
Nothing earth-shaking about your writings my butt! You be shaking the gods realm which can only have a ripple down effect into our mere reality ❤️


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Thank you for stopping by!!! :D

By earth-shattering.. well, there are so many people here who write real, inspiring events of past and present based on life and personal realities. This is just fiction. My life's work!! But still, just fiction.

I had someone a couple of years ago on a forum I once visited, write a rant asking why people even bothered to read books, that stories were too... here, there, everywhere, meandering, wandering all over the place... and he wanted people who write to just get to the point. ~ Made me realise that not everyone thinks of fiction as The Great Escape as I do! Haha!

Different opinions, values, beliefs... all colours of the rainbow!! ;)


They are just jealous of not having any imagination 😅 I speak from my own perspective... I am more a factual/opinion writer.

Factual writing is easy, writing fiction not to hard, writing fiction that can hold an audience is where real authors find their calling!

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Another freewrite filled with magic and the awesome Cael - and your asides, which I love, e.g. another freewrite I want to transform into a whole new chapter!!! Cael could use another chapter or two dedicated to his perspective. Just need to think of two more acts for it. Yes! And please keep showing us your reflections as you write. :) If you can find time...

Thank you!!! I really can't wait to get this work out so everyone can fall in love with Cael like I have, haha! (it's part of what breaks my heart and stops me from finishing The End of the darn story, I don't want to write his pain.... but I cried and wrote with Katea and Draven and I can do it again.....)

I love to ramble, you know me. :) At the same time I'm trying to control myself from rambling too much, and also from writing toooooo much that could give my whole world away. It's a fine line!

I actually started writing this into a chapter last night! From 5 minute freewrite to 1000 words :D half way there and then I can insert it somewhere and continue on with my Painstaking Last Edit and Additions. Must finish book. Must give to Beta Readers. Must publish for the world to love.

From 5 minute freewrite to 1000 words - yay!!! GO GO GO
Must finish book. Must give to Beta Readers. Must publish for the world to love. So everyone call fall in love with Cael!!! YES. GO GO GO

Just finished the chapter! 2100 words, thanks to a five-minute freewrite... breathing more life into the story. Now I wonder why I never wrote it before!! It fits so perfectly! Motivation to keep go-go-going!

You go!!! Prompts can work wonders at getting you to work wonders. :)

I am so looking forward to reading the whole book!

I am so looking forward to sharing it!! :D

Great story @kaelci and the plot is very interesting, well done!

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