Contacting the Dead …Part 2 ...In the 1980's Mac made a computerized Ouija board...

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


Mireya and I found a Ouija board while browsing through curios at Bygones.

I made the mistake of joking about summoning a spirit.

Mireya’s eyes grew huge and she turned pale.

“You musn’t joke about such matters, Cole—it’s not wholesome to contact the dead.”

I immediately tried to reassure her.

“I was only joking, Mireya. Besides, these boards aren’t mystic oracles—they’re only parlor games made by toy companies from paper and plastic—quaint and dated as Spiritism and table tipping.”

A voice rasped behind me, “In this day and age I suppose it’s regarded as old technology.”

I turned to see Ella James, the proprietor, smiling at us—her eyes crinkled from much laughter and far too much cigarette smoke—the latter being another instance, no doubt, of ‘old technology.’

I smiled back at her.

“I suppose folks nowadays would be more inclined to the Internet than having an affinity with ether,” I teased her, “you know that so-called mysterious fifth element of alchemists and mediums.”

The older woman turned serious.

“You know there’s a long tradition of linking communication with the dead to wireless telegraphy. Edison tried to build such a device to contact the dead.

Back in 1898, there was even a Ouija board called The Wireless Communicator.”

“Really?” I said, growing interested. “You don’t happen to have one of those in the shop, do you?”

She gave a wheezing laugh, “Naw, can’t say I’ve seen one of those lately, but I do have a computerized Ouija board—The Gypsy, put out by Mac. It was state of the art back in the 1980’s.”

“You’re kidding! Can I see it?”

“Sure, if you’re into haunting entertainment—it was real popular back in the day.”

As the older lady went back into the stockroom to locate the device, Mireya was becoming agitated.

“You should not use such instruments, Cole—they’re witch boards used to summon a demon.”

I tried to calm her fears.

“Relax, Mir—even at the height of the Spiritist Movement these games were mostly a harmless flirtation between men and women—imagine, sitting knee to knee with the board on their laps, their fingers touching the planchette. The questions asked were more of a romantic nature.”

She was not deterred. “That doesn’t make it right, Cole.”

Ella was back with what looked like a boxed board game tucked under her arm.

“Here we are,” she wheezed, “THE MACINTOSH MYSTIC—the cyber oracle for the computer age,” she proclaimed, with eyes crinkling.

I opened the box and perused the contents. The so-called Ouija board was blank—no letters or numbers. It looked like an oversized mouse pad.

“How does it work?” I asked.

“You create the talking board on your Mac using the supplied software and MacPaint. You can use the basic design or create your own unique board using different fonts and layouts. You can even add blinking stars and constellations to create a magical effect.”

“That’s kind of hokey—I like the vintage version.”

“Well, the planchette is also super-charged—it fits into a “Mouse Mover” that glides effortlessly across the board and as the cursor touches different letters, messages appear on the screen.”

“That’s kind of cool.”

She now sensed an interest and moved towards closing the deal.

“There’s one amazing feature—you have the option of switching to “Automatic Writing Mode” and a blank board. Then, the planchette becomes an automatic writer.”

“I’ll take it,” I laughed, “I can’t wait to get it home and try it.”

Mireya looked glum but said nothing.

We walked back to the agency in the gray November rain—Mir morosely mindful of her Día de los Muertos, and I, keenly anticipating a different arcane ritual to honor All Souls Night.


© 2017, John J Geddes. All rights reserved.

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At our house we actually have a poltergeist of a cattle rancher who slaughtered a bunch of people like 150 years ago. And he sets up the board and doesn't even ask if we want to play

ha ha....but then again, maybe not. That would be scary

You know, I actually thought it was scary

well, I've gone through some stuff like that and it never gets common place like carrying in the groceries. It scares the hell right out of you. Hmm, maybe that's why I write about the paranormal :)

LOL, me too, it is cathartic

This was so cool, I love that there was such a thing as the computer oracle, lol! I have to admit that before I saw your name, John, I thought this was a tutorial on how to somehow link a Ouija board to my MacBook. But I'm really tired so I have an excuse.

Anyway, I'm happy to have some time to read your work again. Catching up 😉

thanks, jr :) Yeah, I won't be doing tutorials on here - did too many of them when I taught lol

Good to see you again!

You have reminded me of A situation with a Ouija Board that My father told me about. Not so kosher!

No, I don't recommend using them at all

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