Keltorins Flora and Fauna of Note 🌿 Willows Claw 🌿 Valcannes Guide to Keltorin

in #fiction8 years ago

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.

Willows Claw:


The Willows Claw is a moderate sized thin tree that is black in colour, it's weeping branches are always devoid of leaves as they are not required.

The tree has stronger main branches that then have many weeping tendrils hanging from them, along the surface of the weeping tendrils are hundreds of small, sharp curved barbs that look a lot like the claws of a cat - hence the name.


The Willows claw is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all times, it is a carnivorous plant and derives all of its nutrition from the lives it takes.

It's most common victims are animals that accidentally wander into and become entangled in the plants weeping tendrils. As the victim continues to struggle to set itself free, it only serves to further entangle and restrict the victim's movements.

Over time the prey will become tired and stop struggling as much, around ten minutes after a prey first becomes ensnared in the tendrils the Willows Claw releases a deadly poison directly into its victim's bloodstream.

Once the poison is released there is little hope of survival, the poison causes the victim's blood to cease to clot and soon the animal or person will start bleeding profusely from all orifices until eventual death.

As the victim dies and decomposes at the base of the plant, it's decaying flesh nourishes the leafless tree.


While no civilised person would ever consider using this plant, it's only known use is that of a deadly weapon.

It is believed that different tribes from the Tribeland's of Melatah use this deadly poison to coat their weapons, when used in battle all the person needs to do is break the skin and the victim will die regardless of how insignificant his initial injury.


It is not yet known how the people of the Tribeland's of Melatah manage to extract the poison from within the plant, without dieing in the process.


The Willows Claw can be found all over Keltorin however it is usually destroyed and removed when it is found close to a settlements.

All images are either created by myself or available in the public domain and are linked to my steemimg gallery with all source information

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