Justin Time (Chapter 20) An Original Science Fiction Novel

in #fiction8 years ago


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Link to Chapter 19: Deja Vu


Chapter 20: The Poker Game

"Well that was a good movie.", said Kirstin holding Justin's hand.

"Yeah it was, but honestly, I don't remember most of it. I was day dreaming."

"Really?" asked Kirstin.

"What about?"

"I still can't believe this moment. It feels so surreal. I thought you would of been with someone. I'm so happy you’re not."

"I am with someone. I'm with you.", she said with an embarrassed smile.

Justin smiled as he put his arm around her. "Come. Let me drive you back to your car. Where are you parked?"

"I parked on the 3rd floor university parking."

Justin drove to the 3rd floor and parked next to her car.

"You never did tell me where you're living?", mentioned Justin.

"I didn't? Oh. I guess not? I live in Echo Park which is a small area just outside of downtown Los Angeles. I answered an ad on the Internet for a roommate wanted."

"Male or Female?", asked Justin.

"Female silly.", she replied. "She's a middle aged lady in her fifties. She is a teacher too. She is very smart. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't of grown the courage to visit you."

"One of those parallel universes splitting off again.", said Justin jokingly.

"Oh shut up.", said Kirstin bopping him on the head.


"What. What. I am sorry. I did it real softly."

"OUCH..No..it wasn't you. I have been getting massive headaches recently."

"Well you better see the doctor.", said Kirstin sternly.

"I will. I have an appointment this week. The pain is gone now. It comes real quickly and then disappears just as quickly. Alright. About your roommate. You were saying she is really smart."

"I almost gave up trying to see you after our encounter at the book store. I thought you didn't have any interest since you said nothing."

"Oh my god. I was so shocked, I couldn't say anything. I thought about you so often. You were the last person I expected. But I am so happy you came back."

"Me too.", she said lightly kissing Justin on the cheek.

Justin put his arm around her and they just continued to talk and hold each other throughout the wee hours.

"Give me another drink.”, slurred Jerome Hirsch as he pinched Ada Mae's behind.

"Ouch!", she said slapping him across the face.

"Take it easy son.", reprimanded the Congressman.

"I was just trying to have a little fun. Besides, I am a 43 years old and grown. I don't need my daddy telling me what I can and cannot do.", said Jerome growing belligerent.

Everyone there had a good amount to drink and people were starting to speak loosely. Larry Van Morrison was stewing in his own thoughts and replaying the past events with his business and wife in his head that lead to his deterioration.

"I could swear Judge, you look so familiar.", continued Jerome.  Have I seen you on TV or something?"

"Judge Jacoby is a very well known Judge and had presided over many high profile cases.", chimed the Congressman.

"That's right!  I remember now. You were the Judge of the Katherine Time case. What a piece of shit that was."

The Judge put his cards down and then took a closer look at Jerome Hirsch. "I know you. You were one of the jury members."

Larry Van Morrison and everyone were now completely engaged in the conversation. Larry starting feeling a sense of rage towards Jerome. Judge Jacoby was turning red in the face.

Larry couldn't stand it any more and yelled, "How the hell could you guys find that bitch not guilty?"

"What do you mean. You guys?", responded Jerome. "We were all going to find her guilty. But we had one smug idiot who wouldn't stop talking. He finally convinced everyone except me that the world famous Katherine Time did what any mother would do to save her child. Such crap! This lady commits all these crimes and thinks she is above the law and these guys let her get away with it. What was that schmucks name? It's at the tip of my tongue. Martin Hangly..No..Han..Hannity! That's it. Mark Hannity. He is the one that turned everything around. It's like he had a personal agenda and would not take no for an answer."

Larry, still enraged said nothing.

"But it takes a unanimous decision to set her free.", argue the Judge.

"I know. I know. I was only 25 years old and I just wanted to go home at that point. I was so fed up and completely out numbered. If I could turn the clock back. I would of held my position. And that's the truth.”

"Screw this poker game. I am leaving. Come on Larry.", yelled the enraged Judge.

Larry said nothing. He just followed and thought to himself, Mark Hannity. Mark Hannity. Mark Hannity. 

Mark Hannity was waiting for the pharmacy to open on Monday morning. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. As they opened the door, he said good morning to the store manager and immediately proceeded to the pharmacy window.

Yes. There should be a prescription ready for Margaret Hannity. Yes. It's called antiocclusion.", said Mark in anticipation.

"Oh yeah. I was waiting for this drug to come on the market.  We have been very busy filling prescriptions all evening. I am excited to see the results.", said the pharmacist.

"You may not believe me, but I have been waiting for this drug to come on the market for 18 years now. Thank you very much.", said Mark as the pharmacist handed Mark the medication.

Mark drove off in his red mustang and went straight home to his mother who he found in her wheel chair in the exact same place where he had left her.

"Here mom, take this. We should be seeing some results in just a couple days.", said Mark.

Margaret took the medicine and made no comment. She had already lost hope and was prepared to die. Mark wheeled her in front of the TV and went to make them both breakfast. Mark was in a great mood so he thought he would make something special for mom. French toast was one of her favorites.

