Challenge #02023-E199: Home-Going

in #fiction6 years ago


What if the reason aliens are uniform across their world is because every species has a deep, intrinsic connection with their home planet. So colonising/terraforming a new planet is considered a form of disownment, as it breaks the connection with your home world. Humans connection is much weaker than most other species, but it allows us to still see humans across the galaxy as HUMANS rather than traitors, or a different "breed" of humanity. -- Sarah

[AN: Obviously, this can't happen in my pet universe. Slight pause whilst I build a new one...]

The greater expanse of civilised space is full to the brim with statistical outliers. Those who chose to forsake their home planet, their mother orb, to make a new place somewhere far from where they began. Except for the Humans.

They had no boundary to the concept of 'home'. They could take up temporary residence in cookie-cutter living quarters and, within an astonishingly short amount of time, they would be calling it 'home'. They could call anywhere they hung their head-garments home. And they had an unending curiosity surrounding the concept of 'next'.

They were fast, and tough, and endlessly adaptable. Each new world was merely a place full of stuff they could use. And they used resources relentlessly. Always looking forward. Rarely looking around themselves at what they were doing now. They were everywhere and they were baffling.

Even those rare few who forsook their planet -however briefly- to travel for business got confounded by these strange hairless mammals.

"I guess we're all done," said the Human Jan. "Time to go home."

Over the past few days, the Human had called their hostel space and their space vessel 'home'. "Which one?" asked Thirk. "The hostel 'home' or the ship 'home'?"

A laugh and a wide display of teeth. "Neither, friend lizard. This time, I'm going home to my family. Holidays. R and R. I got plenty of treats for the kids and I really need a break."

Thirk decided against wondering what Jan would break. Human linguistics was almost as complicated as the species who used it. "That does not sound as enjoyable as you seem to make it sound."

More laughter. "Well. Humans enjoy it. And there's always that one family member that makes you glad to be out among the stars."

"Is there?"

"Yeah. Right. You lot don't have smelly uncles with political views from the Victorian Era. Colour me jealous."

That... wasn't a colour. "I am returning to my home. My home home." Thirk did not add, And good riddance to you crazy humans with no bonds to your origins.

"Best of luck," chirped Jan. And began one of his ancient Human songs of homecoming. "So hoist up the Jon B sails... See how the main sail sets. Call for the captain ashore and let me go home..."

They called so many things home. Thirk had to wonder how they kept them all organised.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Digitalstudio]

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