Challenge #02320-F130: Little SouvenirssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction5 years ago


Tattoos are a big part of some Human cultures.
Others see it as an expression of their youth.
And some see it still as a thing, that should only be worn by prisoners and sailors.
How react Aliens (especially Havenworlders and other Deathworders) when they first make contact with a Human and their tattoos? -- Anon Guest

Human Stef was favouring their right arm, being very careful about it colliding with random surfaces. This was not the first time that the Human had returned from shore leave with hints of an injury. Human Stef called them hir 'little souvenirs', and otherwise seemed happy about them.

Then again, Humans were insane... Nevertheless Xoryq was concerned. "Human Stef, are these souvenirs of yours long-term damaging? Must we be concerned for your extended health?"

Human Stef laughed as they laughed at most things. "Nah, don't fret too hard. I just got some more ink." It took some time for Human Stef to explain and more time for Xoryq to understand. Every single one of Human Stef's 'little souvenirs' was a form of body-modding art traditional to the local area.

"Some people collect postcards. Some people get tchotckes. Mate of mine over by Hardhaul Station collects snow globes. Another one does hats. It's a thing. Me? I collect tatts, scars, piercings, and subcutaneous implants."

Xoryq said, "What?"

They had to borrow the Medik's decon observation booth so that Human Stef could safely disrobe and Xoryq could safely observe. Human Stef's body was a map, sort of, of wherever ze had been. There was a pattern of triangles around hir upper arm from their stopover by Beach. A celtic knot melded with a briar pattern from New Scotland. Some scarification from N'Oz. There was even a subcutaneous wristwatch from B'Nar. There were holes in Human Stef that had been made by experts, and maintained by small, shiny objects. Objects that had been made in some places that didn't have anything "that interesting" otherwise.

There was art, imprinted permanently into large areas of Human Stef's skin. Ink, ze said, injected into the dermal layer where it would stay for the rest of hir life. Every form of art from realism through representational through impressionistic to... incomprehensible. A blue box in a field of stars. A pattern of triangles that formed a diamond in the middle. A cat made out of a semicolon. None of them were that large, but they were significant to Human Stef.

"My body is my testament," ze said, pulling hir livesuit back on. "I'm a creation of the universe and I take wherever I go with me. Heart, head, and form. If I'm going to be a radioactive mummy on the moon, I'm going to be an interesting one."

Xoryk had been correct in the first place. Humans truly were insane.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / bburgess]

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That would make for awesome story times with the descendants 😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

"Great-somethingth Grandparental was a BADASS!"

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