Justin Time (Chapter 9) An original Novel

in #fiction8 years ago



A note from the author: 

I want to thank my loyal readers for their support. You have been reading this novel in a rough draft state.  There will be more editing and enhancements before I will consider it a 'finished product'. Your replies and input are not only welcome but encouraged as my goal is to make this novel as enjoyable as possible.

Link to beginning of story:


Link to Chapter 8: Madam Clearvision


Chapter 8 Review:

Fortune teller, Madam Clearvision, tells businessman Mark Hannity that PPC will be going public and will be offering stock options. Officer Quintez has a lab report done on a mysterious fabric. Detective Armstrong gets cooperation from Head Nurse Decantor in building as case against Katherine Time.

Chapter 9: Business Partners

"How soon will you be able to complete the testing on that piece of fabric?", asked Officer Quintez.
"It should only take a couple of days including DNA sampling”, said Dr. Cho.
"Please let me know as soon as possible when you are through. There was another break in last night and we apprehended the criminal this morning. He denies breaking into the Time's residence."
Dr. Cho said, "Really? Why do you think they're linked?"
"The criminal went through the window of another eight year old boy's room." Quintez continued, "It turned out he was a common burglar. There was nobody home, but they were able to identify him as they had some cameras. We found the man and various items in the house that he stole including little boy cloths. I am hoping two cases can be closed at the same time."
 Officer Quintez knew it was unlikely because the criminal that went into Justin's room had entered when the lights were on and people were home, but that case had been opened for a year now and Quintez had been getting desperate.

"Did you know", Dr. Cho continued,"that we found a very very small bit of blood on the fabric? It was so small it could not be seen with the naked eye."

"That is promising", said Quintez.

"They said he probably jumped out of the window once he heard the dog barking. Maybe he slightly cut himself going through that window. Honestly speaking, I wish this case would just go away. Without Justin remembering anything, it is very difficult. If we don't get a positive DNA testing on this, we have nothing. William said that he never got a good look at this man. He told me he was just wearing dark clothing. It was night time and the man was in the bushes. He ascended the wall like he was a high jumper in one quick motion. Then he ran off."

"Why are you so interested in this?", asked Cho. At this point, shouldn't it be up to the detectives?"

"Well, normally yes, but believe it or not, I still have not completed my original report. I had to put it on hold as I never was able to speak to Justin. Now that I can speak to him, he can't remember. I was going to conclude it, but then I noticed the piece of fabric and thought I would do a little more research."

"Well, if you ask me, I think it is time for a detective to get involved.", Cho said.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. I will turn in my report today with the updated evidence.", conceded Quintez. "But please still let me know about the testing."

"Sounds good. I will still let you know as soon as I know about the results", said Dr. Cho.

 The next day Mark Hannity met Mable Lidcow of Pacific Petroleum Consultants at the local coffee shop. After exchanging pleasantries, Mark explained that the article he was writing was for a magazine called The Corporate Pyramid where their readers ranged from Corporate CEOs to small entrepreneurs. Then Mark proceeded to ask her if it was okay if she could answer a few questions.

"Sure dear", said Mable.

"How long have you worked for PPC?", he asked.

"I have been with them for 19 years when they first started.", she said proudly.

"Wow. That is impressive.", he said with a smile. Mark was thinking how easy this was going to be as she was just soaking in the attention.

"It will be 20 years in December.", she continued. 

"I would imagine throughout these years you have had several duties. Can you name some of your past and present responsibilities?"

"How did you know?, she said. "I have worn so many hats I would not be able to tell you all of them, however I started as a receptionist. Then I went to the human resource department for a while. I was the manager of that department for about six months and then I had to go out for medical leave for about seven months. It is personal you know so I can't discuss it here. When I came back, I took a position as Phillip Harrington's secretary. That is just the short of it. I have always done many other things that were not part of my job description. I look to help in every way I can darling."

"That is very admirable of you.", he said. 

 They continued for about 30 more minutes until he asked his last question.

"How do you like the benefits that PPC offers?"

"I think they have great benefits. I get medical, dental, 401k plan where they match and they just started stock options. I wish I could afford those, but I can't. When she mentioned stock options, he thought 'Bingo!'

Once the interview was over, Hannity got down to business.

"So", he said inquiringly, "You would like to buy stock options, but you cannot afford it? Correct?"

"Can I be frank with you, off the record?", she asked.
"Of course you can."

"I am so upset with this company right now, I am beside myself.", she exclaimed hitting her fist against the table.
Mark was taken back as he had never guessed that she would be expressing that kind of anger.

"Why is that?", he inquired.

"After 20 years of incredibly hard work, they are going to eliminate the whole marketing department. Mr Harrington, the marketing director, informed me of that yesterday. He said rather than finding me another position, I may want to take an early retirement. I am not ready to retire yet as I have not saved enough money. I was told they do not need our department any more because the new CEO billionaire, Theodore Derringer will have so many referrals coming to us simply because of his contacts and name recognition that it would be a waste of money having a marketing department. I am not a vindictive person, Mr. Hannity.."

"Mable...please call me Mark.", he squeezed in between her rant.

"Mark..", she continued, "I am not a vindictive person, but I feel I have invested way to much of my heart and soul to leave this way. I should be compensated much more."

He hesitated for a moment taking it all in and then as if he just came up with a great inspiration he said, "I have a thought that may make you feel like you have evened the score and it won't hurt anybody."

"Do tell.", she said.

