Challenge #02447-F257: Solid, Documented, Scientific EvidencesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction5 years ago


There has been a new thesis being passed around about this development about a new transverse electromagnetic wave that move a supersonic speed, nothing can surpass it without a warp drive, and can pass through nearly everything. A human picked up the thesis and said “isn’t this just light?” Apparently the human was in part of the galaxy where many forms of life didn’t need sight. -- Anon Guest

Welcome to the Edge Territories. Things get weird. Havenworlders mingle with Deathworlders at their own risk. Livesuits are sold on the kind of hostile environment they could help the wearer survive, and the fragility of the being who could survive in there. Where the Pterops and Crystates are meeting with a specifically safe variant of Deathworlder known as Humans.

Things were doing well on a Galactic Standard Science Vessel registered as the Sciencer EVR890 as the combined Havenworlders went about their business, studying the universe. Monitoring emissions from the stars.

"What is this?" muttered Thyrk as she listened to her readings. "This is dung! How can an emission be both wave and particle based on differing observations?" Frantic and furious interface tapping. "I can not be hearing this. It can't be real."

This gathered a cluster of fellow scientists, who did what scientists do - take the readings, examine them, and then take them again to be certain of what they took. The results were annoyingly consistent. The waveform was, indeed, a particle when observed under certain conditions, and an electromagnetic waveform in others. Worse, it could travel right through certain solid substances.

It was baffling. It was infuriating. It was scientifically impossible. Nobody seemed to know what it was, why it was, or how it was, it just... was. Worse, it was everywhere. Stars emitted it. Navigational aids in the hallways emitted it. Some of the flat surfaces in the ship emitted it.

Only the Ships' Human, Kev, seemed to find this all amusing. "Dude," they exclaimed. "You're all making a fuss over light?"

This would be roughly equivalent to hearing a barbarian laugh at you for not being able to solve a quantum physics equation, then walking you through the solution with a handy patch of dirt and a stick.

The amusement continued. "Man, wait until you find out about rainbows. It's going to be a blast."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / wenani]

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Do they conveniently have the same names for senses as humans or was it just translated for the benefit of the ignorant readers? :D

Everything is translated for the benefit of the readers.

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