Justin Time (Chapter 16) An Original Novel

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)



Link to beginning of story:


Link to Chapter 15: Jewel Thieves


Chapter 15 Review:

Katherine Time is found not guilty on all accounts. Mark Hannity was very proud of his accomplishment in persuading the jury.  Judge Jacoby, whose best friend is Larry Van Morrison; owner of the Bel De Flur restaurant, was shocked of the verdict.  Justin and Blair were secretly listening through a warehouse window to a robbery plot. They are noticed when Blair sneezes. As they run away, a gun shot misses them. Turning around Blair notices a man on the ground and another running in the opposite direction with a bent trashcan lid in his hand.

Chapter 16: Professor Time

"Professor Time, please explain in layman's terms why you believe time travel is possible and if it is possible. Also, why have we not had anyone from the future come back to let us know or to change terrible acts against humanity? Hitler as an example.", asked a very skeptical student.

"Those are very complicated questions and it took the majority of my newly published book to explain that which seems to be a paradox. I will do my best to give you a shortened version.", answered Professor Justin Time.

Little boy Justin was now 25 years old and was the youngest professor teaching at California Institute of Technology, ranked number one as the best science university in the world. He had graduated Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Phi Beta Kappa on a full scholarship with his main college thesis subject as 'time travel'.

"We must first understand what 'time' is. We were all brought up in thinking time is linear. 1:00 am, 2:00 am, 3:00 am or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Time is NOT linear. It is another dimension. When you take a picture with a camera, you get a 'still photo'. It doesn't move even though the things of which the camera took a picture of moves. Time is identical to that. We currently live and breath at this exact moment which we pinpoint as 'now'. Time had already happened. Think about holding a thumb drive. Inside of this thumb drive are thousands of gigabytes of information with a full story or history of events that have already happened. We do not recognize these events until we plug them into our computer. With some thumb drives it may takes months or even years of events to play out on our computer. Interesting. Isn't it? One little device has all this 'time' stored within it. These events have already happened. We just were unaware of them. Now imagine that this thumb drive contains a story. Now imagine putting it into your computer and adding events to it. Now when we play it, those events are there as if they were always there to the new person experiencing it. I am sure that this raises many more questions and I don't have 'time'  to explain it now as I have not even begun how time travel can be possible.”

“First of all, there are two main portions of time travel. The physical body and the mind. I will start with the mind as there is much more documentation and physical research supporting it.”

“It is first important to understand what a coma is and what a coma isn't. We have all heard stories of people's dreams while they are in a coma. The reality is, that when someone is in a complete coma, they do not have dreams. These dreams actually occur when the person is in a 'near' coma. Almost everyone who goes into a coma goes in and out of the comatose state. When they are 'out' of their comatose state that is called  a 'near' coma. From an outsiders standpoint they can't tell the difference. However, brain monitoring can. As most of you know, with practice people can 'control'  their dreams.  First they must recognize that they are dreaming. The harder part is trying to manipulate it without waking up. By practicing, they get better at controlling their dream.  The more one attempts to control their dreams, the better they get at it. Usually when one 'wakes up' from a coma, they have no recollection of being in a coma. They may however, remembered their dreams. Sometimes they remember people around them talking or touching them. That actually happened during the 'near' comatose phase.  For people who woke up from a coma, time has stopped completely. The key is to recognize when you are in a complete comatose state and then have the wherewith-all to control it. As most of you know my mother, Katherine Time, had discovered the cure for bringing someone out of a coma. It took almost a decade for all the government agency to approve it. Very rarely has someone had been in a coma more than once in their lives. Also, almost no one volunteers to enter a coma, it happens when one is not aware. Because of this lack of experience, they are not prepared on how to deal with it.  We now have the technology to induce a coma and then retract it. This is very risky to practice on a human subject as everyone reacts differently when in a coma. As you may all know, I had been granted permission to use volunteered humans subject who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. There are a couple subjects who can now identify when they are in this comatose state. It is very complicated to explain what they have experienced as there is nothing we can relate it to. My first thought is to call it energy manipulation. Their mind and state is pure energy. They can visualize everything, all at the same time as we are all everything all at the same time. Think of  one huge infinite thumb drive. Remember you can all read my newly published book, 'The Other Dimension', as there is much more detail. I need to move on to the second portion, the physical body.”

"The physical body OUCH!"  Justin put his hand on his head.

Are you okay Professor Time?"

"Yeah, I just get massive headaches occasionally. I will be okay"
"As I was saying, the physical body is the way of traveling within this energy. If we can visualize everything all at the same time, we should be able to pinpoint an exact place and moment. We then need to bring the physical body to that place. Once the body goes to that place, it should be existent within that three dimensional period, thus being able to move around. With the science of cloning, we know we can clone any species including humans. Certainly this raises moral questions about human uniqueness and god. That discussion is for another place and time.  From one DNA sample we can reproduce anything. We must marry the comatose condition with cloning. We need to isolate the neural area of the brain where we can experience this 'energy manipulation', that I discussed earlier. We then need to take that DNA sample and place it in the exact area where we plan to arrive. This DNA sample has to somehow have a self trigger mechanism that will begin the cloning process. The science and technology is here now, our challenge and it is a huge challenge is to connect the individual dots."

Justin picked up a glass of water from the podium and took a sip.

"The last portion of your question was, 'why have we not had anyone from the future come back to let us know or to change terrible acts against humanity? Hitler as an example.' This question assumes two things. One, that no one has come back. And two, if they have come back, that they would try to change events. We don't know if someone has come back. If someone has come back, maybe they tried to be avoided from being seen or maybe they have sworn others to secrecy. Regarding Hitler, maybe they had other priorities or maybe they tried to stop Hitler and was unsuccessful. We don't know.”

