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RE: A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 14) - The Hours Between 1800 and 1900 (Part 2 of 2)

in #fiction7 years ago

I wouldn't know, I was only a baby in the eighties haha! OOOHHHHH Seriously though, dincha heard? Old is new again, so the hip thing to be these days is to be a grandparent. Explains the rise of teenage pregnancy nowadays.

Thank you for the vote of confidence, dude! It means a lot :D (As of present it's worth 1,284.70USD to be exact, wow worth more than Bitcoin!)


Oh that's right you were a teeny thing back then. Mewling and shaking your little limbs at the world! I was very small myself unaware of the trials that lay ahead of the teen years!!

More than bitcoin!!! Hurrah!!!

I have been compared to a squirmy maggot, yes. In fact, I was so tiny and energetic, that I've been dropped down a flight of cement stairs once or twice haha! Oh those angsty teen years. How I wish we have the ability to go back many a times and slap ourselves for the choices we made.

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