For Godness' Sake! (Short Story Part 4)

in #fiction7 years ago

Please read part 3 posted yesterday. 

  • Helena looked around her haven, and smiled. To the west a giant forest stretched out into the distance. She could no longer see the fiery ocean, as far as the eye could see was rolling hills or deep forests. The sky was blue above, far off she saw the edging of pink that would seep into red and fiery storms, but their heat was no longer touching her thanks to the power source she was now connected to. She closed her eyes and felt the power that flowed through her new world. She was connected to a magnificent power source now. Marcus sat at his desk, no one knew where he had been the passed 48 hours and he planned to keep it that way. He buried himself in his work, trying to make a dent on the backlog that had built up in his absence. The copper band around his ankle itched and he gave it a subconscious scratch as he read through another pact.   The copper band connected him to Helena Haven, he powered it, keeping the fires at bay. 

Part 4

The copper band around his ankle glowed as he felt a tug of energy absorbed into it. 

He whispered into the air. "Helena we discussed this, I gave you an outlet to my power, only to sustain your Haven." "Sorry my love, I fear my imagination is running away with me..." 

"HELENA, don't test me, I know the difference." 

"Sorry my love." 

Marcus went back to his paperwork, he hated paperwork, that was why in hell he was forced to do it. Give him a bounty or some soul to torture and he would do it with glee. But a pile of papers to sign and file, well that was his idea of hell.

Helena sat in her beautiful grove sipping wine and enjoying the sweet fruit that grew in the trees above her. It was true Marcus had built a heaven for her, her every wish became her reality. Yet out of the mist to the east the dark one still prayed, she asked her for power to crush his enemies. She tried to resist his calls, for she didn't want to jeopardise her beautiful haven, but she had signed a pact and when asked she had to obey.

The band around his ankle pulsed, making the paper in his hand became blurred. He shook the draw to sleep from his head and tried again to concentrate on the task in his hand. But moment later fatigue called again, stronger this time. His need to sleep won over as the band pulled down into the dream world his head rested on the pile of papers on his desk.

Helena was pacing. "Oh good you came, I am not happy. Someone is impersonating me. Making claims Marcus, putting ideas in my servant's head, that I might see them as my equal." She shuddered. " I need to make them stop.." "ENOUGH! This is not my concern. Our deal was I protect your Haven and that is all, I do not care about your ego any longer." The sky reddened above them. "Do you want me to go back on my deal?"

 "No..." She said in panic, seeing she had angered him.

"Then stop calling me, like I am one of your lap dogs." She spat back at her, irritated by her ability to summon him.

"I didn't call you..."then she smiled. "Oh how interesting, did my temper draw you to sleep." Marcus didn't answer. "It did." She let out a joyful squeal. "Oh my dear boy, what did you do?" 

He scowled. "It's none of your business." "Oh but it is." She ran her hand down his chest. "Did the Great Marcus make a little mistake within our pact." Marcus chewed his cheek, which made Helena even more excited. 

He turned his back on her. "I should have let you die, you have to much of a hold on me..." She turned him back round and kissed him deeply on the lips. 

"As do you have on me my love. If the tables were reversed I am sure I would have saved you." 

He pushed away from her. "I need to wake up, I have things to do kingdoms to rule, contracts to call in, wars to fight." He clawed at his hair. "There are not enough hours in the day or the night to keep a float." She wrapped her wings around him and within their embrace he felt the stress disappear. 

"You are tired my love, you need to sleep..." Marcus felt his eyes close and allowed himself to relax. 

Helena now saw the power the anklet had given her and she planned to exploit his error and gain the power she needed to escape.  The last thing Marcus remembered was being at his desk hard at work. He didn't remember feeling the anklet vibrate, all he knew was now he was lying in Helena's lap as she kissed his brow.

He allowed himself to enjoy the peace for a few minutes before he withdrew and sat up enraged. "You have to stop this Helena... how are you doing this?"

 She sat and stroked his back. "I promise you my dear I am doing nothing, you are the one who keeps appearing here." She kissed his bare shoulder. "I not going to send you packing am I?" She wrapped her arms round him. "You are spreading yourself too thin I fear. Burning the candle at both ends, it's not good for you." She lowered him back into her lap. "I am beginning to suspect this is you only place of relaxation." 

"Nonsense, you are the source to a lot of my stress at the moment, this is the last place I would come to wind down." "Yet you had the best hour sleep in my embrace, did you not my love?" He nodded as he drifted off to sleep again.

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