Challenge #02016-E192: Minder's Manners

in #fiction6 years ago


“Why not?” Is probably one of the most dangerous questions in a humans repertoire, ESPECIALLY when followed by the response “Because fuck you that’s why.” -- Anon Guest

Humans are a contrary bunch. Obstinate. Stubborn. Determined. Tenacious. And most definitely vexatious. They ask questions. The second most-annoying question in the Human repertoire is, "Why?" But number one on the list is, "Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to," is not a sufficient answer. Humans much prefer reasons that make logical sense to their illogical minds. Inconvenience to the individual can be understood, but only by Humans from certain worlds [see reference list: Worlds of Understanding Humans] others will insist that their client "grow a thicker skin". And insist on assisting with that impossible goal.

When in doubt, explain things by financial cost. Humans hold a great store by what they can earn, and therefore will go out of their way to preserve profits. Though the interpretation of 'profit' differs from Human to Human. But it was Threll of Ch'minga who made the ultimate mistake.

"Stop doing that," ze ordered. Threll was feeling rather tetchy about their entire situation.

The Human, who had been simultaneously humming and clicking, said, "Why not? Nobody else is around."

And instead of explaining that their Human companion was dancing on Threll's last nerve, or patiently explaining that continuing to be a pest would impede Threll's ultimate performance levels, Threll snapped. "Because flakk you, that's why!"

Their human blinked. Said, "Okay, fine." And simply left. Without any further indication of where they were going, what they were doing when they got there, or why they were doing it.

There were a myriad of things that the Human could have done. Up to and including exacting every kind of revenge on Threll. In retrospect, the Thiopsid got away easily. For limited definitions of 'easily'.

Because their former Human companion carefully extracted their pay's worth of parts from Threll's ship, used them to build their own out of another ship in the Sargasso area they were salvaging, and left the immediate area. Destination unknown.

Leaving Threll in the middle of nowhere with a ship that would take the rest of hir rations to fix, and leave hir without much in the way of profit at all. And no other humans would work for or with Threll for the rest of the Standard Year.

A formal apology had to be issued across the Human networks, which was more of a hit to Threll's social standing than any other kind of profit, before any Humans would approach hir again.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / AndreasG]

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