Challenge #02144-E315: Terrifying ObstaclessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago


(Person 1) (Quietly): So now we have to somehow get across this long metal hallway without making any noise. How are we gonna do this?
(Person 2): Pulls out (very long) rolled-up carpet from their backpack -- TheDragonsFlame

Marvin looked down at Lady Anthe and the carpet that was still unfurling down the metal hallway. "Really?" he whispered. "Are you prepared for everything?"

"I like to be," she whispered, grinning as the final tassels landed with a soft 'thwup'. It didn't set off a single alarm. "Carpet muffles, but it doesn't silence. Walk stealthily."

Wrathvine and Marvin nodded. Of course they had to tread carefully. This entire, labyrinthine warren was a wall-to-wall death trap. They had narrowly survived more than a few of them. They wanted, intensely, to avoid having to narrowly survive any more of them.

Lady Anthe, looking for traps, took the lead. Wraithvine, detecting magic, followed carefully behind. This left Marvin to carefully practice his cat-like tread by slowing his movement.

It took an hour to traverse a hallway sixty feet long. Finding and carefully disarming every single trap along the way. It was only after that that they encountered the worst thing an adventuring company could ever encounter.

An unlocked door. Standing very slightly ajar.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / alexeys]

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Obviously don't need to be THAT quiet if they managed to unroll the carpet without dying XD

Ack nothing more suspicious than a door that's ajar D:

Posted using Partiko Android

Someone got there before them and wasn't so lucky?

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