Devil-ance and the Rogues Revenge CHPR 1

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

I was 12 the first time I went into space. My father got a job with AlphaSpace, to work at a refueling station in the asteroid belt. He shipped out 6 months before me and my mother. On a beautiful summer day, mom and I got on a rocket ship that was strapped to the underbelly of a large airplane with two cockpits. I got to sit next to the window. after a long wait, we take off. We are pinned to sit with g force. Then it slowly let off, to the point where it was back to normal. Then we got a "3, 2, 1" count. and the rocket detached and began to fall back to the earth. people start getting sick, and the vomit starts pooling on the ceiling. Then the motor kicked in so hard that it felt like it was pulling my eyes thru the back of my head. We circled the earth and head out to the deeper reaches.

After 2 months we got to the Station, Pulling in to the docking station I could see my dad waving in the window as we pull in to port. The Station was a built on the side of an asteroid, 50 times bigger than the station. It has 3 floors, first is dock yard and storage, Second was Medbay, cafe, and shops. third was where the crew lived and room for travels to stay while they refueled. Dad takes us up to our apartment, its beautiful with skylight backed up against the cliff wall, giving a view of the cliff and space that was like nothing I have ever seen. I could lay in my bed and watch the stars move around the massive cliff.

There was about 15 family that lived on the station full time, mostly miners and maintenance. My dad had the best job he was station captain. And my mom worked in the cafe. She was known for her flapjacks I still remember the smell filling the second floor. "God, I loved those flapjacks, I have the recipe but it's not the same." families would line up to get them and she would make special ones for the kids, shaped like dinosaurs. This was how it was for years.

The day it happened I was eating a Triceratops flapjack. there was a boom the shook the whole station my plate fell to the floor. I reached down to pick it up when I did the airlock blow. it sucked me in the air I was grabbing everything I could. I grabbed a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall. Then the presser normalized at space vacuum, And I began to pass out.

When I came to I was in a pool of blue liquid thick like syrup. With tubes everywhere "oh god the tubes". Tubes for food, tubes for waste, tubes for meds, so many tubes. I try to move but I'm locked into some kind of exoskeleton. The only thing I could move was my eyes. After a long time, the nurse walks in and speaks in all languages at once then narrows it down to English.

Nurse "Oh good your wake your trial is tomorrow."

I try to speak but can't because of the tubes. She looks at the charts, marks a few things on her tablet. Starts to leave the room

She turns and speaks to me.

Nurse "Sleep good tomorrow will be a long day."

I did not sleep good, I had a male itch I could not scratch. The next day a man in a lab coat comes to the window of my room pushes a few buttons on a panel outside my room. The exoskeleton starts to force me to move. All my joints start popping and cracking since they had not moved in a while. It steps me out of the tank I was in. Then the man in the window pushes another button and the exoskeleton ripes all the tubes out. I makes me vomit.

Man in the window "Oh Come on man you dont want to see the judge like that."

I try to spit out the blood pooling in my mouth as the exoskeleton starts to walk me out of the room. It turns a corner then walks me down a long hallway to a massive blast door with "War Tribunal" wrote on it. It begin to open......

Till next time when we find out where he is and why.


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