Star Snatched Kiss (A Scottish Vampire Tale Part 5)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

I crossed the barn and sat opposite her taking the book from her hands as I flicked through the book, my excitement grew to meet hers. I smiled across at her, her golden ringlets bounced as she tried to contain her excitement at the plan she had. But in seconds she was blurting it out a high speed.

 “There is a loose rafter in the hay loft, if we remove it there is a perfect view of the heaven.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ladder, she began climbing slowly and carefully up the ladder, I saw her leg wobble a little like a human would when a little scared, as I said it was a flawless act. As I watched her climb I accidental saw up her skirt a little, just up to her knee, but still it sent a wave of excitement through my body. The smooth curve of her calf, the shamefulness of seeing ignited that idea of lust for her.

Once she had reached the top I began to ascend and moments later I was lying beside her in the soft hay observing the heavens above. Back then I mistook her as innocent, thought it was I who took the big step and changed our innocent friendship into a courtship. But now I wonder.

Was she just a knock off of the old ‘Octavian block’, had she steered destiny to get us to this point. I don’t know all I knew was it was a perfect moment. 

She was studying the constellation Orion, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The soft curl of her golden hair lay like a peacock tail around her face. In the moonlight her skin like cream, her eyes sparkled in delight as the beauty of the night sky above her.

 “It is so beautiful Ben, I could lay here forever.” I stretched my hand out and lifted coil of her hair between my fingers, it sprung as I twisted it ravelling its self around my index finger. As she carried on telling me about what she had read in her book I watched her lips move, but didn’t hear her words. All I could think about was how I wanted to kiss those lips now, how beautiful she was like a porcelain doll in a posh shop window in town.


I shuffled over in the hay so my lip rested just beside hers cheek. “Darcy.” I whispered, she ignored me at first so I raised my voice a little and said it again. “Darcy.” She turned her head to face me and smiled.

“Yes Ben.” Her eyes were soft and inviting; I seized my chance and brushed my lips against hers. They were surprisingly hard and cold, but they seem to yield. She tilted her head and this allowed the kiss to become deeper. She didn’t break away, she didn’t flinch when my hand rose to cup her face and my fingers entwined into her hair. Her lips parted and I felt her tongue in my mouth. I was lost in the dream of it, not really processing how easily it had progressed and where it might end. In the moments our whole world change, no longer were we kids sneaking out, we became lovers searching for a place to meet to explore our lust. 

Old Fergus caught us, and it didn't go further then that first kiss that night. I wonder for months afterwards  if he hadn't found us, would it of gone further? I now believe it was all part of her plan, that Fergus arrived when he did. 

We could no longer meet in Fergus’s barn he was on the lookout now, so weeks passed when we were unable to meet. But we exchanged notes. We would leave our notes in the wall at the end of the lane under a loose stone. I would place mine there on my way home from work and when I walked to the work the next day her reply would be there. 

At first we just wrote about that night and how she was searching for a new place to meet. But as the weeks progressed we wrote our plans for our next meeting, how I would kiss her. 

On one morning she left me a poem by Robert Burns.

A fond kiss, and then we sever;

A farewell, and then forever! 

Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee,

Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee…

I didn’t have excess to poetry books so I attempted to conjure up ones of my own as a reply. It wasn’t very good, but it was heart felt and she said she loved it.

The next morning I didn’t find a letter, but instead she left me a little brown book with gold leaf along the spine. She had marked a page with an oak leaf; it was a funny poem about the Devil.

She wrote. 'I give you this book as a sign we will meet again, this is not farewell forever.'

I treasured that book because it was from her, and I returned it to her when we met next never knowing it true value. Turn out that little book was Kilmarnock volume of Robert Burn poems and worth thousands of pounds. I shudder now knowing how precious it was and to think I carried it for weeks in my breast pocket.

It was late February when I finally set eyes on her again. An old cottage had become vacant and so we climbed in through the pantry window and carried on our courtship. I believed the tale back then, although I know now her father paid the rent on it and that was why no more tenants came to spoil our special hours. 

At this point I had just turn 17 and I assumed as I had age she was now 15, although her body still appeared as it had always done, she now dressed differently, older. We kissed and experimented but I never attempted to cross that line. Not because I didn’t want to, because I love her too much to spoil her. It didn’t matter what class you belong to, intercourse was only to occur between husband and wife. 

On the arrival of spring and summer the weather allowed us to meet in the opened and side by side we would lay among the heather and read our books and plan our future. It was during these months things took another amazing change. 

It was mid-June I was waiting under the great oak eating an apple when she arrived. She sat beside me and entwined her fingers in mine. “How much do you love me Ben?”

I turned in horror. “Isn’t it obvious, you are my world, I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

She smiled up at me, those deep sapphire eyes sparkled with joy at my words.

 “I love you that way too, I can’t bear to dream of a world that you and I are not together.” I brought her hand up to my lips. Fearing this was her parting speech.

“How long before you have to leave me?” 

She turned and took my face in her hand. “Oh Ben it not that, I told father I don’t want to go to finishing school.”

I stared into her face seeing the big grin painted across her delicate cheeks. “I know who I want to spend my life with and it’s you.” She took both my hands in hers. “I don’t want to wait.” She kissed my lips, she wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to push me backwards on to ground. I pushed her away slightly meeting her lustful gaze with the same intensity.

“I want this so much Darcy, I too want to spend the rest of my life with you. This feels so right, yet..”

“I don’t care about what society believes, I don’t care that to them we are just two love struck teenagers.” She put her hand on my heart. “I know this is right and I refuse to panda to someone else rules and deprive myself of what I want.” 

For the next year we continued our love affair. In the dusk kissed heather I would make love to her, under that oak tree, in the sun kissed corn in old Fergus’s fields and in the winter next to fire in the old abandon cottage. We planned how we would wed once we were old enough, do it secretly so no one could stop us, and once done they would all just have to accept it. 

Those years in a sense were all a lie, because she wasn’t an Earl’s daughter she was a vampire and our love in her world wasn’t forbidden. She admitted to me later that she had made it up as she went along. She hadn’t set out with an agenda to lie to me and use me for a few years to stratify her lust. She told me she was just curious and once she started she couldn’t let me go. I asked if she hadn’t been allowed to turn me would she have left me broken hearted after a number of years. She flatly refused. 

“I would keep you as my secret until the sad day they put you in the ground. If you had wished I would step aside and allow you to take a human wife and watch your kids grow and in my heart hold them dear like they were my own.” I believed that is what she would have done, because that is the scope of my Darcy’s heart.

However she did turn me, but as you know my turning wasn’t some romantic bloody kiss on a moonlit evening, it was lardon down with guilt.



Darcy is an interesting character and I love how you describe her.
Looking forward to learning more about Ben's story.
Resteemed :)

Thank you for the resteem and your comment. :)

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