The World's Shortest Horror Story Ever!

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Woke up in a blurry haze.

Confused, I wondered - "What am I doing here?"

On my right, at the corner of my peripheral vision, laid a curve of elegant flesh. Booty? There it was. Soft-looking butt cheeks protruding out the sides of a cyan-coloured vee. I shifted my gaze. Some broad rays of light zeroed in on the surface of the supple, tender bump. Sparse and fine micro-hair were seen to be warm and glowing, as if absorbing energy from the sun. Brownian dusts were dancing about playfully in the spotlight.

"Where am I?"

The angel-haired creature at my side was waking up from its slumber, inhaling heartily while arching its flexible, undulating form. Its mocha, bedraggled hair fell off to the side of its face, revealing someone rather familiar. I gasped, quietly surprised. I waved at her, hoping to be as natural as possible. Why do I suddenly feel so comfortable?

Then it hit my mind like a motherfucker.

A wave, a sensation of familiarity washed over me. Random access memory.

Assuming that I comprehended the situation, I drew a question mark on my palm with my finger. She tilted her head like a cute little puppy. Clueless was her facial expression. As if on autopilot, I pointed at her, then myself, before opening up both of my hands, whispering - "Why?"

She looked angry and pointed to my wallet before going to the toilet. Perplexed by my situation, I flipped open my black leather wallet.

Pictures of us, together?

What sorcery is this? Feeling lightheaded and out of sync, I bee-lined towards the front door. I was pretty sure I wasn't at home, but, where the heck is this? Struggling to look for the elevator out of that place, I looked around the strangely familiar corridor.

"Here sir, are you looking for the elevator? It's here."

There was a Spanish-looking woman speaking to me. She was pointing to a space that was out of sight. Like an unquestioning mindless zombie, I followed her suggestion. The elevator was beside a bathtub. I climbed over the porcelain basin. How bizarre can this get?

Ding! The elevator arrived.

I was doubly baffled when that elevator door opened. White-tiled like a bathroom, the elevator looked just like an extension of the toilet-elevator lobby. But it was dimly lit. How weird. The elevator looked larger than usual, just like the toilet of a three-star hotel. There were about 6, 7 people in that space. One of the them - the one with the afro - she was smiling, flossing her teeth away in front of a wall-mounted mirror.

A feeling of despair swept over me. Someone was watching. Closely. Am I in something like the Truman Show? I imagined a Terry Gilliam styled fish-eye lens looking at me. I saw myself, sweating. Claustrophobic.

"Who was that girl earlier? Why were we speaking to each other telepathically, with all those hand gestures?"

"Ah! Oh my god, I can't even.. that was my ex-girlfriend!"

Ding! The elevator door opened. My unready eyes squinted, as if watching Half Life 2 showing off its HDR-lighting technology. The room next door was bright!

A silhouette. Destiny awaits.

A small dark figure, engulfed by the white brightness of that room, walked towards me, incrementally revealing its face as it approached my comfort circle. Another goddamn familiar face. And just like what seemed to be the shortest horror story ever, that little girl said -


Follow me @kevinwong


At first I laughed and agreed that would be a rather horrifying shock (no matter how sweet the little girl might be). But it got me to thinking about the plight of men. I mean, as a woman this is not something I would ever dream. I know exactly how many children I put out into the world (two) but it's much harder for a man to possess that certainty.

1 pair baby shoes
never worn

Not spamming, just wanted to say that the above is actually the shortest horror story ever.
You wrote a great short horror story, but there are many a lot shorter ;)

Haha I know bout that, just banking in on the "Daddy!" keyword as the shortest horror story :p lol..

Are you still on your evangelical trip in Mexico? Been a while since I read something bout that :)

Yes I'm still in Mexico and I'm still evangelizing. Check my blog though, been focused the past week or so on Havin and forgot to do any updates. Just posted an update on that project and a call for volunteers to test. I would love to have you onboard.

BTW You really did write a great story in general. It's one of few stories I've found that's worth a re-reading.

Thanks for the compliment!
Alright, I'll read it first thing in the morning.. LOOKS damn interesting... is it based of @andrarchy's nebulous idea of -the game- ? Fantastic!

Lol you upvoted and commented on the original post about this game. But no it has nothing to do with @andrarchy's game thing. He's a cool guy but that's just too far out there.

This is a personal shopping list manager that allows merchants to also see what you're in the market for. They invite you in with a free item on your list but you don't know what the item is until you scan it. In the meantime the merchant is obliged to accept SBD for your order and will be using the SBD to buy promoted ad space.

The whole thing is managed view a continually updating blog post and merchants can upvote customers, and customer can upvote merchants too.

Taken all together it's a shopping list app with both showrooming and geocaching facilities, that is all wrapped up in an old school 8 bit style RPG, but with MMORPG like capabilities. You can think of it like Pokemon Go for business.

There literally is nothing else like this in the world.

That's a tragedy, rather than a horror

I think it depends mostly on the reader's perspective.
It's not actually my story. It was written by Percy Shelly the husband of Mary Shelly the author of Frankenstein.

It's one of those stories that could pretty much take the title in any category. Even comedy.
For comedy, you have to assume that the well meaning seller was a nosy neighbor who bought them for someone they believed to be having a baby.

I felt like I was there! :)

I woke up from that dream.. immediately reached for a pen to write it down!

Resteemed Kevin!

A-ha! @kevinwong - Is this the post that started it all?
This was a fun read. :)
I jumped in with my own short horror after seeing a bunch of others showing up on my feed. I thought it would be fun! :)

Started it all? I saw a another one including yours, not sure if this post started the short horror thing at all lol. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)

Hi Daddy!

Gosh.. i woke up instantly after hearing that lol

Whoa man! Maybe that was a tiny glimpse of reality... and this is all a dream...

There are some partial truths in that dream.. but boy was that a nightmare! I've been having a lot of it lately.

Hah! Well Kevin, let me tell you from experience... falling asleep while "Stranger Things" is playing in the background can cause some funky dreams. And I'm no doctor, but this looks like a classic case of a Netflix induced nightmare!

Having children = true nightmare

Hahah.. well only for certain people :)

Legal responsibility for a teenager. True horror.

I've had some friends who went through that, seemed happy bout it.. but then again who knows.. unimaginable for me though!

congratulations on excellent story so beautiful material

Thank you @jlufer, glad you enjoyed it :)

Haha.. cute little horror..

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