Keltorin's Flora and Fauna of Note - Razor Whip - Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

in #fiction8 years ago

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.


The Razor Whip is a moderate sized bird like creature, covered mostly in feathers coloured green at the chest and under the wings and purple across the head, back and top side of the wings - with bright yellow eyes.

The body is about a foot long and the tail an additional foot in length, when the animal is full grown.

It has a mouth with a hooked beak instead of lips, capable of opening its mouth wide enough to use it's powerful jaws to crush whatever is in it's mouth.

Inside the mouth are four boney plates used to crush it's food before swallowing, at the back of the boney plates are four sharp pointed teeth facing down the throat so if something inside the mouth pulls away it's impacts itself on the sharp teeth.

It's two feet adorn four razor sharp talons each, which it uses to tear into its preys flesh. It also has a small barb located above it's feet at the back of it's leg, this seems to be a mainly defensive barb if another animal were to attack it from below striking it's feet would cause damage directly to the mouth of the attacker.

It's long tail is only adorned with feathers for the portion of the tail closest to the animal's body, once the feathers stop the tail continues on as thick, flexible, boney and barb covered to the tip which is graced by a thicker curved barb at the end.

It's wings are edged like razors and the feathers seem to grow up to the point where the razor starts. In spite of fewer tail feathers and the razor edged wings, the creatures manage amazing feats of speed when in the air.


The Razor Whip is a territorial bird, when not in mating season the Whips are seemingly friendly as long as you don't get too close or attempt to harm them in any way.

If you were to walk into their nesting territory however is a different matter, these are a fiercely territorial bird when they are protecting their young - if anything enters the nesting grounds of the Razor Whips it is unlikely they will ever return.

An attack from one Whip has killed men before when they are caught off guard, but when they are nesting they swarm together to protect their young - if attacked by a group of Whips even while prepared there is little chance of coming away unscathed.

The Razor Whip is known for it's unique attacking style, when attacking the bird climbs in the air and then commences a barrel roll at it's victim - lacerating with its razor edged wings and flicking its tail like a whip using the barbs on its tail to inflict deep cuts into whatever it strikes.

If in closed confines the Razor Whip will hover above its victim and use its tail alone, as a whipping weapon that can inflict massive injuries very quickly.


If you manage to escape a Razor Whip attack you will likely require stitches and a Belim Root poultice to warn off possible infections.

If infection continues combine Tellams Leaf with the Belim Root on the poultice, using the two ingredients together is the victim's best chance for survival after an attack.


Razor Whips are not confined to one are of Keltorin and can in fact be found in most areas on most continents, they do seem to prefer to stay out of the mountains though and seem to stick in lower lying areas - they are often found in large numbers within the Emerald Forest and other areas that provide such shelters.

All images are linked to my steemimg gallery with more information

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