How Life Defines You - Part 6 - Uncertainty

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Here's where we left things in the previous post:

Mila squinted attempting to define the objects that littered the dimly lit path she had to follow, Lord Evanvar had moved away to talk with three men she had never seen before.

Then she heard the woman's voice calling out to her " Come along then" as it echoed through the passage, Mila's heart pounded and her breath caught in her throat as she cautiously entered the dark shadowed tunnel.

Mila inched further into the passage, she could hear murmurs coming from a small doorway - that the light that spilled into the passageway had come from.

She slowly continued onward reaching the edge of the archway of the door, she peered around the corner nervously - inside a decent fire was put to work cooking a large pot of warm sweet smelling food.

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Inside she could see the small lady rushing around a large room gathering items as she went, noticing the young girl waiting at the door "Come in, come in" in a welcoming and gentle voice - Mila clutched her mother's pendant close to her chest and shakily inhaled.

Mila softened slightly at the light and airy tone of the ladies voice, she had returned to rushing about the large kitchen - she was ferrying items to a long timer table, that sat to one side of the room.

She continued talking but this time to a frazzled older lady, Mila assumed a cook by her worn clothes that were accented by a newer lighter apron that stretched to cover her ample expanse "Yes the sweet rolls, no not the plain get the glazed" her eyes sparkled with delight - her light tone continued even with the older woman as she stopped and started, attempting to keep up with the energetic woman's enthusiastic frenzied requests.

Mila silently observed gaining more confidence as she watched the exchange, but remaining near the entrance she had just passed through - she had learned long ago the need for caution in Almain, particularly in regards to generosity.

"oh Apples" she exclaimed and the old woman moved to gather the latest request, hobbling as quick as she could she started to slowly move a set of large timber steps.

The younger lady notices and rushes to her aid "Here Varner, let me" she relieves the old kitchen maid of the heavy step - then gracefully climbed its solid steps to reach a bowl of fresh green apples - she swiftly retrieved the bowl and added it to the growing collection of food gathering on the long timber table.

Mila's eyes were unwillingly being drawn to the plethora of mouth watering food extending across the table, the young woman absentmindedly instructed "You can sit here" as she placed the large bowl of plump green apples down.

Glancing up at them as she went to continue to supply her growing collection of food stuffs, she realised immediately that the girl was hesitant "It's alright child - come sit eat as much as you like" Mila remained unmoved, cautious of the lush food freely on offer.

Mila was now completely focused on the woman, as she was stopped dead in her tracks - suddenly aware the girl wasn't going to just follow her instructions blindly.

She looked over the tiny girl her clothes tattered and torn, wet stringy hair streaked down her face, two bright eyes burned intensely- with plump dirt covered cheeks her lips a relaxed in an emotionless mask.

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The lady approached and crouched to Milas height "I'm Katia" she smiled softly and raised an eyebrow in question "surely you must be hungry?" Mila's eyes quickly glanced at the pile of food then back at Katia, "I promise, nothing bad will happen" she tried to reassure.

Mila buckled under the pressure of her hunger allowing it to manipulate her into trusting this stranger, she had seen nothing to distrust Katia - but Mila knew well nothing is ever given for free.

She slowly made her way to the table still feeling uneasy, Katia smiled warmly and nodded encouraging approval for the skinny girl to sit at the fully laden table.

With more options than she had ever been offered before she was clearly overwhelmed and unsure of where to start, Katia sat down at the end of the table next to her and gathered a smaller selection and presented it at the girl.

"Here uh.." Katia realised she didn't even know the child's name "what's your name dear?" she questioned embarrassed by the excited oversight on her part, "Mila" her tiny frail voice sounded in whispered reply.

"Well Mila, you can have anything you like" she smiled with genuine warmth, Mila reached out for a fresh apple - seeing her reach, Katia offered the bowl for her to make her choice with ease.