“How would you like to have a business arrangement with me?” Taken back, but open minded she said, "What kind of a business arrangement?"

"What if I lend you money so you can buy the stock options before your company starts its Initial Public Offering. Also, in return you buy some stock for me."

"That sounds great dear, but why would you want to do that for me? And what kind of interest will you charge me?"

"Well" he said, "I would do that for you because I think that I too will benefit as I believe the stock will go up. I will not charge you interest, but I would like to get paid back as soon as possible. You will probably be able to pay me back quickly once the stock goes up by selling some of your shares."

"Isn't this illegal?", she asked.

"Come on Mable. How do you think your new CEO got so rich anyway? Everybody does that. Besides, they owe you and you aren't hurting anyone."

She thought for a moment and then exclaimed, "You're right! They do owe me and no one gets hurt."

 "Partners?", she said extending her hand.

"Partners!", he said shaking her hand and smiling.
"Rewind that again Joe.", said Detective Armstrong. "It was 9:59 pm when she entered the hospital. You see there? She is holding two paper shopping bags. There is more than just a book and maybe a little bite to eat inside of them. Besides, everyone these days ask for plastic not paper.", he said sarcastically.

"Now go to the camera on the other floor. From this angle she is going directly into her son's room still with bags in her hands."
"Let's speed it up again. Notice, Lamberg walks in at 10:30 pm. Come on. Forward another 30 minutes Joe.", said Armstrong as if he was expecting Joe to read his mind.

"Okay, Okay. I am getting there.", said an annoyed Joe.

"See?", said Armstrong, "Nurse Latresky peaks her head in at 11:05."

"So?" said Joe, "She is probably just making her rounds."

"Perhaps. Let's move forward at only double speed because I have not had a chance to view this recording from this point on."

"Okay. Forwarding at double speed." 

For about the next hour they were watching a variety of people walking through. They saw Nurse Latresky a few times, but never going into Justin's room. Every now and then they would stop the recording thinking they saw something significant. Suddenly, they saw Katherine run out of the room real quickly.

"Stop!", yelled Armstrong.

"Okay, I see it too.", Joe yelled back.

"Now rewind it." 

After Joe rewound it a bit, Armstrong said, "Okay now go. Right there. It is 12:27 am. She looks terrified. Wait. Who was that? He just walked right past her and went in. Okay back up slowly. Now forward slowly. There she is and..I said back it up slowly."

"It is at half speed." said Joe.

"Wow, that was fast. Can you go slower?", questioned Armstrong."I still didn't get a good look."

"Yep..moving now at quarter speed."

"Get ready to freeze it. Aaaand now! Okay. He looks like a doctor. He has a white coat and dark hair. What is that he is holding in his hands? I can't tell. His back is blocking most of it. Damn! We need to find this doctor. Okay let's move on slowly."

"Okay.", said Joe.

"There it is stop! Look he is holding one of these heart resuscitator things.", said Armstrong.

"It is called a defibrillator.", Joe said shaking his head.

"Whatever. So, is he helping Lamberg? We need to find this doctor! He comes in and out within two minutes. Okay, there is Katherine coming out and using the intercom. It is 1:29 am. Now she is going back inside.
Continue at half speed. Finally. There they are. This is the emergency staff that helps Lamberg. It is 12:34 am. Now they are leaving and Katherine is by herself. Why wouldn't she be with her  friend if he just had a hard attack? I am telling you they were working on Justin and she still needs to treat him."

Armstrong intuitively knew what happened, but he wanted more witnesses or evidence.

"She is by herself now. You can continue at double speed. Boy I am getting tired.", yawned Armstrong.

"You're getting tired, but I am getting carpal tunnel syndrome. go! stop! faster! slower! forward! backward!", complained Joe.

"So far our best evidence are the lab reports.", said Armstrong.

"What lab reports?", asked Joe.

"You don't know? It was because of these lab reports that they brought me into this investigation. You see, the day after Justin came out from his coma, they did a full physical including cat-scans and blood testing. They found phenobarbital in his system. According to the head neurologist, it had been in his system for less than 24 hours. This is a barbiturate and can only enter the system orally or by injection. It was actually the head nurse Decantor who made the official report. I interviewed her and she said she likes Katherine, but people can't just break laws especially in a hospital. Everything should be done by the book was her opinion. She also told me that Katherine is a famous scientist who had a medical break through regarding comas. This cannot be a coincidence. A mother's child is in a coma and the doctors have no more hope and the mother may be able to help her son? I think the only mother that wouldn't do that is yours." he said with grin.

"She seems like she did what she had to do. Why are you pressing this?", said Joe.

"Because that is my job and we can't have people running around playing vigilante doctor.  And if Justin had died she would be tried for manslaughter.", Armstrong said sternly.

"Okay now.", said Armstrong changing the subject, "There is Latresky walking in the room. It is 2:03 am. She is going inside. They reported that he came out of his coma around 2:00 am. I suspect she is looking at Justin and making sure things are okay."

 After about 15 minutes they saw Katherine leave. 

"Let's keep looking until Latresky leaves.", said Armstrong.

"Absolutely", agreed Joe.

About 5 minutes later, they saw Nurse Latresky leaving with two paper bags and a defibrillator.

"Another defibrillator?" questioned Armstrong. " Someone was prepared."

After that there was nothing else of interest.

"It is time I pay Katherine a visit. Meanwhile your first priority is to find that doctor who had the defibrillator.", concluded Armstrong.   

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