Stepping out - 250-word micro-fiction

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

Image source: Pixabay image by jpeter2

Sleeping child

Source: Pixabay image by ddimitrov

Stepping Out

Marissa dabbed the cologne on her wrists and behind her ears. Rocky had loved this scent. “It’s like pheromones. It makes me want you. Right here, right now.” She still tingled each time that memory whispered in her ear.

She tried not to think about Rocky. He said he’d be back. But too much time had passed now. “I’ll send for you and the kids as soon as I’m settled. Be patient.”

What did it mean to be patient? The calls and texts had stopped.

“Momma?” A sleepy voice came from the doorway. Sammy stood there rubbing his eyes. “I need some water.”

“How do we ask?”


“Good boy, Sammy. Climb back in bed now.”

As she sat on his cot with his glass of water, she whispered so as to not wake Rain. “You’re the man of the house, now, you know that?”

“Yes Momma. Can I drive the car?”

“You’re only six, honey.”

His little boy whispers came to her softly. “I can be the Daddy. I will marry you.

She smiled. “We’ll see. You'll want to marry a younger girl when you grow up.”

He settled back against his pillow, his eyes closing.

She kissed him. “Take care of Rain.” If anything happens to me.

The living room mantle clock chimed eleven. She was late. Money was at stake. Quickly, she pulled on her net stockings. To her sleeping children she whispered, “I’ll only be gone an hour, darlings.” Then she stepped out into the night.


Thank you for reading my micro-fiction story. As always, I have written it in exactly 250 words. I would love to hear your thoughts!

I run a weekly micro-fiction writing contest on the Steem platform. This story is my piece for the current prompt, "cologne." Naturally, I am not entering the contest, but I do enjoy writing stories for each of the prompts.

Do you have an interest in micro-fiction? If you'd like to try your hand at it, watch for the new prompt each week by Monday morning, Central time, with the #microfiction tag.

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What a cool story! Shows how good microfiction CAN be!

Thank you so much, @aejackson. You just made my day!

Sometimes, pain is too much, and sometimes it's not enough to see us through the darkness until the darkness sees us through the pain...

That is quite profound, @wales! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my story.

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