Mila still gripped her mother's pendant firmly in her grasp, her nails dug into her palms as she finally relaxed her nervous grip - she inhaled then took a massive bite out of the juicy green fruit.

Katia relaxed seeing the girl settle enough to finally sit and eat, the apple crunched as the girls eagerly bit into it's plump and juicy flesh.

Before Katia could speak again Lord Evanvar burst into the kitchen surveying the scene before him "I thought I told you to get her cleaned up?" he questioned his voice stern and full of anger.

Katia's focus shot up at the unexpected intrusion startled she said "The girl was hungry Oten, surely it could wait until after she's eaten?" her eyes pleaded with him her face an expression of deep need.

Evanvar still appeared agitated his instructions weren't followed, Katia pushed further as she rose and crossed the room to meet him "she's practically starving" her brow gathered together - as she moved closer still she was forced to arch her neck to look up at him, a slight pout on her lips begging him to allow the girl to eat.

Oten looked down at Katia, then over at Mila and the old kitchen maid his brow furrowed in a confused mix of anger and guilt, "She can take the apple, but get her cleaned now" the last word making the order clear.

Katia rushed to obey the lord's orders reaching Mila's side she gently took the girl by the arm "come now" a sense of urgency clear in her voice, "Varner can you get Illie to ready the tub with warm water and to fetch towels - you can go rest for the night" her concern for the old woman was obvious by her tone.

Mila clutched desperately to the apple as she was whisked away by Katia, she led her through a maze of halls and passageways - until they arrived at a large timber door, Katia opened it and allowed Mila to enter in front of her.

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Mila was still cautious in the unfamiliar surrounds, again she clutched her mother's pendant and the half eaten apple to her chest - unwilling to relinquish either.

She entered the strange room filled with clouds of steam, the floor was raised in the centre where a large tub sat prominently.

As Katia followed Mila into the room a maid entered carrying a stack of towels and clothes, sitting a top the stack was a bowl balanced carefully as the maid rushed to attend to her duties.

Mila's brow furrowed in confusion as she stood staring at the foreign object, the maid set the items in apparent pre-determined locations.

Meanwhile Katia chose a small glass jar from a selection on a shelf, before allowing several drops of the liquid contained inside into the large tub - as wisps of steam wafted around the room.

Katia then quietly instructs the maid who then leaves shutting the door as she does so, she then absentmindedly explains "Oten's bark is worse than his bite" reaching out her hand and guiding Mila to the side of the tub.

Continuing "he likes things to be a particular way" taking the apple and sitting it on a small table sitting next to it, explaining further "everything must be presentable, clean and organised"

Katia kneels in front of the young girl and went to remove the pendant she still held firmly, Mila flinched nervously backwards away from the encroaching hand and shielding the item with her body fiercely, she looked as if she'd been betrayed.

Katia withdrew her hand and rested back on her heels, "Mila, no one will take it from you - it can sit right there with your apple, but if you take it in this water it could get damaged." Mila stared desperately down at her now most treasured possession, with clear resignation she carefully placed it on the small table.

Katia aided the small child to remove her dirty damaged clothes then said "alright then, in you get" she smiled genuine warmth, as the small girl sheepishly eased herself into the massive tub.

Katia helped the child to wash her dirty mud clad hair for what appeared to be the first time ever, using soaps, oils, perfumes and a large toothed comb - she took her time as she carefully brushed the deceptively long locks, loose from their tangled mess.

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She cautiously warned "close your eyes" then poured a large carafe of warm water to rinse away the sweet smelling concoction, with it went the traces of dirt and grime from her face revealing for the first time her stunning features.

Katia was taken aback "my dear, one day you'll have any choice of husband" Mila just looked up in confusion, as Katia offered her a large robe to dry in - as she continued to tend to her extremely long hair.

Mila rushed to take back her mother's pendant, Katia smiled down at the innocent need she felt to have it close - she presented Mila with an off white dress, that she helped to ease over her head and arms.

