Challenge #02512-F322: One Complex Thought Experiment in the VoidsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction5 years ago


An empath and a sociopath trying to help each other interact with people. -- Anon Guest

Here are two humans. Call them Abe and Bee. Abe cares too much about others and other's feelings, to the point of neglecting their own. Bee doesn't care about anyone but themself. They are both abnormal Humans. They are both trying to get back to civilisation as they know it with a group of strangers for a crew on their kludged vessel. They're a rag-tag bunch of misfits in a bucket that was held together with spit and hope.

"Okay," said Bee. "I acknowledge we need the rest of these people, but... do I really need to care about their emotional wellbeing?"

"For the thousandth time, yes," said Abe. "Caring about them means that they will care about you. You want someone who's got your back, right?"

Sigh. "Right..."

"So you want them to care about you," explained Abe. "That means you have to care about them. Show it. Try to feel what they feel."

"But... I... can't. I'm not them."

Abe took a deep breath. "Of course not," they were fighting clear frustration and Bee was making it worse because they clearly could not care. "You can figure out how they might feel, though, right? You can think yourself into their situation. Like... if you were trying to explain how to feel sympathetic to... a rock? How would it effect you?"

"I'm the rock, aren't I?" said Bee.

"From my perspective, yes. I have to get the rock to care, or we all die out here in the void."

Bee thought about this. "I would be mad enough to kill... but you just said everyone needs everyone so..." light dawned behind Bee's eyes. "Oh. Oh. I must be a massive pain in your ass..."

"Well, yes, but I'm willing to work with this because - as previously stated - we all need each other on this rustbucket."

"So... I should say that I'm sorry, right?"

"That would be a step," allowed Abe. "As would amending your behaviour to be accommodating."

"Like... shoulder rubs? I can see you're carrying a lot of stress."

"Thank you."

"Y'know... maybe I can teach you to chill a little more about things that aren't in your control. Like... I'm pretty sure most of us are trying our best? And if we fail? Nobody will ever know."

"Not as reassuring as you think it is, Bee..."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / andreykuzmin]

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Attempts are being made at least 🤣

I'm picturing one of those wobbly yellow stars from Tumblr with "You Tried" on it :D

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