“Thank you all very much. I am sure you all have many more questions now. I really encourage all of you to read my book. Most of your questions will be answered. By the way all the proceeds go to charity.”

It was a Friday and Justin was running late as he had his book signing debut this evening at Universal Books, the biggest book store chain in the world. Not only were hundreds of people expected, but some renown scientists as well. Justin arrived at his two bedroom, two bath condo that he bought just three months ago. The condo had a nice size kitchen and a comfortable family room. It was a very modest undecorated condo with one unusual feature. It had an enlarged basement that was accessible only from a walk-in kitchen cupboard.  Inside there was one false wall.

When Justin was writing his thesis on time travel at MIT University, one of his professors, Professor Sherwyn, was quite fond of Justin. Professor Sherwyn was retiring that year and was going to move back to live with his children in Boston. He was not only a Professor of science, he also was an architect and builder. He had built this condo from the ground up and was using this basement for his own experiments and studies. The only other person who knew about this basement was the professor's brother who helped him build it 30 years ago. Since then his brother had passed. Professor Sherwyn thought Justin would be the best person for this condo as he could utilize the basement. The only other person who now knows about the basement is Blair, who lives just a block away.

Blair and Justin continued to be best friends throughout High School and College.  Blair graduated from the University of Irvine with full honors and majored in criminology. Because of Blair's ultra enlightened intuition, he felt this would be a great field. He wrote his college thesis on forgery and identity theft. Blair was heart broken as his girlfriend had just broken up with him. She felt he wasn't paying enough attention to her and only cared about his new career. Justin on the other hand, never had any serious relationship as he spent all his time on studies and sports. In high school, he won the High School Regional Decathlon event and came in tenth in the nation. The decathlon is a sporting event which includes ten different types of sporting activities. Most of which include some forms of throwing, jumping and running.

Justin quickly jumped out of the shower and put on his favorite sweater. This sweater was incredibly significant to him and his family as it is the same sweater that his mother  had bought his dad for their 10th year anniversary. It was the beautiful black and white sweater expertly woven with a fine knit cotton. His dad wore it throughout the trial and believes it brings good luck. Justin received it from them as his college graduation gift. He always wore it before any important event. As he was leaving, he said goodbye to Katie who was watching her favorite TV show, American Bloopers. Yes, the same Katie chimpanzee who his mother treated 18 years ago. They could never find an appropriate place for Katie because of her bad experiences at the zoo. It took them months to go through the red tape and get the permits to adopt Katie. Justin and Katie became great friends as Justin was growing up. Ruffus passed when Justin graduated high school and everyone felt that Katie would be best off staying with Justin. Katie had become quite trained by that point and not only was she potty trained and could be left alone, she found many ways to entertain herself. Although she loved watching TV, her favorite pastime was playing on the computer.

Justin finally arrived at Universal Books, where he was greeted by the store manager and escorted to a conference room located on the second floor. He was pleasantly surprised as the store employees had set up an amazing display. He had the traditional chair and table, however behind it was an arrangement of his books, artfully composed. Already there, was a line of people clapping and cheering as he arrived. Most were waiting for the book signing. His book had its first release and it had mixed reviews. Most of the negative reviews were from actual scientists or experts in that field stating he had some major flaws in his theory.

"I want to thank you all for your support. It means everything to me. I also want to thank the employees of Universal Book store for such a warm welcome and setting up an amazing display. Now time for the signing.", announced Justin.

Justin had met a couple hundred people from many walks of life. Most of them were very nice and supportive. He came across a couple of well known scientists who were not there for the signing. They were more interested in critiquing his book.

One older scientist who looked like he was in his seventies said, "I have been a scientist for 50 years and your book is crap. It was full of loop holes that went against the laws of physics."

Justin told this particular critic that they could engage in a conversation after the book signing. The scientist threw his hand in the air and as he started walking away, he yelled, "I am not going to waste one second of my time with you!" As everyone was staring at this little show, Justin was thinking, you came all the way here to not waste a second of your time? Everyone was surprised how outraged he was. It was as if he was attacked personally.

Other than that scientist, there were two other people of great interest. First, a young lady who had approached him to sign his book. This was about an hour into his signing and he had barely looked up at her as he was signing. Finally she said, "Don't you recognize me?"

Justin finally looked up and said, "No..Oh wait. Are you Kirstin? Kirstin Reynolds?

Yes! That is me?"

Kirstin Reynolds was very attractive and in high school Justin dated just twice. During that small time they grew a very strong connection. Both wanted to continue seeing each other, however Kirstin's family had to move to England as her dad had a great career opportunity. Kirstin was a very attractive brunette with large dark eyes. She was 5' 4" and had a nice figure.

Shocked, Justin then had a loss for words as he just stared at her with his mouth open. His mind became foggy and he could no longer think. He handed her the signed book.

She took the book and said, "I hope I see you soon.", as she walked away.

Justin was in a daze for the rest of the book signing. The last person in line, however woke Justin up.

She was a older lady who was probably in her mid fifties. She first looked around to make sure nobody was near and then she looked at him nervously, but intently.

She told him, "I have something very important for you." As she handed him an envelope she said, "It is very important that you open this envelope alone and follow the instructions exactly. DO NOT deviate from those instructions and do not tell anyone."

She laid the envelope on the table and walked away. Justin picked up the envelope. 'What an interesting day this turned out to be', he thought. 

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