Then she knelt again and gently eased the necklace from her grasp and draped it over her head, easing her hair out from under its shining links "you're going to need both of your hands at some point" with a cheeky smile that made Mila feel warm and welcomed, for the first time in memory.

She then picked up a lantern by the doorway and indicated Mila should follow her, she then led her back into the winding maze of halls until reaching another large timber door.

Katia opened the door allowing it to swing wide and reveal a small sized bedroom, complete with a cot, linens, a small desk, a trunk, even a fireplace that heated the room and filled it with a shadow filled light - Milas face was set in expression of sheer confusion.

"Come in my dear" Katia requested gently as she turned down the blankets and urged the small girl to get in, Mila did as instructed - but felt uneasy, having never experienced such luxuries as a bath, cot or fresh fruit before.

Katia covered the small frightened girl with blankets then turned to leave, then as she was about to depart the room she said "sleep well my dear, things will seem better in the morning" then she left shutting the door behind her.

As the door swung shut Mila rose and crept back into the corner of the bed against the wall, looking at the strange room she couldn't rest - she was to scared of being kept in a strange dark place, she didn't even know how to find her way out again.

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Mila sat huddled in the corner of her bed her arms wrapped around her body, hugging it tightly while one hand firmly held onto the pendant that hung from her neck - her eyes locked on the back of the door, waiting for it to burst open.

To be continued...

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Very well written @krystle thanks for sharing

No worries glad you enjoyed it!

Wuh woh... expects the worst.. they are fattening her up and making pretty so a sacrifice to the pride of the resident ruler can be made? :O!!! tinfoils harder

Haha I like your thinking, but think longer time frames with this story - it's a saga (and that's putting it lightly).

Thanks so much for the awesome comment, hope to keep you intrigued longer :)

Well of course there will be a grand escape, a run across the countryside with a bunch of different hero's coming to her rescue, only for the little girl to mature into a hero of her own and run the ruler through with his own scepter.

or they eat her. D:

Bahaha "or they eat her" man you make me laugh, whilst you've come close with parts I'm not willing to give it away - but this will have more turns and twists as time goes on, especially when this ties into the larger story.

I've written a fair part of this subsection of the story, now I feel the need for cannibals ...

I do try :D

What a tweeeest. <3

There just better not be some kinda and she woke up thing happening here. >:(

Nah that type of bs would shit me, what I will say is that whilst Mila is the lead of this story she isn't the lead of the whole story - but without her things would end up being very different in the end...

You might be interested to head back and check out
this it's my last collection of stories, but especially the first story I wrote in the world another spin off fromt he main story of sorts :)

oh oh ho, feel free to tag me in subsequent posts or in a comment, so it brings my attention to them, or dm on discord. Sometimes I get sidetracked. checking it out now.

upvoted! and waiting in anticipation for the next part... <3

Next part is written and waiting for posting hopefully tomorrow, hope you enjoy :)

Fantastic post
Thank You for sharing
I'm keeping an eye on your future posts
#pal #heelzkinu

Awesome to hear and glad you liked it, more to come soon :)

Love your work @krystle... Think you need a bigger office though as I've seen the outline for the novel lol

Thanks mum and you know what I agree with you, plus a mighty big gate to keep my little monsters from tearing up any more of my work!

My office is now overrun with notes and folders + all of the 3D pen stuff - it's getting hard to move ....

Buena historia . me gusto saludes,

so if I was to come visit could I get a sneak peak at the next bit??? Maybe?

Lol if you come to visit, I'll show you the massive stash of work Ive completed by hand folders and books full 😁

There's a whole other story this is just a spin off prequel, I have so much content I just have to get it ready to be post worthy.

It is gonna take years to write it all, so I'm sure I can give you a sneak peak - but you may loose your shit when you see it all...

I just may. Will def come for a visit, just have to wait til I get the car fixed, don't like the idea of loosing a tyre while I'm hurtling down the freeway lol

Nice story. I love fiction.

Thanks I'm glad you liked it :)

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