Queen and Princes and Princesses - the extended royal family are known by the titles Lord or Lady.

Given Imporo's turbulent and bloody history the country despite it's brilliant farming land the kingdom is in financial ruin, too many lives lost to war and too few left to ever properly recover and rebuild.

Because of this the majority of Imporo's people find themselves impoverished, living in squalor and hardly fed.

Most of the population are forced to join the King's Army to defend their land, leaving few of able body to tend the fields and animals leading to a constant cycle of death, destruction and famine.

Relationships and Trade:

Prior to the establishment of the Five Kingdoms of Balamy, Imporo and Valcanne have shared a long common peace and trade relationship.

We have offered assistance where possible, especially with regards to the raids from the Tribeland's of Melatah a common enemy and constant nuisance.

Since the beginning of the Great War, Imporo and Valcanne suffered together as two Kingdoms fighting an unrelenting force.

It was ten years, before any others joined the fray and that was only after our historical victory the Battle of Four Tides.

It is only after that battle, any other Kingdom joined our efforts to rid our lands of the Blue Banners forces once and for all - a task which took a further three years to complete.

It was during these years that the Five Kingdoms of Balamy were established, the five kingdoms included were Valcanne, Imporo, Fentone, Almain and Ralteith.

With the treaty came trade agreements amongst the five kingdoms, it was agreed Imporo would become the major supplier of food for the five kingdoms.

An agreement which should have seen Imporo begin to thrive, had Ralteith not imposed enormous taxes on the ships that needed to use their branch of the Four Tides - or the cruel penalties for not being able to produce requested amounts and quality for their goods.

Ralteith will always be considered an enemy of Imporo, though since the treaty has been in place both Ralteith and Imporo have honoured the terms which ensure peace.

However if for any reason the treaty should end up terminated, one could safely assume all out war between the two rival kingdoms.

The People and their Skills:

The people of Imporo are not natural warriors, though they have attempted to adapt to the situation they constantly find themselves in - war.

Their true talents lie in their farming and fishing skills, their farmers are known for their ability to choose the best crops each season, which beasts are best to breed and which to eat.

But for all their skills, a diminished workforce due to constant raids has left the kingdom struggling.

That coupled with their devout faith in the gods and the offerings they make to the temples in their honour.

The people are generally regarded as friendly, generous and gullible.

Their faith in the gods, has dulled their ability to see truth behind the majority of Keltorin's inhabitants.

Imporo's relationship with the Gods:

The people of Imporo worship all of the gods equally, making seasonal offerings of food to the temples made in their honour.

They are so devout they endure starvation, in order to supply the offerings made in hopes to appease the will of the gods.

They hope their efforts and sacrifice will prove their worthiness and that the gods will show them favour, freeing them from constant war and their impoverished circumstances.


Imporo has struggled to remain a kingdom for countless generations, suffering war and famine.

It's people are known for their good nature and generosity even when they themselves struggle to survive.

Imporo is finally gaining some stability since the establishment of the Five Kingdoms of Balamy.

All images are either created by myself or available in the public domain and are linked to my steemimg gallery with all source information

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