The Incredible Background to my story, Invisible Terrestrial Entity

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


It might come as a surprise but many scientists believe invisible alien entities are here on Earth.

Not only do they say these alien entities exist, but they have photographic proof.

The physicists contend these invisible anti-matter life forms are manifesting intelligent activity and appear to be spying on us.

Apparently it all began when scientists were seeking evidence of anti-matter galaxies in deep space and discovered invisible anti-matter entities right here on Earth!

This all sounds like weird science or even science fiction but it’s not.

The main proponent of this theory is a Harvard-educated Italian-American nuclear physicist named Dr Ruggero Santilli.

Santilli invented a telescope that enables him to detect anti-matter light.

A normal refracting telescope uses convex lenses to magnify and focus on distant objects.

The Santilli Scope uses concave lenses, the opposite of a standard or Galileo telescope in order to see anti-matter.

Dr Santilli founded a private corporation called Thunder Energies Corporation to make these scopes available to researchers.

In fact, the general public can purchase a mass market version consisting of a twin-tripod arrangement of a Santilli scope and a Galileo telescope on Amazon.

Dr, Santilli’s paper published in the American Journal of Modern Physics is entitled Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE).

Santilli’s conclusions are considered novel science but if you’re interested you can find a lot of information available on the Internet

Check out the PDF on Google at

I used ideas from Santilli’s research in my five Part story here on Steemit entitled, Invisible Terrestrial Entities.

In the story, Raj, the Physics Professor, hears about his friend’s paranormal experience and suspects it’s not a ghost or a thought-projection, but the work of alien entities.

He uses a Santilli scope to surveil his friend’s house and detects the presence of several of these entities hovering about the premises.

For those who believe crop circles, alien sightings and abductions are purely modern phenomenon, they have only to study world literature for the past millennia.

In the story, for example, I referred to Horatio’s warning to Hamlet that what Elizabethans thought were ghosts might be familiar spirits..

Horatio was alluding to the fact that these evil spirits came in the familiar shape of a loved one in order to gain the trust and deceive a person in grief.

Another example from Hamlet occurs at the beginning of the play when the guards on the castle wall allude to crop circles called fairy rings and the common belief at that time that during the Christmas season, ‘no fairy takes’.

In other words, no one gets abducted by invisible little people.

As the old song goes, ‘put it all together and it spells Mother’—this kind of experience has been going on for centuries, just called by different names according to the level of our enlightenment.

So, I wrote this to give you some background, just a little bit about the science, pseudo or otherwise, behind the story I wrote.

Whether you believe there is something to Santilli’s findings or not, it still provided material for a good story.

It was indeed a cautionary tale not to go hunting for spirits and end up being taken yourself

© 2017, John J Geddes. All rights reserved.



Interesting stuff that i like because ive have seen an alien object Maybe 8 years ago with my own 2 eyes. I went to have a burger at at a burger king located close to the sea in my country. It was about 5 30 the evening it was dust,, a little but dark and cool over Clloudy conditions. I saw something coming from the horizon and i thought to myself this must be a plane that would be making a circle then head towards the airport.
To my surprise the thing was quickly coming in just a couple feet over the sea water, no ripples, no sound that i could hear. I showed it to my partner at the time as we looked at each other like crazy then watch this thing came right in at the shore of the sea then disappeard under the water. No splash no rippless no sound. Im sure of what I've seen. So don't be too surprise because no 1 really knows what's out there.

that is really incredible - you should share your story with Tyler at secureteam 10 on Youtube - he loves this stuff. Thanks for sharing @johnlue

Hi John!
Now I need to scroll for your story. I apologize for being pretty absent lately but you are in my thoughts!

you know you're always in mine, Girl. I wanted to DM you yesterday and tell you to start posting again b/c you need the money and we miss your face, Simple as that. Now, you've been told, so just do it :) Really miss your take on things

I'm making a slow comeback. Now, if only I could find my consistency again! :P
We're looking at another house on Wednesday because apparently I like to heap loads of stuff on my plate all at once! I truly believe the insanity of it all is making my hair curly. LOL

why don't you write about it as you go through it? It will be therapeutic and give you some extra income at the same time. Peeps are really interested in your life, mere. Anyway, that's my take on it

This is cool.

I was curious what prompted you to write on a different subject matter.

Let's go have a look at Amazon...

yeah, you have big sky where you are - Lester Sumrall did a whole series of teachings on Alien Entities and he wasn't talking about anti-matter beings

Looks like Mr Sumrall's teaching are available on YouTube.

ha ha ...there ya go. Met him once. Drove him & his wife to Niagara Falls to meet up with his pilot and private plane. He was quite the exorcist -obviously, I passed the test -he didn't mind me so that was good :)

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