Too Good To Be True... (A short story Part 2)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Marcus wasn't finished with her and his wooing of her continued and over the following weekends. He would appear at a bar she was drinking at or bump into him at a clothing store. He sometimes comment how the dress she was looking at would look beautiful on her, then with a wink he would whisper how it would look better on the floor of his bedroom. Other times he wouldn't even approach her but would just buy her the dress he had seen her look at, but had dismissed because the price was too high. She began to look forward to the wooing each weekend, finding it flattering. 

He would try and lore her back to his hotel or out for dinner, but she would turn him down. Telling him she had work the next day.      

During the week, she carried on with the normality of life, as she knew he would soon bore of the game, like he did before. She needed the security of a real job and hoped soon she would get a more permanent job instead of the temp work, that came in steadily, but meant a different office each week.

Monday morning came, a new offices and a new boss to try and impress. All her agent had given her was an address and the instruction to dress to impress, as this was a dream client and had potential to lead to more weeks, and might become long term.

So she arrived at the normal looking office with the blonde, heavily made-up receptionist, who looked bitchily at her as she gave her directions to the third floor. 

She had exited the lift and turn left, passed the closed doors and the hum of computers and phones, proceeded to the door at the end of the corridor. Before knocking she straighten her jacket and smoothed her skirt.

She knocked and a voice from inside answered. "Enter." The voice sounded strangely familiar. She took a deep breath readying herself to put on a winning smile and pull out all her charms to win her new boss over. She turned the handle and entered.  

She wasn't sure whether to be angry, that this whole job was just one of Marcus' games or to be flattered that he had gone to so much trouble. He didn't give her time, he just throw an envelope across the desk. "I believe that is what they paid you last week for the job you did. That is yours, you can take it and walk out of this office and I will leave you be. You can go back to your agent and she can find you another job for the remainder of the week. Or you can give me 10 minutes, all you have to do is sit and listen to what I have to say. If after listening you still decide you don't want me in your life, then you can take the money and leave. But I promise what I have to offer is life changing."

Natalie sat down in the chair opposite and Marcus began his pitch.

"I think you have guessed by now that I am a powerful man." He pushed another envelope cross the table. "In that envelope is a piece of paper that can open the doors to your dream job." He tapped the envelope. "Aim high within your dreams and then open the envelope." Natalie chuckled, sceptical that the envelope could hold such a thing. Doubtful that Marcus could back up such a wild claim.

So she thought of being the CEO of the last company she had tempt for. It was a good company and she like the people she had worked with that week. Marcus smiled at her and clicked his fingers. "Open the envelope Natalie." Still highly sceptical she opened the envelope and then all her doubt dissolved into a massive smile. It wasn't the company she had worked for, but it was a position of CEO of a up and coming fashion line. She had always loved fashion, before she had fallen pregnant with their son she had dreamed of becoming a designer. She looked up at him amazed that he had produced the job of her dreams. A dream she had given up on and now it lay in her palm.

"Is this one of your tricks Marcus?"

"It's yours, all you have to do is sign a little piece of paper." He took her hand. "I have always felt guilty that I cost you your dream, I just wanted to make it right." He pushed a document in front of her. "Just some legal guff, to say you accept the job and accept the cost." He pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket. "Just a little signature and the job is yours." She stared down at the job offer and still not believing it to be true. She smiled up at Marcus and took the pen. She didn't notice the ink was red in colour, she just signed. As she put the pen down her phone rang, a voice on the other end introduced himself as her PA and informed her that she had a meeting in an hour.

As she left the office Marcus rolled up their contract and after he watched her taxi pull away he clicked his fingers and disappeared.

To be continued....

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