"Mom. I think I will make you french toast today.”

Mark wasn't much of a cook. He took some frozen french toast from the freezer and put them in the toaster oven. Once the french toast was ready, he put them on a plate, sprinkled some powdered sugar and poured on some syrup. He rolled his mom to the breakfast table.

"Here you go mom.", he said smiling.

Justin was laying in bed looking up at the ceiling and smiling. It was Monday morning and he had the best weekend of his life. Justin was in love. He knew he had to get up and go to work in a few minutes, however he was soaking in the memories from the weekend. He thought again about his first task of controlling his dreams. Although he had reminded himself each time he went to sleep, he was unsuccessful being aware of his dream while dreaming. He remembered that meditating would help. So he sat on the floor in the lotus position, closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. After a few moments he got up and started getting ready for work. Today's schedule did not include the University, rather he was going to the lab where he wanted to converse with some of his terminally ill subjects. He felt he could possibly expedite his dream exercise by speaking to his subjects who have progressed the furthest. Justin went down stairs where Katie was sleeping on the couch. He grabbed himself an apple and banana and headed out the door. On his way to the lab he started thinking about Kirstin.

"So, how was your weekend?", asked Kirstin's roommate.

"Did you take my advice while I was away?"

Once a month, Connie Hartford would take a weekend off and go up to the mountains. She usually went alone and found it very therapeutic.

"Yes I did and it was wonderful.", blushed Kirstin.

"See. All it took was a little encouragement. I knew you had it in you.", said her roommate Connie.

"Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. You were right. He was flustered and was lost for words. Now I need to focus on my studying. We have our first rehearsal this Friday and I am way behind."

Justin arrived at his lab where he met his two most progressed subjects. One was a man in his early 40's who was dying of a liver disease and the other was a 65 year old female who was dying of a very rare skin disease. Justin found they both shared commonalities. What was most apparent was that they were both Buddhist and for many years they would meditate several times per day. What Justin thought was amazing, was that they both approached the controlling of their dreams identically which carried over to their traveling when they were chemically induced into a coma.

When Justin had written his book, 'It's Time to Travel', he learned what these two Buddhist were able to do. Prior, he hadn't focused that much on the detail of how they were able to accomplish this task. However, for the next eight hours, he was given great detail on how to approach this exercise. Both of them had the ability to spiritually travel back and view events of the past. The male subject could travel to anywhere on earth, but he was limited to the extent that he could not pin point an exact time of arrival. Usually he arrived at his desired destination many years away. The female subject was limited to places she had only been to within her lifetime, however she could arrive at the exact second in time she desired.
In both cases, once they arrived, their 'ghost arrived' and could travel at a regular human pace, however they had no physical element. They had remained spirits who could only observe and usually not be seen. Very infrequently would someone see them in their ghost form. They both shared with Justin everything they knew and even gave him helpful tips on how he could progress.

On Monday evening, Justin met up with Blair at a restaurant called, The Tortoise and the Hare. They hadn't seen each other for a few days. Blair was quite overwhelmed on how much had happened in just a few days. Although he was very happy for Justin, it reminded him of his recent break up with his girlfriend.

Changing the subject, Blair said, "I have a new theory regarding my cyber attack case. It may seem far fetched."

"What's your new theory?", ask Justin. 

OH MY GOD THAT HURTS!", yelled Justin holding the back of his head near his upper neck.

After a few seconds his pain went away, but he was having problems catching his breath.

"Are you okay?" , asked a very concerned Blair.

"I don't know. I am short winded. This hasn't happened before."

"When is your doctor appointment?", inquired Blair.

"This Wednesday. I'm okay now. You were saying that you have a theory?", asked Justin continuing the conversation.

"Yeah. Okay. You may think I'm crazy, but something tells me this could be some form of paranormal activity. I wish I had more to go on other than intuition, but I think I have exhausted all logical avenues. Unfortunately, I have no clue how I could proceed. This may just go down as an unsolved mystery."

Whispering, Blair said, "Do you think this could be related to time travel?"

"I have no clue", replied Justin. "If it does, then you really have your work cut out for you on how to proceed. I would guess that this is not a good option to consider because it will probably lead to a dead end."

"I know, but I am completely stuck.", conceded Blair.

It was 10:00 PM and it was time for Larry Van Morrison to go to bed.  He was in his bedroom and slipped under the covers of his queen sized bed. As he was laying down staring at the ceiling, he just remembered something. He turned over and reached underneath his bed. There, he pulled out a decorated gallon sized urn.

"Hi my love. I almost forgot about you."

He laid the urn on it's side next to him, placing it's head on the neighboring pillow.

"Okay dear. That's better. You know, we would not have been in this situation if it weren't for Mark Hannity, William and Katherine Time. I hope you're comfortable. Please forgive me for harming you, but you know you should not have sided with Katherine Time.  You know I did what I had to because you misbehaved. I still love you."

Larry dozed into a comfortable slumber. 

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