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RE: Reborn: Chapter Twenty Seven "Goodbye"

in #fiction8 years ago

Heartbreaking. You painted such an intimate scene, that one can't help but be moved at all the emotions they conveyed. It's like a car crash where you know that you're going to collide with a brick wall from miles away. This was inevitable ever since Anna was turned, but the way you executed it was just so perfect.

I even enjoyed the mature scenes! The way you scripted the whole act was so superb. It was carnal without being vulgar. Maybe this is just me getting used to reading romantic scenes (thanks in large part to this series), but it fit in (pun intended) so nicely within the context of the story. Your skill in writing intricate details really proved to be a boon for that.

I'm glad that the separation was amicable, and that final hurrah served to cushion the blow. (again, the pun was intentional) This is now my reigning favorite chapter of this story, though I just know that the next ones would supplant this.

Thank you for the shoutout and credit for the sneak preview of Part 2! I was completely surprised by it. Nice to see Anna handling the breakout really well. It would be interesting to see how Austin deals with the fallout, even though it would be mentioned in passing. Excited to read the next installment just because of the teaser!

Amazing job, my friend! You truly continue to impress :D


I cried so hard when I first wrote this scene because they had become so real to me. And when it had been a while since I'd read it, I cried again. I absolutely love Austin, but while Anna does too, very much, even when she was human her feelings never quite matched his.
I just love that your favorite scenes keep changing hands, I definitely wonder what you will decide on for that in the end, though there is still a long way to go! I've been told by those who have read it that this is truly the point where they couldn't put it down. A lot of new twists and turns ahead, so glad you're on this ride my friend!! I can't tell you how glad I am :) Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I absolutely like the mythology-expanding chapters, but this one is pretty hard to topple. My previous favorite (I think 17 or 18, around that) was one of the most well-balanced chapters at the time. I commented that, so it's not hard to miss. But this one, man, the feels. This chapter really tugs on the heartstrings.

Maybe we enjoy reading each other's work because we have a similar writing process. Whenever I write, I bring everything I create to life, even acting the scenes. Maybe this is my Messianic Complex talking, but when you create something, you owe it to your creations to bestow upon them the complexity they deserve. Your characters being real to you is the testament to the passion you put in to your work, my friend.

I think you hit the nail on the head! I live the scenes in my mind, through each one of their eyes. If people walk in on me while I'm 'living' it, I look like a complete nut, talking to myself, laughing, crying LOL! I sometimes even imagine that I've dreamed them into life, that there is an alternate world where the characters and places I create are truly living out the story!
I honestly believe what separates okay authors from great ones, has more to do with the passion and love that's infused into a story than anything else. And you can tell, because the characters of those who don't put their heart and emotions in tend to be flat, you find yourself caring as little for them as the author did.
When I read your story I am there, you put me in the story, in Ledd's mind, it is so magnificent!
I can't wait to also read your published book!

YES! Passion makes a world of difference. That's why I'm not able to churn out story after story, because I infuse a portion of my soul to every one. If I were to write at Stephen King's pace, I would be dead before I reach 30 haha!

If people walk in on me while I'm 'living' it, I look like a complete nut, talking to myself, laughing, crying LOL!

Story. Of. My. Life.

That's why people thought I had ADHD when I was younger! Haha I can't believe we traced the origins of 50% of Ledd in this conversation.

One of my lingering regrets is that I've been putting off editing my first published book. I'm so busy with life, but I'll try to get to it some time soon.

Are you still on? I literally just wrote a small book in your chat, lol! I have insomnia tonight, and I tend to ramble a bit, so I'm sorry for that!

I just popped back a bit, but I'm still quite busy with work. If it's a small book, then I might take some time to respond and full digest it :) No worries about it, my friend. There's no such thing as rambling. Get some rest, and I'll reply there as soon as I'm able :D

Okay, I probably shouldn't have said "Literally" lol. It was more of a ramble that went on and on and felt like a small book lol.

This! This is why you get the special shout out - and completely deserved. You have the ability to break down why the chapter is so good, where all I can say is "loved it". :-)

Great works of art aren't that hard to break down :) I just try to comment the way I want to receive comments. Pointing out the strong points are particularly encouraging, and I find that it helps in determining which parts the readers find the most entertaining. If I can't help in the writing process, I try to find ways to help out wherever I can :)

Long comments aren't always as helpful, as I was made aware recently. Sometimes it does the author a disservice of "killing" the comments section, preventing other people from leaving thoughtful comments. Though it wasn't my intention at all, it's still something to ponder on :(

"Loved it" is just as powerful as leaving paragraphs of comments. It provides an affirmation that the effort was appreciated, so don't ever think less of those kinds of comments that you leave :) I'd take a thousand of those two-worded comments over silence any day :D

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