
That piercing eye would stab into my brain again and he would read my thoughts

Love that image - I can see him prying into the poor apprentice's brain... 😱

@kaelci Nice spin! ((:

I was honestly stuck when I saw the prompt but nothing helps stir inspiration than reading a fellow writer's work (:

I was too! All I could think of was the type of dried pig's ear thingies that dogs chew on. Then my partner suggested something about a plant that looked like a pig's ear... slightly better than dried dog chews! Then, after drinking my sneaky weekly caffeine, a witch's brew popped into mind! :D

Hopefully you found some inspiration!! :D

Well, that was very inventive @kaelci!

This is my first day ever to be the reminder for freewrite. So please do it so I do not get into trouble and also so we can read more of your good work!

Thank you for the prompt delivery! :) Will start soon!!

I can imagine the apprentice’s fate when the mage’s potion goes wrong because of an unexpected prawn in the mix. LOL

Great plan glue some tail to it LOL

Posted using Partiko Android

One does learn a new thing every day huh?, now, what did the mage wanted to do with the crab's tail?, something evil, naugthy... or both?

I was just thinking an ingredients list for making some sort of potion. An evil potion? I can't say -- could be! :D ~ A naughty thing didn't cross my mind though, haha! That's a strange fetish to have. "Mmm, crab tail. Don't forget the crab tail. Don't ask!!! Just bring it to me!"

Evil potion was my first thought!
But you're the wicked writer who left me with that image of pixie phone chargers. And no, I didn't say pixel, folks, I said pixie.
Crabs don't have tails... lobsters do, right? ... you have me rethinking what I think I know!

Hehe ~ evil cackle ~

But yes, crabs have tails! I was so surprised. I wrote the story, called over my shoulder to inform my partner that his 5-minutes of silence could end, he asked what I wrote so I read him the story... and then he says, "But, crabs DO have tails. Just like a lobster, but smaller."

I was just... what? Googled it. Lo and behold! Teeny tiny tails folded up beneath their shells. I never would have guessed! :D

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