Challenge #02159-E330: Understandable PrecautionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago


A Havenworlder exploration vessel is exchanging stuff and ideas with a Terran exploration vessel. All is relaxed and going very well until one of the Terrans puts down their drinking vessel and declares the most terrifying words in all the multiverses -- "I've just had a thought!!" -- Anon Guest

Humans are Deathworlders. They have become gradually aware of this. Deathworlders and Havenworlders should not mix, but space is an unfriendly environment and sometimes you really need a big friend who is meaner to the environment around you than it could possibly be to you. Humans have had practice with being kind to smaller and more fragile lifeforms, and actually understand that Havenworlders were not meant for the large and cruel universe.

As a bonus, Humans can, have, and will see off bigger and meaner Deathworlders. This is why Humans are recommended companions for travel anywhere. Humans are also recommended as trading partners, since they will find alternate uses for literally anything.

This is not to say that interactions with Humans are safe. Humans have their own inherent and endemic risks, as documented by the crew of the Poke and See. They had successfully negotiated some trades and, while assorted crew were waiting for the fabricators to finish, the Humans insisted on a group bonding ceremony known as a Potluck Dinner.

All was seemingly going well. Conversations were conducted in the shared language of Broken Galstand Simple. Cultural touchstones were shared. Ameteur performances abounded. Humans shared their Havenworlder-friendly foods and tried the Havenworlder's dishes. The mood was high.

Then Davo had to ruin it all by putting his drink down and announcing, "I've just had a thought!"

Fifty Havenworlders ducked and covered in the same instant. Things never end well when a Human has had an idea that makes them put their beverage down.

"Easy, Davo," said Captain Jaem. "Nothing outlandish, all right?"

"No, no. Hear me out," said Davo. The entire room winced audibly. "Popcorn. Coated in sugar. And immersed in gelatine. You can mix the flavours and the texture!"

"Dude, this is as bad as your breakfast taco idea[1]."

"He's not had enough sleep," said another Human, gently escorting Davo towards an exit. "You got hepped up by the new stuff and forgot to get a nap, didn't you?"

"It's genius, I'm telling you. Pure genius!"

The humans waited until Davo was out of the room before sounding the all clear. The potential insult of the Havenworlders all diving for cover was easily forgiven. With circumstances like that, it simply paid to be cautious.

[1] For the morbidly curious: Diced bacon and fried tomatoes inside a pancake or crepe shell with scrambled eggs and optional syrup. You may not want to try this at home.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / keeweegirl]

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Both those ideas sound nightmare inducing, can totally understand the Havenworlders ducking and covering in this instance 😆

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Actually, when I visited Vienna, there were a few people who actually HAD that for breakfast. And had fried tomato on toast. I tried the "on toast", not bad. But I wasn't brave enough to try the other.

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