Challenge #01919-E095: I Welcome Our Automated Overlords
At last robots replace politicians and things get done, sort of. think of the pro/anti same sex marriage bill here in the wonderful land of Aus. -- Anon Guest
Everything is getting automated. Everything. There's a company of machines that are churning out placeholder, formulaic potboilers with mad lib plots. Humanity now finally values the creative spirit, because it is about the only thing that cannot be replicated by procedural machines. But even then, the machines are learning.
And, in an effort to take corruption out of politics, science has created automated politicians. Of course, the living ones attempted to pull every stunt they could to attempt to get rid of them. A few small counties elected machines, because few were interested in running podunk small counties. The political race came to that which was the most effective economic theory for the residents.
With this small-case data, the machines learned. They got better at their assigned task. Bit by bit, little by little, people realised that the machines were better at listening to what the majority wanted. Applying and even creating economic theory. Electronic politicians worked for less, didn't have living expenses, never got involved in sex scandals, never took bribes, and could be relied upon to maintain their projections.
It pretty much evolved into an advanced form of referendum and initiative, including trial and error as to which economic theory was the most effective.
The people loved it. The rich hated it. County by county, state by state, nation by nation, the rich ran out of places to run. And then... they had to pay their back-taxes. Which lead to an economic surge, which meant a better life for everyone. Even the people who the rich believed were undeserving.
There was universal basic income, which meant that the poorest had enough money to live, but not necessarily live comfortably. The playing field was more even, given that the people dictated what they wanted, the people could petition for initiatives they desired, the people could decide what worked and what didn't.
The world... changed. By slow degrees. The hold-outs for bad theories got to watch any gains they had crumble away as those who previously had no options, could opt out. And their foretellings of doom and civil collapse never came to pass.
The righteous got to see exactly where their righteousness led them, with more and more people moving away from what the righteous called good faith, and found another. Soon, those churches who feared sin and never read the words of their alleged God? Those were full of the old complainers who never once had a speck of charity in their hearts. If they were full at all, because the ranks of the allegedly righteous dwindled slowly. Death by slow death.
In brief, the meek finally inherited the Earth.
[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / leremy]
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your post is very good honest I am amazed with all your posts please advice a little to be like you thank
Best advice is:
Ideas that seem silly or demented can be fun. Play with words. Play with concepts. Switch things up and see what works versus what feels like a slog. And set your own pace with it. You aren't obligated to do the things some other person does.
Most benign overlords ever!