When the Bridge Falls.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


That morning Moro Village was thrown by the sound of the roar of water in the River. A loud banging took a few seconds. Residents are very panicked. Will landslides have occurred or meteor rocks have fallen into the water. No doubt the fathers ran to the sound source. While the mothers hide behind the blanket. As if the sound is a disaster for them. Although there are some more busy with his own racikan, hoping cooking into the fruit of their husbands.

Nawir passed in front of her house. Instead of ignoring a loud bang, something is more critical than that. His wife's stomach is in pain of wanting to give birth. But it's hard for him to get a motorcycle loan. Because the residents busy with the sound of boom. It's running everywhere, but nil is the result. Finally he returned home with a frantic face.

An old woman came out of the house. Her eyes were teary. He headed toward Nawir. Hope the man has got help. But after seeing behind it was not there. "How about ndu? Already can motorcycle loan? "The woman still did not stop staring at her. Because he did not see the motor in front of the house.
"There are no motor loans. We take it to the dukun beranak here bu! "Nawir said with a surrendered face. So far their principle of not using the dukun has finally been violated already. But it has been in a precarious state. Even though they know that the dukun beranak can not be trusted. Because it always fails in childbirth. "What can make bu".

the old woman who had been frantic finally agreed. But he can not help Nawir with Erna. Seemed to understand, Nawir embraced Erna who was in critical condition. It was only Nawir who calmed his wife. Nawir heard her wife's gasp. That makes him panic and speed up his run.

Finally they arrived at the dukun beranak house. The little house looked empty. Nawir tried to knock on the door. Hope someone comes from within. Erna was still in pain. Nawir increasingly panicked. He tried to knock again. Finally someone opened the door. A girl with long hair. Looks sweet and pretty.
"Mrs. Ars is there?" Asked Nawir to the girl. While the girl was stunned to see Erna who was carried by Nawir. "Mrs. Ars is there?" Nawir repeated the question again. Wish this time the girl heard it.
"Mama to the river ndu. More see the bridge collapsed. "So the girl explained. No one at all. He did not even look at Nawir's panic. Erna still grumbles in pain. Finally Nawir's decision was fixed. He took his wife to the river.

Once in the river, Nawir paused. He saw from a distance, it did seem the bridge was collapsed. He also wandered in every citizen standing in front of him. Hoping to find the dukun beranak as soon as possible. But still not found. Among the panic of citizens, only one way he is, that is by shouting for help. Because his wife who was in pain now fainted.

Suddenly the dukun beranak came from behind. As if he understood his duty, he guided Nawir into one of the houses. Then the dukun told Nawir to put Erna in bed. The shaman was confused at the sight of Erna's condition. During this time he has never helped pregnant women in a state of sleep. Because it must require such a tool in the hospital.

"She has to go to a ndu clinic," the dukun beranak said. Because he thinks Erna's condition must require surgery. Or also a kind of shock tool to wake him from sleep. But seeing the nawir was like the koala's face of confusion the shaman was unmoved. "She has to go to the clinic, ndu. Let him be safe ".
Nawir was confused by the words of the shaman. Is it possible to take her to a clinic with a collapsed bridge like that. Nawir could not help wondering why dukun could not help. "How can i bring my wife. While he's dying and the bridge collapsed. "
"I can help him, provided that you accept whatever I do" the dukun beranak tidied Erna's body position. While expressing it to Nawir. He hoped the man could understand what he was saying.
Nawir nodded her approval. The second condition he can not be near his wife. He's waiting outside the house. While seeing the gathering of citizens around the river Comal. Her worried feelings were still out. Feelings haunt him. What if his wife could not be saved.

It turned out that panic was not only felt Nawir. In the distance from the house that dipijakinnya, citizens looked panicked. The collapsed bridge is a bad sign. The citizens will be hard earned. Because the source of their livelihood is across the river. But that's not the main reason, either. The citizens already understand that something bad will hit them. As happened in the last year. There must be a soul to sacrifice.

Nawir already knows what on the face of the people because of panic. Well because of a myth that is not clear his origin according to him. Nawir is defensive against it. He thinks his people's trust is not the truth. He only believes in his God alone. Because the one who gives sustenance and enlivens and deadly man is his God. Simply sticking to it according to Nawir is enough.

But in his heart, the tenacious principle is getting longer. He became worried about whether such a myth could happen. Nawir obscured her anxiety, glancing slightly toward the room. Nawir did not understand what the dukun was doing. What he wants to know is whether his wife survived or not.

An old man from a distance stared at him. Her pale mouth seemed to say something to Nawir. But like his legs could not get close to Nawir. Just standing on the spot. Out of curiosity, Nawir stepped into the old man. But his step was stopped by the voice of the dukun beranak from within. He was sent in because the delivery process is over. Nawir then went into the room. And he was shocked by what he saw.

Erna sat on the bed while smiling her smile. In his wife's arms was a funny baby who was asleep. Surely it is his son. Nawir was approaching his wife. She can not wait to hold the baby. Beside Nawir, the TBA smiled. Then he leaned closer to Nawir's ear. He gave Nawir something.
As if understanding, Nawir nodded his head. He will remember the dukun beranak's message. With a smile and a little head bowed as a sign of gratitude. The herbalist passed behind the blue curtain. Left a married couple with their baby in that simple bed.

From another point of view, Erna looks happy, while giving ASI the baby. Nawir could only smile at the behavior of the mother and child. But there is something strange from their faces. Pale and lethargic. He just came to embrace them. Hope that happiness does not pass quickly.

Flooding in Moro Village is a common thing every year. But this time the flood became incredible. Due to the collapse of the river embankment and the collapse of the Comal bridge. The flood caused all Moro Village residents to be lost in the water of the river Comal. Because of the difficult access to make people confined in their own villages. No one survived. Except one, Nawir.

He was found stranded across from Moro Village. The fabric is torn like a street beggar in a big city. Nawir was unconscious. Apparently he had been asleep for a long time in a clinic. The dreams he dreams are beautiful. About four days Nawir finally woke up.

The flood volunteers immediately examined Nawir's situation. Is he okay. While Nawir just unmoved confused. He did not remember anything about the flood. All she knows is she wants to go to the clinic. And also, it was just the whisper he heard before he was unconscious. "Forget it". To him the whisper was very mystical and alive. Tired of remembering, he slept again. Want to embrace a dream that knows real.

From across the river, that's where the comal bridge was destroyed by the flood. In the distance next to the bridge, live white souls like being locked in elegans. Their eyes are orange smoldering. As if the collapse of the bridge into a civilization destruction. Who is wrong? Just ask the bridge that collapsed.

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