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RE: NEW BOOK RELEASE! (Chantal's Law)

in #fiction6 years ago

OMG! You are freaking awesome!

I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS! Having a book published is an amazing thing. I know how rife with excitement, enthusiasm, and hope it can bring. Damn, congratulations. I'm so humbled by your efforts and your enthusiasm. You have always had a diligent focus on writing and being a part of the community.

Is it weird to say I'm proud of you? Proud like a happy celebrant excited for your accomplishment.

As soon as I saw this I went and bought your book, and will plan on reading it tonight. Great choice with the cover. I like it. Did you come up with it yourself? Or did you get a premade cover?

It is an interesting niche that I haven't explored before so I'm sure to be wowed by it.

And, what? Thank you! I appreciate the shout out. I totally didn't expect to see it, but randomly decided to check the feed to see what you were up to, and you have a book live!!!!! AWESOME!

Great job on the website too. I like the setup, and the cover header. You have all the moving parts too including an email list. Awesome!

Congrats congrats congrats!

I assume it you using a pen name, but if you're simply publishing someone else's work through your publishing experience, congrats anyways!


Regarding your question about royalty rate:

Without seeing a screenshot I'm not certain what you're referring to. If you choose 70% rate with a minimum of 2.99 sale then you get like $1.97 or something per sale. Something like that. I'm not sure what the report you're looking at is. Sometimes sales are delayed, so it'll register a "sale" but not the amount earned right away.

It is so addicting to stare at sales. I recommend the chrome browser plugin "Book Report." You won't see it deposited into your account until 60 days later though.

The dashboard isn't great for reporting, and is very limited and not easy to navigate. Use "Book Report."

I've read a good portion; just got to the part with George and Chantel visit the shoe store. I haven't seen anything bad or wrong with your writing. I feel that it flows nice, and has a good tone to it. Some of the tense, I personally would change, like "chantel is beautiful." I tend to write in past tense. "Chantel was beautiful" like the speaker writing the words is telling a story from the past. Personal preference though.

I have two recommendations for you if you want them:

  1. Write more. You'll get better by virtue of doing it. The only cure for better writing is to write write write write write. Avoid the trap of agonizing over your quality ad nauseum. Pump it out, write, write, edit, yes, but get it out there. You'll get better and better the more you do it and will require less focus on the minutia. WE want everything to be perfect, but statistics say that our erotica isn't going to break any records and get wide acclaim. Avoid spelling errors, or glaring wrong words, but publish that book quick.

  2. Read more books, then emulate them in your writing. I'm particularly bad at this. I don't read enough. I'm annoyed by most erotica and romance. I get bothered by the crappy story telling and the hyper aggressive dominance without attention to emotions. Though, I've been reading enough lately that my prose has improved. I'm doing less play-by-play and getting better at story telling; setting the scene, expressing emotions instead of cock size, and pussy sheen.

Do those two things, and the anxiety over high quality writing fades. Some will be duds, others wild success. Keep it going.

Super happy for you! Publishing is a huge accomplishment! Love the cover. Grammerly is cool Good choice. I've used it in the past too. I found it an immense help getting rid of adverbs (-ly), and passive language. Got rid of run-on sentences too. Maybe I should use it again.

@dinavice is great too! I'm so glad to hear she helped you too! I just bought/KU'd her book too.

Hey, why no KU?

I'm also really sorry. I should have thanked you for buying a copy. That was super nice of you. You're amazing.

I haven't figured KU out yet. I suppose that's the main reason. I think there's a monthly fee as well. But it sounds from your question that I should probably investigate this more. Thanks.

Thank you for the advice as well. I really take it to heart and accept it with open arms.


I hope you can see the image. At the bottom of the Dashboard you can click generate report. It spits out an Excel file with data. You'll notice that some .com USA sales are logged at 35% and others at 70%. I priced the book at the minimum of 2.99 for be in the 70% bracket but the actual royalties given is confusing to say the least.

In one case the sale price was 2.99 and the royal was 35% and another time was 70%. In another the sale price was less that 2.99 (2.76) with 35% royalty. I'm not running a sale nor do I even know how.

In the Bookshelf screen I have selected 70% and entered a $2.99 price.

Any thoughts?

Thank you so much... :)

You're welcome on all accounts. :)

Excellent screen shots.

Looks like it is time to email them. There may be some sort of regional royalty pricing going on, but I believe it should always be the same based on what you put in the second screenshot where you chose 70%.

Might need to email amazon. It'll take a day for them to get back to you, but it will help determine what is going on.

Do you have a different book in your account that is priced at 35%? That might be showing up.

Thanks. I'll e-mail and let you know what I found. There's only 1 book so far.

You're very welcome! Every little bit helps, and if I can play a small role in pushing you up the amazon algorithm to get more exposure I will.

Is KDP Select worth doing? I don't think it costs anything. I don't plan to publish elsewhere (not at least for 90days). Should I do it?

Yes. Unequivically yes. Emphatically yes. Do it. For new authors it is a godsend. Amazon is 80% of the entire ebook market. Worldwide. Seriously. Pull it out after 90 days of you want.

I am. But I'm attempting to build a library and sell all access for $50. Wisdom says stick everything in ku and readers will devour your whole catalogue.

Also Amazon got back to me about the royalty question. It was a bit cryptic but I think they basically said that just because the domain for the sale was .com it doesn't mean it was sold from the USA. So it was likely from a 35% country. I don't get it but it's OK. Their reports don't actually tell you what country the sale was from.

Thanks, I did. I'm not sure if it helped yet but I'm hopeful. The rankings jumped up since yesterday. I'm not really sure about all those things so thank you for your help.

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